GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 Star Michael Rosenbaum Details Scrapped Plans For Martinex In The Sequel

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 Star Michael Rosenbaum Details Scrapped Plans For Martinex In The Sequel

SUPERMAN Star David Corenswet Auditioned For Adam Warlock In GOTG VOL. 3, But James Gunn Doesn't Remember
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SUPERMAN Star David Corenswet Auditioned For Adam Warlock In GOTG VOL. 3, But James Gunn Doesn't Remember

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Highflyer - 4/19/2020, 7:09 AM
Still need to watch volume 2. I loved the first which is kind of ironic.
dragon316 - 4/19/2020, 10:28 AM
@Highflyer - first one is better second one is good with parts of yandu and rocket but you watch to decide maybe third will be better from second one
Reeds2Much - 4/19/2020, 7:11 AM
Most franchises would be better off not making plans for sequels before their next installments are even produced.
KWilly - 4/19/2020, 7:21 AM
@Reeds2Much -
Iports - 4/19/2020, 7:20 AM
1st one was brilliant ! Was the odd ball in the MCU just stood out !

2nd was good but I didn’t enjoy it as much! I wasn’t keen on the villain

I hope that with the 3rd they Throw Adam warlock in almost as a assassin

But I dunno if that will happen maybe I’m wishing to much haha
WakandanQueen - 4/19/2020, 7:26 AM
Vol. 3 is probably the last one with this roster of characters.
tmp3 - 4/19/2020, 7:28 AM
Wonder what he'll do after GOTG 3. Big budget original films? He'd probably have the cache for it I'd assume
Origame - 4/19/2020, 8:05 AM
@tmp3 - well the original plan was for him to be the guy behind the cosmic side of the mcu. Doubt that'll happen all things considered. For what hes doing after this seems like we need to wait for the suicide squad to release first to make any kind of predictions.
marvel72 - 4/19/2020, 7:41 AM
No need for a fourth because we'll be hopefully have The Fantastic Four and The X-Men by then.

The Guardians Of The Galaxy can return in the next big movie event.

Its gonna be hard to get bigger than Infinity War and Endgame.
LeonNova - 4/19/2020, 8:32 AM
If there was a great story to tell for the fourth movie, I'd of course be open to seeing it, but Gunn made it clear a few years ago that the third film would be the end of this iteration of the team. I imagine at least one of them probably isn't gonna make it out alive, and the others may end up going their separate ways. I imagine we'll still see the surviving characters in future MCU films, but if we ever get a GOTGV4, it probably won't be helmed by Gunn and it'll probably feature a mostly new roster.
Kyos - 4/19/2020, 9:03 AM
I'm still just happy gets to make the third movie after all.
Doomsday8888 - 4/19/2020, 9:04 AM
Question is...does he have in mind a trilogy for Suicide Sauad as well?
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