MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE Live-Action Movie Has Finally Found Its He-Man!

MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE Live-Action Movie Has Finally Found Its He-Man!

MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE Live-Action Movie Sets 2026 Release; Synopsis Reveals Major Change To He-Man's Origin
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MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE Live-Action Movie Sets 2026 Release; Synopsis Reveals Major Change To He-Man's Origin

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MNLawyer - 1/22/2018, 6:28 AM
I hope they don't do "modern syfy" nonsense with this and go the GOTG/Thor3 route and embrace the weird and be true to the toys/comic/tv series
CaptainElrond - 1/22/2018, 6:34 AM
@MNLawyer - I wish taika was making this actually.
Fogs - 1/22/2018, 6:28 AM
Let's JUDGE this single image!!!!

Looks generic as [frick]!
Scarilian - 1/22/2018, 7:00 AM
@Fogs -

There are ten pieces of concept art on the Instagram, along with concept art apparently for a mech suit that Prince Adam/He-Man wears floating around.
Asmodeus - 1/22/2018, 6:32 AM
They plan to open against Episode 9? ... Good luck.
Scarilian - 1/22/2018, 6:39 AM
@Asmodeus -

Eh, Episode 9 will likely follow the trend and perform the same or weaker than TLJ.

Episode 9 was already delayed seven months from its original released date in May 2019 (presumably to distance itself from Avengers 4) I wouldn't be too surprised if it's pushed back to a May 2020 release date given the 'mixed' reception to Episode 8.
Asmodeus - 1/22/2018, 7:55 AM
@Scarilian - It was still the biggest movie of the year and episode 9 will no doubt be one of the biggest in 2019 so to open a less known property that targets a similar audience against what is sure to be a big box office film is foolish. They won't even get any Imax or premium screens because Disney will own them all for two weeks.
Scarilian - 1/22/2018, 8:17 AM
@Asmodeus -

True, the competition is going to be bad for both movies, primarily He-Man.

I still think with the direction that He-Man is heading, as shown in the concept art, that it's going to flop regardless of what it's up against.
CMgeek - 1/22/2018, 9:18 AM
@Scarilian - SONY can't move cos it's the end of their rights to the property
Scarilian - 1/22/2018, 10:08 AM
@CMgeek -

I'm actually expecting Star Wars to move, not for the sake of competition, but because moving it to May 2020 would give them more time to work on the movie and to have a larger audience than a December release.

I could see Star Wars 9 making a lot more money if it was a Summer 2020 release instead of a Winter 2019 release.
BringFFtoMCU - 1/22/2018, 6:37 AM
Absolutely loved MOTU as a kid. Please don't mess this up!
Scarilian - 1/22/2018, 6:37 AM
This looks really bad.

Flipping the Instagram image you see it's a bunch of concept art of varying spaceships and a very technologically advanced castle for the heroes and a flying spaceship for the villains that resembles a ram's skull.
AgeofHeroes - 1/22/2018, 6:38 AM
you are definitely dead...against star wars??
WYLEEJAY - 1/22/2018, 6:40 AM
There's more concept art out there that shows a tech covered He man. That's the direction this is going, so be prepared to be disappointed.
UltimateCarnage - 1/22/2018, 6:45 AM
Sony Pictures lining up another box office home run I see.
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