Most articles on this site uses a great introduction to lure the viewers to read what the writer took his time to write. Me, no. I got an interesting headline, a nice teaser, and i’m T’Challa dammit! The King of Wakanda! Now without further or do, allow me to say that what you are about to read may contains SPOILERS due to the fact that I am using leaked info about the MCU. If you don’t want to be spoiled, STOP READING NOW!
At the end of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Hulk reportedly gets sent to space. We’ve gotten denials from Mark Ruffalo, Joss Whedon, and Kevin Feige himself regarding there being a Planet Hulk film. Yet, it was never denounced that the Hulk would be somewhere in the galaxy during Phase 3. Almost every Marvel scooper has stated that this will happen in one way or another. Only a couple of them actually gave a clue about what we might see. Today I gather all that information to make a few theories as to what Phase 3 might be like with or without the Green Goliath.
IF THE HULK APPEARS: If Banner/Hulk appears in Captain America’s third film then that means he never went to space, Team Captain America has a high chance of losing, Team Iron Man has a Hulk, and this article is pointless...
IF THE HULK DOES NOT APPEAR: The Hulk was in space during the Civil War comic arc so if he’s not in the film we could get an idea on where he’s at…
So we’re not getting a Planet Hulk film but that doesn’t mean he won’t be on Planet Sakaar!
IF THE HULK APPEARS: It could go down like this: Doctor Banner (The Hulk) could work alongside Dr. Strange (The Sorcerer Supreme). Who knows? We could probably get a mini version of The Defenders on film!
IF THE HULK DOES NOT APPEAR: Hulk is on Planet Sakaar.
IF THE HULK APPEARS: This has been a popular theory in the past and present day. The theory is that Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 will be based on the Planet Hulk storyline. The Guardians will visit Planet Sakaar and help the Hulk/Banner fight (and maybe fight the Hulk themselves) and get back home to Earth. That will be just in time for the Infinity War!
IF THE HULK DOES NOT APPEAR: If the mean green fighting machine isn’t in GOTG2, I’m pretty sure that we’ll get an easter egg about what the Hulk is up to!
IF THE HULK APPEARS: If you read my breakdown of Spider-Man being in the MCU, then you know that Sony is allowed to use TWO major Marvel characters. We know that Iron Man might be one of them, so could Banner/Hulk be the other? Imagine this... Scientist Doctor Bruce Banner being a mentor to Young Peter Parker with gadgets, webbing, and SCIENCE! While Iron Man is training Spidey to become an Avenger! This could be connected to my Captain America: Civil War theory above and let’s us know that Team Iron Man won the war.
IF THE HULK DOES NOT APPEAR: Hulk is on Planet Sakaar.

IF THE HULK APPEARS: Now that Loki has killed the All-Father, knowing him he would want become king of every realm so he could rule them all! But how would he do this? This is where the Hulk comes in! While the Hulk/Banner is floating around in space he would be seen by Heimdall which would make him alert Odin/Loki. Upon finding this out Odin/Loki will immediately bring Banner/Hulk to Asgard as a prisoner.
Does this sound familiar? Well it should because this is similar to what happened in the animated direct to video movie Hulk Vs Thor. In Hulk Vs Thor, Hulk was the closest one to bring the world universe to Ragnarok. It could be very similar in the film. In particularly by splitting the Hulk and Banner into two separate beings. Loki mind controlling the Hulk and using him as his warrior to destroy the realms and Thor will have to fight the against the Hulk and protect Bruce at the same time. If Loki sends the Hulk to attack earth we could possibly see some elements of World War Hulk. But more on WWH later...
In the end I believe (like the Ragnarok story in the comics) that Thor will die in this film only to be brought back to life by DNA replicating or having his soul revived via the soul gem! If he does not kick the bucket, he might be placed in a galactic prison (like one scoop has claimed). I believe that the Hulk and Banner may stay split and go their separate ways. Banner returning to earth while the Hulk goes to Planet Sakaar returning with his Sakaaran warriors in Avengers 3 to help fight Thanos. The split will help build on the relationship between the Hulk and Banner as Mark Ruffalo describes it as, “Bruce being afraid of the Hulk as the Hulk is afraid of Bruce.”
IF THE HULK DOES NOT APPEAR: Hulk is on Planet Sakaar BUT we could get an after credit scene with the Hulk that set’s up the plot for Infinity War Pt. 1.

IF THE HULK APPEARS: The ones who first reported that the Hulk will be sent to space is Latino-Review. It is also good to note that this was a scoop prior to us knowing that Avengers 3 would be a two part film titled Infinity War. In that scoop they said that the Hulk going to space would lead to a Planet Hulk film and then a World War Hulk storyline for Avengers 3. Now as we know, Latino-Review is on point when it comes down to Marvel scoops… arguably. I still believe that Infinity War Pt. 1 would be based on World War Hulk. It could go down like this:
At the end of Avengers: Age Of Ultron The Hulk is thwarted out into space! The way it can go down is that it could either be a mind controlled Hulk who sees the Avengers as bad guys right before being shipped off the planet. If not that, Hulk could be sent off the planet accidentally aboard the quinjet. While on Planet Sakaar The Hulk becomes very popular and his name is being thrown around the galaxy (hence the easter egg in GOTG2).
It was already stated that Hulk and Banner are sort of two different people inside one body. Banner could be the one who wants to go back to Earth while the Hulk loves the attention and fame he get’s on Sakaar. Let’s face it, the Hulk is able to be himself there! From there, I can see the Hulk becoming the more dominant one out of the two and he takes full control. While this is happening it will catch the eye of another powerful being in the galaxy. That will be none other than the mad titan Thanos! Thanos might destroy Planet Sakaar and blame it on the people of Midgard, persuading the Hulk that he should seek revenge. If not that, it can always be some form of mind control that comes into play. The Hulk will then becomes an ally of Thanos to retrieve the Infinity stones for him! That would set up the first part of Avengers 3 to actually be Avengers: War Of Infinity and The Hulk!
Get it? A mixture of World War Hulk and Infinity War? No? Okay.
Anyway, we won’t see all this happen on film but it will be explained in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1. Like past scoops have stated, Infinity War Pt. 1 might not feature the original Avengers. Captain America is supposed to be dead, Thor is supposed to be in a galactic prison, and Black Widow could also be placed in prison because she isn’t a “registered hero”. The only one who might be around from the original team is Iron Man! I’ll let you guys piece together the roster that it could be in that film. But that’s that!
This film will deal with the aftermath of the War and have our heroes fight the big baddie Thanos. The Mad Titan will have all of the Infinity Stones thanks to The Hulk and basically every character that Marvel has the rights to will appear in this film to help take down Thanos! Could Wolverine appear in Infinity War ONE or TWO? Click here to find out!
What do you guys think? Does at least ONE of these scenarios sound plausible or is it all rubbish?
This is T’Challa, King of Wakanda, reporting courtesy of the Wakandan News Network via! Sound off below!