Today I went to the Stan Lee and Pow! Entertainment sponsored Comikaze Expo at the LA Convention Center, and Stan “The Man” Lee, was having a Q & A talking about his favorite character’s, of coarse "Silver Surfer” was brought up many times; and Marvels plans on making Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, and Black Panther. Stan talked about how Marvel Studios are discussing and planning to make solo movies for these diverse characters, and discusses the studio's plans to have these movies ready before the end of the decade, and quite soon in theaters; now many of you guys can take this with a grain of salt, especially when Stan Lee doesn’t really have any say in any of the Marvel movies except when making his cameo’s.
Stan Lee also made a funny statement about his cameos that might grab fan boys attention, one fan asked which cameo he liked doing for one of the marvel movies, and he responded very charismatically without saying “all of them”; “well I liked my cameo in The Amazing Spider-man because it showed me as a man of many [talents] it showed me as a man [who loves music], the way I conducted with my hands, but the cameo I recently did for the movie Iron-Man 3 which I really think is my greatest cameo yet, I will actually be acting in that one!” There are a few of my own interpretation’s of what he said, with mostly the words he did say; it was quite long so I forget a couple things; but you get what he was saying.
So what do you guys think, are you excited for Stan Lee’s cameo in Iron-Man 3, are you excited for Iron-Man 3? Please sound off below.