Gwyneth Paltrow has had an impressive and varied acting career, but she'll always be Pepper Potts to comic book fans. The actor made her MCU debut in 2008's Iron Man and has since appeared in an additional six Marvel Studios movies.
Those are Iron Man 2, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame. Paltrow, however, doesn't remember too many of them.
"That can't be right. I can’t have been in seven. Is that true?" she wondered in the video below before suggesting at least some of her confusion stems from Marvel Studios' secretive nature. "They keep it all very top secret. They think they’re the CIA over there, like it’s national secrets."
"That’s why I didn’t know I was in 'Spider-Man.' They never said. There were no signs that said Spider-Man. The script didn’t even say Spider-Man. It’s all a secret."
The interviewer asked Paltrow about Captain America: Brave New World (a pretty strong indication this conversation took place at least a couple of months ago). After admitting she didn't even know what that was, the actor trailed off after hinting something else might be in the works.
That's likely Avengers: Doomsday or Avengers: Secret Wars, two movies set to put a Doctor Doom Variant with Tony Stark's face front and centre.
Paltrow was also shown a clip from Iron Man and remarked, "It’s not a great wig, guys. Let’s face it. We had so much fun on this movie. It felt like an independent movie."
"Jon [Favreau], Robert [Downey Jr.] and I improvised all day every day. There was a lot of rewriting. We’d go to Jon’s trailer in the morning and the three of us would improv," she continued. "It’s not typical to do that on a big budget action movie. Jon was so brilliant and he wanted it to feel like it had a reality to it and that it was character-based."
"There was no pressure on us," Paltrow added. "Nobody thought it would turn into anything. The studio felt they had taken this big risk with Robert as a leading man and it probably won’t even be a hit. And then it came out and it changed the course of that studio."
We last saw Pepper suiting up as Rescue to help turn the tide against Thanos; later, she was shown mourning her husband, Iron Man, after he made the ultimate sacrifice to save the universe. That left Petter alone to raise their daughter, Morgan.
You can watch the full interview with Paltrow in the player below.