Jonah Hex is finally getting the recognition he deserves. With a recent episode on Batman: The Brave and the Bold and soon to be turned into a full length major motion picture starring Josh Brolin and Megan Fox.
When asked about her role Fox states:
“I worked the first week, and then I was shot out of the movie,” explained the beautiful Megan Fox, who can be seen in tomorrow's “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.” “My scenes with Josh were my favorite, because he really pushed me as an actor. He obviously knows what he’s doing.”
Megan Fox also talks about how serious Josh Brolin is taking this role and how Josh has helped her improve her acting skills:
“He’s a really amazing acting coach,” He wouldn't let me slide and do the things that I'm comfortable doing. Like, he really made me uncomfortable. He made me work - which I appreciate. I think that will hopefully pay off for me.”
Megan goes on to say that Josh approached this role with the same level of intensity that he had when he turned in his Oscar-nominated work in “Milk.
Although Megan Fox has only a cameo in Jonah Hex some are saying that this is her best acting performance she has turned into date.