JUSTICE LEAGUE Director Zack Snyder Reveals Plan To Restore Superman's Humanity In Scrapped Sequels

JUSTICE LEAGUE Director Zack Snyder Reveals Plan To Restore Superman's "Humanity" In Scrapped Sequels

THOR Star Chris Hemsworth In Talks For Lead Role In Paramount's TRANSFORMERS/G.I. JOE Crossover Movie
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Jaspion - 6/6/2016, 7:21 AM

MattBellissimo - 6/6/2016, 7:25 AM
@Jaspion - That's the best I could do bro, sorry! LOL
YeezusWept - 6/6/2016, 7:23 AM
Toecutter - 6/6/2016, 7:27 AM
I miss the DCAU...

Kyos - 6/6/2016, 7:40 AM
@TheToecutter - So much...

ANewPope - 6/6/2016, 7:47 AM
@Kyos - Bruh, I'm STILL not over that scene.
Toecutter - 6/6/2016, 7:49 AM
@Kyos - It was so perfect. It could be enjoyed by both children and adults; something today's animation lacks for whatever reason.

Supes17 - 6/6/2016, 7:53 AM
@Kyos - Batman talking to DCEU :(
Toecutter - 6/6/2016, 7:56 AM
@Kyos - That scene, man...

GuardianAngel - 6/6/2016, 8:22 AM
@TheToecutter - 2 Shows that anyone who loved the DCAU should watch: Batman: The Brave and the Bold and Green Lantern: The Animated Series. The first one is a clear love letter to the Silver Age by people who really love Batman. Many people didn't give GL a chance because it was CG, but wow, does that help the show! It takes place 95% in space with a great Star Trek/Guardians of the Galaxy vibe.
Toecutter - 6/6/2016, 8:28 AM
@GuardianAngel - I actually never saw Batman: The Brave and the Bold. (Been wanting to)

But I did see Green Lantern: The Animated Series, and man was I furious when they cancelled it.
LEOSTRATOR - 6/6/2016, 7:28 AM
It looks a little Teen Titans Go-ish, and that's not good.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/6/2016, 7:45 AM
Honestly the designs do look very Bruce Timm/DCAU influence.

I mean just look at that Joker design.
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