In January, Cartoon Network announced a new DC animated series titled Justice League: Action. The show, which will feature Kevin Conroy returning to the role of Batman, features the 'Big Three' leading the Justice League in short, action-oriented adventures. At Kre8tif Conference 2016 this past weekend, some character designs were shown, providing a look at some of the characters we'll be seeing in the series. Along with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, there's also Martian Manhunter, Lobo, Hawkman, Shazam, and more! The image is low-quality, but you can still identify the characters below.
The series will also deliver an all-star lineup of regular and guest cast voices, including Mark Hamill as Joker, James Woods as Lex Luthor, Diedrich Bader as Booster Gold and many more. Sam Register (Teen Titans Go!) serves as executive producer with Butch Lukic (Justice League, Batman Beyond), Alan Burnett (Batman: The Animated Series) and Jim Krieg (Green Lantern: The Animated Series) are serving as producers.
What do you think of the lineup? Who would you like to see in the show? Sound off below!