The First Full JUSTICE LEAGUE Reviews Are Finally Here And They're Decidedly Mixed
We've been waiting what feels like forever for these but the first Justice League reviews are finally here and it doesn't look like the DC Comics adaptation's Rotten Tomatoes score will be all that great!
We've all been waiting on tenterhooks for the first wave of Justice League reviews to be released, especially as so much hype has been built around them and the fact that Rotten Tomatoes has chosen to hold back the movie's score. Well, here they are, and...the verdict doesn't appear to be that great! While many critics were positive in their Tweets, their comments don't seem to really reflect that.
The reviews aren't overwhelmingly negative by any means but most seem to agree that while this is a step in the right direction for Warner Bros.' DC Films Universe, it's no Wonder Woman and the work of Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon has ultimately resulted in a rather messy and straightforward affair.
We'll obviously be able to make our own minds up this Friday but these do make for interesting reading! Be warned that some of the reviews feature spoilers but none of the excerpts we've included below ruin anything! Oh, and don't fret because there are at least some critics who have had something good to say and the overall consensus is far more positive than Batman v Superman!
To view the list of reviews in its entirety, simply click on the VIEW LIST (ONE PAGE) button below!
Snyder and Whedon guide it all with the usual heavy hand and with a visual style that's both gloomy and garish. Many shots are elaborated upon with effects-powered pools of disco-era lighting, zig-zaggy electrical charges and visualized power currents that fill in the compositions in unattractive ways. One only has to recall for a moment the rich images that Christopher Nolan and Wally Pfister consistently created for the Dark Knight trilogy to realize how far these Superman films are from any kind of pictorial distinction. Of the main performers, only Gadot pops from the screen at all. For now, her Wonder Woman looks to be the savior of Batman and Superman, though you may end up wondering why she's wasting her time.
SOURCE: The Hollywood Reporter
The narrative of Justice League may have suffered from the director swap, sometimes feeling no need to explain certain elements or wrap up others. None of the elements are significant enough, however, to damage the fun viewing experience which does exactly what Justice League always needed to: leave fans wanting more of the best DC heroes. Justice League is the real deal. It's an epic ensemble of super heroes. It's the most fun you'll have with Batman and his super friends, until their next adventure together, and marks the beginning of a brand new era of super heroes on the DC side of the spectrum. [4/5]
Warner Bros. and DC Films had two major goals to achieve with Justice League. First, to cleanse the palette of those turned off by the relentlessly grim BvS; and second, to make viewers enjoy these superheroes enough to want to see further screen appearances by them. Justice League mostly succeeds in accomplishing those two key objectives, despite its sloppy execution. It’s messy and flawed but it still offers enough entertainment value (mostly thanks to its likable characters) to make it worthwhile. [7.0]
The Justice League is finally on screen in live action! This is a big deal! The movie, however, isn’t a big deal. At least when you walked out of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice or Suicide Squad, you had some sort of reaction — even if it was negative. When you walked out of Wonder Woman, you also had a reaction, which was likely very positive. Justice League, however, leaves you with no reaction, because it means nothing. It’s not good enough to get excited about and it’s not bad enough to get worked up about. It’s just there — mediocre, forgettable, and insignificant. [6.5]
SOURCE: Bleeding Cool
So Justice League leaves you hoping for next time. Did you like the brief trip to Atlantis? Wait until you see Aquaman. Did you like Wonder Woman taking on a leadership role? Wonder Woman 2 arrives November 2019. Did you laugh at all of Flash’s lines? Well there might be a Flashpoint movie down the road. Next time we’ll get it right. Next time we’ll be hopeful enough. Next time you’ll care about the villain. Next time you’ll get a Justice League that will really knock your socks off, but thanks acknowledging that at least this one isn’t as bad as Batman v Superman. The only thing that “saves” Justice League is a low bar and more promises. [D+]
SOURCE: Collider
CGI villains also continue to plague the DC superhero lineup. Doomsday was a huge miss in BvS, Ares was atrocious in Wonder Woman, and Steppenwolf is another large fail. Cate Blanchett, currently vamping it up in Thor: Ragnarok, is a reminder that there’s something special about a tangible villain. But Justice League does more right than wrong. Instead of having its heroes punch each other a lot, most of the tension comes from philosophical differences on what it means to serve the greater good, and the movie also pays homage to what’s come before, with Danny Elfman’s phenomenal score successfully weaving and twisting Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman themes. From sounds to characters, Justice is indeed served.
It’s obvious to anyone watching Justice League next to the other DC films that the studio brass handed down a mandate to lighten the mood and make things funnier and more Marvel-y. And, to an extent, Justice League accomplishes that. But it also feels like so much attention was paid to the smaller, fizzier character moments that the bigger picture of the film’s overarching plot was a second or third priority. Some day, hopefully soon, DC will get the recipe right again and duplicate Wonder Woman’s storytelling magic. But today isn’t that day, and Justice League unfortunately isn’t that film. [C+]
SOURCE: Entertainment Weekly
Justice League is at its best when focused squarely on the heroes and their interactions, and it's a shame that so much time is spent on bringing them all together, as the film never really takes off until the team is formed. But the majority of the second half is exactly the kind of thing DC fans have long dreamed of seeing on the big screen, with Wonder Woman slashing away at Steppenwolf while Batman keeps an army of parademons at bay and The Flash zips in and out of the room to rescue hostages. There's an undeniable joy in watching the publisher's most iconic characters team up to kick some alien ass, and Justice League delivers just the sort of fun and exciting adventure the DCEU needs to keep this franchise moving in the right direction.
SOURCE: Spoiler TV
Warner Bros. doesn’t seem to have settled on a consistent tone — or even a range of tones — for their superhero epics in the way that their distinguished competition at Marvel has, but what works here comes very close to overpowering all the things that don’t. (Believe the rumors about Henry Cavill’s badly-digitally-hidden mustache, though.) “Justice League” may not represent the alchemic assemblage that “The Avengers” was, but now that these super not-quite-friends have saved their universe, they might eventually rescue their cinematic one as well.
SOURCE: The Wrap
Credit to Snyder for bringing together the right people for the job, as they salvage much of what is broken otherwise here. In the end, JUSTICE LEAGUE comes together as a launching off point kind of film, rather than the end-all-be-all JUSTICE LEAGUE film we've been waiting for. But, is that really a bad thing? Perhaps that's just what was needed and it's very likely most people will walk out wanting to see more of these characters in solo efforts or sequels and that's a good bit of hope to take with you out of the theater.
Steppenwolf, who threatens to achieve total dominion over everyplace and everyone, has gathered three ancient boxes of pulsating energy known as Mother Boxes, and I will spare you their complicated and meaningful backstory to just say: They are boxes. Bursting with light. And great power. It all plays as more than a bit arbitrary, given that their power, like Steppenwolf’s, is metaphysical, while the climactic battle is rooted in the corporeal — lots of gut punches and swinging broadswords. How does one defeat the other? The same way that everything else happens in a movie like “Justice League”: by looking fierce and staying with the program.
SOURCE: Variety
All of the shiny new heroes and witty one-liners and color, oh, sweet color, draws the eye, but there's still something rotten at the center of all this, keeping it from becoming the epic team-up it strives to be. It certainly doesn't help that Justice League arrives after Wonder Woman, a breath of fresh air, and Thor: Ragnarok, so goofy and original and dynamic. How do you solve a problem like the DC Extended Universe, then? I'm not sure there is an easy answer, but there are pieces crammed into Justice League that are promising. And that's all it takes to stay excited about what could come.
SOURCE: Entertainment Tonight
I’m happy to say, fans on both sides of the DCEU debate will get plenty of what they hope for, while mainstream audiences are definitely going to be perhaps the most all-around pleased and enthusiastic about Justice League. It retains enough of the DNA of the previous films to be recognizable as their successor, while carving out a new space closer to the tone and style of action-adventure superheroism found in Wonder Woman. And it offers average movie-goers the sort of chest-swelling sense of heroism and pure joyful entertainment they love and reward with their hard-earned dollars at the box office.
SOURCE: Forbes
Despite all of these problems, which can’t be ignored, Justice League isn’t entirely unenjoyable. There are good, cute and funny moments that the editing team should be applauded for, but there aren’t enough to distract from the beautiful, chaotic mess that Justice League ends up being. It’s difficult to try and explain whether Justice League fails or succeeds as a movie because the film feels like it’s still trying to figure out what it wants to be. I just know that I wanted Justice League to be better than the movie I saw.
SOURCE: Polygon
Which is to say, all of it – the big, overarching problem. Zack Snyder started Justice League, really, way back with Man of Steel and through to Batman v Superman. Those movies weren't for everyone, but they were at least going for something, cohering in singular dourness, over-complexity, idiosyncrasies and stylish action. Mix that with Whedon's fizzy, upbeat, quippy collection of "moments" and ensemble balancing-acts and you've got a combination along the lines of toothpaste and orange juice. "But it's ... fun! There are some great moments!" you may have read from the apology press, the increasingly identifiable group of chronically agreeable movie writers who've been carefully groomed by studios to say only nice things – or nothing at all – to keep the invites rolling in for early screenings, paid junket trips and red-carpet premiere parties. And of course they're enjoying some big, melty chocolate bits in this giant supercookie. But look carefully at their uneasy faces as they chew and swallow. Or just listen for the faint crunching sounds.
SOURCE: Mashable
It’s breezily fun at times, in a what-the-hey way. But, lumbered with a story that struggles to find resonance beyond its improbable plot devices and preposterous MacGuffinry, Justice League isn’t about to steal Avengers’ super-team crown. [2/5]
SOURCE: Empire Online
Justice League is the DC team-up you’ve been waiting for. I had so much fun from beginning to end. The expansion of DC mythology will make fans go nuts. Superman’s return will make you really happy. Justice League does have its flaws, but the fun negated most of that for me. The cast was amazing. Favorite characters were Flash and Aquaman. The final post-credits scene will make you scream! [7.5]
SOURCE: Heroic Hollywood
Justice League is rough, uneven, and downright ugly at times, but stripping away those serious flaws reveals a near-perfect take on heroic icons, a step forward for the DCEU, and a promise of greatness to come. Even with its imperfections, it's a damn good time that captures the spirit of the mythos, demonstrating that DC has finally found its footing. We cannot wait to see where all of the seeds planted in Justice League go from here. [3.5/5]
SOURCE: Cinema Blend
Gadot as Wonder Woman is a bright spot, a reminder of her wondrous stand-alone film from this summer. But the snippets of scenes with the Amazons won't satisfy anyone looking for more Amazonian fun, and the way the camera lasciviously lingers on low-angle shots of Gadot's body is a clear indication of the difference between the male and female gaze on film. With "Batman vs. Superman," it seemed, sadly, the death of "goofy Batman" – the Batman of the '90s, with cheesy puns and silly costumes. But the breathtakingly bad "Justice League," with its corny banter and terrible effects just might signify a return to that goofy Batman form. This just happens to be a very rough bump in the road on the way. [1.5/5]
SOURCE: Miami Herald
In the end, though, there is something ponderous and cumbersome about Justice League; the great revelation is very laborious and solemn and the tiresome post-credits sting is a microcosm of the film’s disappointment. Some rough justice is needed with the casting of this franchise. [2/5]
SOURCE: Guardian
By time “Justice League” gets to the finish line and credits — stick around, there is an abysmal mid-credits scene, and a decent enough post-credits scene — exhaustion has long set in. Witnessing the seams and stitches where Warner Bros. and DC tried so very hard to make “Justice League” work becomes wearying with each unsuccessful attempt to land a joke, and action scene that fails to engage. Coupled with endless, dry exposition about the dangers the superhero team will face (the first half of the movie is particularly thick with it), the movie accumulates into a wave of bad decisions that are taxing to endure. This isn’t the worst movie you’ll see this year, but it’s by far the most worked over, which makes “Justice League” belong in an undistinguished category all its own. [C-]
SOURCE: The Playlist
This gives us something to look ahead to, if DC can maintain a cohesive vision and not just throw titles against the wall in the hope of creating evanescent excitement among the fan base. Justice League may not leave us feeling like all is now well within the DC film universe (which it decidedly is not, given the murky status of so many projects, including the next Batman and Superman outings), but combined with Wonder Woman, it shores up that universe’s underpinnings and provides a place from which the team and its members can move forward. That, for now, may be an achievement in itself.
SOURCE: Den of Geek
For a scene that risible to end up in a $300 million blockbuster is no mean feat – but Justice League is a mess in ways cheaper productions could only dream about. A post-credits scene dutifully teases more to come, but the film’s heart just isn’t in it. After Justice League, there’s nowhere else any of this can go. [1/5]
SOURCE: Telegraph
Even at their most formulaic, Marvel films exude a goofy buoyancy that suggests that their makers understand the inherent pleasure in producing movies stuffed with superheroes. Justice League occasionally projects a little fan-boy glee, but there’s no awe or pizzazz in Snyder’s visuals. The closest it comes to realizing the emotional resonance it ultimately flails to achieve is through some thankless supporting work from Amy Adams as Lois Lane, who’s mourning Superman’s death on a much more personal level than those around her. The film also grieves his absence — and the audience pines for the character’s charm and boyish wonder, which are in short supply here
SOURCE: Screen Daily
As the Justice League ponders what it can do about Superman's absence, viewers can ponder whether the marketplace is big enough for a superhero franchise that doesn't begin with M. With yet another DC film promoted at the tail end of the "Justice League" credits, it would be nice if the answer is yes.
SOURCE: Los Angeles Times
Don't rule out the possibility that a movie dedicated to Aquaman (on the schedule for 2018) or the Flash might be fun, but the Justice League itself needs to disband.
SOURCE: The Globe And Mail
This Justice League in a post-Wonder Woman world is really a drag. Obviously, we all know the DC films will look radically different after Justice League as Warner Bros. takes these films in a new direction, but that doesn’t mean this movie isn’t a huge letdown. I’ll get yelled at on the internet for this review by DC fans (eh, it’s fine) but these characters mean the world to me – especially The Flash and Superman. But it wasn’t meant to be this time.
SOURCE: Uproxx
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