The JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie: Facts, Rumors, & Fiction - What We Know So Far

The JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie: Facts, Rumors, & Fiction - What We Know So Far

Facts, rumors, and fiction regarding the upcoming Justice League film that we have heard, read and seen so far for one of the most anticipated comic book movies ever

Editorial Opinion
By LEVITIKUZ - Sep 11, 2012 09:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

Now I grew up a DC fan. I was a 90’s baby. I also grew up on Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, Static Shock, and Justice League. I’ve always loved to see what the Justice League movie would look like on the big screen. I’ve watched countless fan made trailers. Now I also love Marvel. I have a lot of respect for what they did with their movies and I loved The Avengers. I’m sure a lot of Marvel fans dreams were realized when they saw The Avengers fighting together on the big screen. It seems WB’s wants to do the same with the Justice League. Fans have wanted this for years. I believe it the movie is done right, it could be better than the Avengers. A lot of rumors, facts, and bull have been revealed about the Justice League movie. Some fans believe the rumors. I think we need to take a step back and look at what are fact, rumor, and fiction.


Henry Cavill Will Be Superman In The Justice League Movie – FACT

It seems like WB’s wants Man of Steel to be the first movie of their DC Movie Universe. Henry Cavill stars as Superman and signed on for at least 3 movies and they added on 3 more to a total of 6 movies as Superman for Cavill.

Ryan Reynolds Will Return As Green Lantern – RUMOR

We really have no idea on this one. After the disappointment in 2010’s Green Lantern, WB’s still doesn’t have an answer of what to make of the movie. I’ve heard and read reports that Green Lantern will be rebooted, reports that Reynolds will be back. We don’t know.

Christian Bale Will Return As Batman – FICTION

I would love nothing more than for Bale to don the cape and cowl once more and return as Batman, but that fantasy won’t happen. Bale has said he is done with Batman and that he would only do Justice League if Christopher Nolan was involved and Nolan told WB’s he doesn’t want any part of the Justice League movie.


We Don’t Know The Villain Of The Film – FACT

We don’t know much about the film but one of the film’s mysteries is who the villain is? The fan favorite seems to be Darkseid which makes sense. Whoever the villain is, they need to be deadly enough to crush Superman but can still be beaten by the Justice League. It shows how Superman needs help.

LOBO Is The Villain – RUMOR

When fans hear Lobo may be in the Justice League movie they freaked out. I’m cool with Lobo but since the script is done, there is no way they will put Lobo in it if the script is as good as they say. Lobo will at the most be a cameo, wouldn’t mind him have a small fight scene with the JL but he is the villain. It hasn’t been confirmed nor denied.

Lex Luthor Is The Villain – FICITION

Lex will most likely not be in the JL movie as the main villain. He doesn’t even seem to be in the Man of Steel so there is no way he will be introduced as the villain in the JL movie. He could be the villain in a sequel but not now, not yet.

People Who Are Involved

Will Beall Wrote The Screenplay for The Justice League Movie – FACT

On June 5, we heard that Will Beall will be writing the screenplay to the Justice League movie. After he wrote it he showed it to acclaimed comic book writer Mark Millar who wrote Kick-Ass, Wanted, and many other comics. Millar said this about the Justice League screenplay that Beall wrote:
“His take on the team is incredible. Very real-world and not at all what you might expect. WB has a chequered history with their superhero characters. They're great with their boy wizards, but less consistent with their DC stable. But my chum said that this could be a thing of beauty and has been in the works for a little while now, not just an Avengers knock-off. Best of luck to them. The tidbits I heard sound quite dark and mature, which isn't what I expected. But word on Gangster Squad is great too so I feel this is in really good hands.”

A List of Directors WB’s Is Looking At Includes Snyder, Affleck, and others – RUMOR

On August 29th, a list of directors were revealed that included Ben Affleck, The Watchowskis, Ratner, Zack Snyder, Ruben Fleischer and McG. We honestly don’t know if this source is credible. We heard Affleck was involved and approached but a couple days ago he said he wasn’t approached or asked. This list could just as well come from a fanboy. It could be true, it could be false, and that’s why it’s a rumor.

Christopher Nolan Is Involved In The Justice League Movie – FICITION

Even if Nolan was on as a producer and nothing more, I would feel a whole lot more confidence in the Justice League movie then I do now. Nolan singlehandedly not only brought the Batman movie franchise back but made it the top dog. His Batman trilogy is the best comic book trilogy ever and doesn’t look like anything can top it (for now). Now that Nolan brought back Batman he looks to do the same with Superman. WB’s has been impressed with Nolan’s work that they asked him to direct JL and he said no. He went on to say he’s not involved in the Justice League movie.

Movies To Be Part Of This World

The Snyder Superman Series To Be A Part Of JL And Batman To Begin His Series After JL – FACT

As I said it seems that the people in WB’s will have Snyder’s Man of Steel be a part of this universe and any future movies from Snyder’s Superman. It was also confirmed that the first we will see of the rebooted Batman will be in the JL movie. This is good because we know Batman. We don’t need another origin story about Batman. I’m excited to see how Batman is. I hope the next Batman’s suit is either based off the New 52 design or the Arkham Asylum or Arkham City game design.

Wonder Woman And Flash To Be Released After Justice League – RUMOR

Listen Wonder Woman and Flash have been in development for years. While yes I would love to see a movie about Wonder Woman and Flash, it doesn’t seem likely. Wonder Woman movie got a screenwriter in Michael Goldenberg. As of right now WB’s is trying to figure out how to make solo movies for both characters but as of right now it seems like the only chance we will see these characters is in the Justice League movie, for now.

Aquaman Will Have A Solo Movie – FICTION

To all die-hard comic book fans of Aquaman I’m sorry but I did this as a little joke. I love the New 52 Aquaman and hope they do something around that but as of right now there is no news that Aquaman will even be in the Justice League movie. I hope one day he gets a movie and some respect to the mainstream because he is viewed as a guy who can only talk to fish.

If one were to just look at what has been shown soon far as fact, then this movie is off to a good start and looks to be good. Every bit of new info posted that are rumors aren’t always true. How many times have we seen new information that Joseph Gordon-Levitt being Azrael or that Spider-Man will cameo in the Avengers. Thoughts?

HEROES Star Santiago Cabrera Reflects On Being Cast As Aquaman In George Miller's JUSTICE LEAGUE: MORTAL

HEROES Star Santiago Cabrera Reflects On Being Cast As Aquaman In George Miller's JUSTICE LEAGUE: MORTAL

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tonytony - 9/11/2012, 11:38 AM
Great post. Lex luthor is a great side villain but no way should he ever be the main villain for anyone.

Im really excited about this movie and if its done right what a film it could be
Zarog - 9/11/2012, 11:52 AM
I'll only believe this film is finally happening when filming starts. Until then, I just can't believe WB will be bringing it to the big screen, especially not by 2015. JL is such a big film that it's gonna cost a lot of money and require a lot more time on pre- and post-production than Batman or Man of Steel. I think WB wants to make the same kind of money that Marvel did on the Avengers, but I'm not sure they're as committed to making the investment that Marvel did. Having a DCMU would be awesome, but WB's definitely going to wait until the results of MoS come in. If the film is received poorly, or it doesn't make enough money to justify a sequel for Superman, then it is unlikely that plans for JL will move forward.

Overall a good writeup giving all the information we really know about the DCMU. Thanks Levitikuz.
EdgyOutsider - 9/11/2012, 11:57 AM
Great post, man. I am also a 90's baby but I didn't have the chance to watch some of the cartoons like Spider-Man, Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League. Although I watched the first two later in life, I still don't show interest in Justice League. I've always been a Marvel fan since day 1 but I have started to grow respect for DC. I still say Gore Verbinski cause of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies he made or David Yates cause of Harry Potter 5-7pt1 and pt2. I personally don't feel that Justice League can be better than The Avengers because it's extremely difficult to pull off and also because no matter how good it is, it still won't have the magical feeling that The Avengers had. Especially the moment when we see the group together as a team for the first time. Alot of people complained about Lobo. Personally, I don't see why. Have Darkseid hire him as a bounty hunter to take out the League. It makes perfect sense, plus he is a threat to Superman which makes him also a threat to the team. Lobo is more powerful than I think alot of people realize. I just don't see where their "Cinematic Universe" can work after Justice League cause then we won't have the chance of seeing the origins of the heroes unless they do prequels and go from there, which makes the most sense.

I don't mean to bash if that is what I did. I just wanted to give my respectful opinion.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 9/11/2012, 12:52 PM
Well done. gabriel macht should play the next Batman. If you watch Suits you would know that he could pla the perfect bruce wayne.
billytwohats - 9/11/2012, 12:53 PM
I hope they stick with Will Beale I read his novel LA Rex and it was terrific. I think he's an ex LA Cop so I think Will Beales' JLA will be darker and grittier than most expect.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 9/11/2012, 12:53 PM

Not to mention he looks the part
Thevenominside - 9/11/2012, 12:54 PM
this movie wont happen-FACT
Bobbywoodhogan - 9/11/2012, 1:00 PM
Sorry but this article is stupid Cavill has not been confirmed at all and no one knows how many movies he has signed on for. The person who wrote this needs to get their facts right.
Ha1frican - 9/11/2012, 1:02 PM
@TheLizard1 Spider-Man hasnt aged well, beter in yourmemory kind of deal but BTAS and Justice League are pretty much essential viewing
Ha1frican - 9/11/2012, 1:04 PM
@Stigmartyr Snyder was asked at San Diego Comic-Con and he said that if WB moves forward with Justice League Man of steel will be part of that universe. Nolan said that very early in pre-production
Maximus101 - 9/11/2012, 1:07 PM
@stigmartyr stop trolling bud and grow up.
luffycapri - 9/11/2012, 1:08 PM
I hope they cast some good American actors for Batman and superman in this movie, too many British actors these days play American heroes , na I just playing , I don't care who plays theses heroes , as long as there good actors, good to be back at
ComicBookSon - 9/11/2012, 1:13 PM
Why are you so eager to troll on any DC article?
ComicBookSon - 9/11/2012, 1:20 PM
DC fan or not, everyone hear should respect the shit out of JL. It was the platform for so many good things for both DC and Marvel.
ComicBookSon - 9/11/2012, 1:22 PM
*everyone here
jimpinto24 - 9/11/2012, 1:25 PM
Good post. They could have the JL battle The Elite. I would say Lex Luthor & The Joker or Lex Luthor & The Legion of Doom, but Lex Luthor will not be in Man of Steel or been talked about in future Superman films. As far as WW & Flash, I would like to see them get their own solo movies, but we will probably see them in the JL, and then they will probably get a spin off. I hope WB/DC do a good job when it comes to hiring a director for the JL movie.
Daniellantern - 9/11/2012, 1:25 PM
The idea of using Lobo as the villain is totally stupid idea. Lord Maxwell must be the main villain with Batman's satellite; Brother MK1 and O.M.A.C.
Superman/Batman would be nice story to begin the DC cinematic universe.
teinen - 9/11/2012, 1:27 PM
How about this, the film is from Lex Luthors POV, at least in the beginning, as a way to introduce the characters. Bryan Cranston for Lex, and directed by Vince Gilligan!
rbfn04 - 9/11/2012, 1:29 PM
Lex could work as the co-villain, working with Brainiac (tho I hate the "Brainiac as an AI thing").

Would love to see Darkseid as the villain.

Also, glad to see they plan on having Superman be the first superhero in the DC movies universe.
beane2099 - 9/11/2012, 1:31 PM
This needs to happen, so long as they give it the time and attention it needs. I could actually get behind General Zod as the heavy, believe it or not. Oddly enough, I also like the idea of having Aquaman as the movie's first villain. An invasion by Atlantis could be cool. Later, of course he could reluctantly join the JL when a bigger vilain shows. Darkseid's good too, but the first movie would be too soon for him.
billytwohats - 9/11/2012, 1:33 PM
I would put Batman at the very end. The first movie could deal with everyone except Bats. Bats could be introduced at the maybe as a secret protagonist. This will allow the director of the Batman movies greater creative control.
KingG - 9/11/2012, 1:42 PM
Wow, really nice article LEVITKUZ, nice to see another fellow DC fan lying around. Brilliant article.

I totally agree with most of your points, especially about HENRY CAVILL. I already knew from a source who shall be unamed that CAVILL's contract had him down for at least 2-3 more movies, so its likely for him to start the universe. And i really respect hoe you put that CHRISTIAN BALE in the JL movie bull to rest, I think its clear that he will not be playing BATMAN. But im rambling now so great article and hope to see more from you in the future.
NerdyGeek - 9/11/2012, 1:43 PM

Good stuff, you win food.

KingG - 9/11/2012, 1:45 PM
I would either want DARKSEID or the LEIGON OF DOOM.
webheaded - 9/11/2012, 1:46 PM
This entire film production is screwed...
KingG - 9/11/2012, 1:48 PM
I think they may do solo films after the JL becuz that would differentiate a lot from "you know who". Im going to be civil about it and not say anything about "the others". SHADE, sike.
valeriesghost - 9/11/2012, 1:52 PM
I'm sorry but you haven't posted any source link to any of these so called Facts. If anything the WB has been really obscure on most of this stuff. The only "facts" right now is that there is a script and MOS is coming out next year. Listing your sources will go a long way in making future editorials like this a little more believable.

That aside. I can't wait for this movie to come out. I really want to see a DCN52 version of Aquaman on the big screen. I hope it can happen sometime.

And i think using Darkseid in the JLA movie is a mistake. Not that they couldn't write a good story involving the character, but because of what The Avengers is doing with Thanos. These movies are already gonna be compared to each other frame by frame, no need to add full to the fire.

The WB has their work cut out for them, that's for sure.
billytwohats - 9/11/2012, 1:54 PM
You don't want to shoot you load too early (as it where). Batman is the most popular comic book character ever. The justice leagues vision of Batman may differ entirely from the director who directs the next Batman movie. Yeah definitely use Batman sparingly in the JLA to wet peoples appetite.
KingG - 9/11/2012, 1:54 PM
LEVITIKUZ, same to you bud. And i damn sure agree with you about BATMAN. Mr. Clooney is a great actor but he didnt give me a mysterious BRUCE or a darker, deep BATMAN, he was just................but KEATON was a great Batman his Bruce to me was just not what I grew up with, and i kind of liked KILMER way better than Clooney. But Bale was just [frick]in EPIC. I've never seen one man take one character and change our whole preception about BATMAN. So we'll see if someone can triumph over all of them.
Zarog - 9/11/2012, 1:54 PM
I want this movie to happen, but like I said, until filming starts I'm not gonna believe it. 2015 is definitely rushing it. Have the main characters been confirmed as GL, Supes, Bats, WW, and Cyborg? If they choose to use Reynolds as GL again, they're gonna have some work to do to rebuild the reputation they damaged with the 2011 film. I'm just not confident WB is really ready to try to make this thing work. Nolan and Cavill are likely a good start to building the JL, but hasn't Nolan said he doesn't want any involvement with JL? There's just so many things that need to be figured out for this film that WB has no idea on that I just can't believe them when they say they're shooting for a 2015 release date.
Ranger14 - 9/11/2012, 1:58 PM
There are conflicting and mixed reports out there as to whether Cavill is contracted to do Justice League, so I wouldn't consider that a fact as of yet.
valeriesghost - 9/11/2012, 1:59 PM
I think Sinestro would make for great villian for this film. You don't need to reboot GL, this is the best way to tie the movies in without spending the money on a reboot.
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