Ben Affleck Promises A "More Traditional" Batman In JUSTICE LEAGUE; New Image Of The Dark Knight Released
The depiction of The Dark Knight in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice was definitely met with a mixed reaction, but Ben Affleck promises his portrayal of the character in Justice League will be different.
We're still not 100% certain that Ben Affleck will return to play Bruce Wayne for Warner Bros.' planned solo Batman adventure, but we do know that he will be a major part of the upcoming Justice League movie.
Many fans were let down with the more ruthless depiction of the Caped Crusader we saw in Zack Snyder's divisive Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, but in a new interview with EW, Affleck promises we'll see a "more traditional" interpretation of the character when he returns to the big screen:
“BvS departed a little bit from the traditional Batman. He started out with all this rage directed at Superman, because of his coworkers who had died in the fight Superman had with Zod. He was holding on to a lot of anger, in a little bit of an irrational way, whereas this is a much more traditional Batman. He’s heroic. He does things in his own way, but he wants to save people, help people.”
So, can we assume this means Bats will be implementing his no-kill policy? Well, at the very least it sounds like we're in for a more comic-accurate version of the iconic DC hero.
“This is more in keeping with the canon of how Batman’s usually been portrayed, and how he’s portrayed vis a vis the Justice League in the comics. This is more the Batman you would find if you opened up your average Batman comic book. Not that it’s average, I think it’s a really cool story. Actually, it’s sort of a story about multilateralism. It’s not a bad theme to have!”
What do you make of Affleck's comments? Are you pleased that Batman will be easing off on the lethal force a little in Justice League? Sound off below.