Chances are most of you will know Jamie Dornan best for starring in the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise, though the Irish actor has a lot of varied credits to his name. That includes playing a serial killer in BBC's The Fall and a lead role in Kenneth Branagh's recently released Oscar favourite Belfast.
In other words, there's more to him than just Christian Grey, and that's something the actor is keen for people to know.
During a recent interview with the New York Times, Dornan expressed an interest in superhero movie roles and shared his admiration for Robert Pattinson. Remember, he's gone from starring in the (popular but critically panned) Twilight series to a number of acclaimed lower budget movies, before landing the role of the Dark Knight himself in 2022's The Batman.
"I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I feel like him and his people have played it really cleverly," Dornan says of Pattinson, who is also a friend. "Everything he’s done since ‘Twilight’ has been really smart and beautifully crafted, and those films aren’t financed on his name had he not been in these movies that made billions of dollars."
The site doesn't share a specific quote from the actor, but notes that "Dornan is open about the movies he covets, and he has met with the Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige about donning a cape and tights."
Marvel Studios frequently meets with actors and filmmakers to gauge interest in their upcoming projects, and while it might take a couple of years, something tells us we'll be seeing Dornan in the MCU. Who he could play remains to be seen, but it sounds like something the Irishman is keen to make a reality.
Who do you think Dornan could play?