After 10 years, The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the highest-grossing and most successful franchise based on a superhero universe. They have committed mistakes along the way, but they are known for learning from them. But without the Marvel Creative Committee, Marvel may not have made those mistakes and some specific Marvel films, such as Thor: The Dark World and Iron Man 2 may have been better. The Marvel Cinematic Universe may be one of Hollywood's "tent-poles". But they may be even more so if the Creative Committee was never formed. James Gunn quoted "The difficult thing about judging the influence of the Creative Commitee is that it really isn't known how much power they had. Could a director just ignore their notes and move on or would that just make them complain louder?"
James Gunn has said a few things about the Commitee which led thousands of fans to believe they had some influence over what ends up on screen. In a Facebook Q&A, he said that a committee gave him "messy" notes about Ronan the Accuser, resulting in the villain being a poor character. Perhaps, that is only gunn using a scapegoat to explain away a bad villain, but he did not stop there. In Vanity Fair, Gunn stated that the Committee wished to remove the Awesome Mix from the film. I doubt Gunn would be complaing about the Committee had they just been something he could ignore, which perhaps illuminates a bigger issue: how much did the Committee know about filmmaking?"
As I stated above, Thor: The Dark World may have been better, making 19 of the MCU films well-received commercially and critically. Marvel would have had much more control over the former if they convinced Universal to allow them to take the shots of the film. However, If I were to go back in time and change things, here's how the MCU would have been.
Iron Man 2
In Iron Man 2, Ivan Vanko could have been a full-fledged human being. Mickey Rourke vowed never to work on a superhero film after Marvel ruined his performance. One bad quote such as "I can make salute" seriously made fans outraged. Seriously, what was The Creative Committee thinking? But that might have changed if his performance was better. Demon In a Bottle would have been the main storyline instead of borrowing elements from various Iron Man storylines.
Iron Man 3
When Iron Man 3 was in production, Jon Favreau was set to direct Iron Man 3. But after the poor results from Iron Man 2, he refused to do so. Rebecca Hall was upset that she wasn't promised that she would be a female version of the Mandarin. Had the MCC not gotten involved, she could have been the main villain and the first female villain to do so, making Hela the second female villain to be the main antagoinst. At this point, fans have realised how big Marvel made a mistake to kill her off in the third act of the film. And it would have been much longer as it would have been 3 hours and 15 minutes. But Disney/Marvel wouldn't have let that happen anyway. Perhaps, Jon Favreau would have still been director of Iron Man 3.
Thor: The Dark World
In 2011, Patty Jenkins was set to direct Thor: The Dark World, but Marvel fired her because of creative differences. Alan Taylor was not fond of doing the film as he was given a lot of freedom when he was filming only for Execustive meddling to change everything in post-production and Natalie Portman threatened to leave Marvel in protest of Jenkins's firing and only stayed on because it was less trouble than potentially getting sued for breach of contract. Had the Creative Commitee never been formed, Jenkins could have been the first female director to direct both Marvel and DC films.And The Dark World could have been a lot different because it would have a "Romeo & Juliet" feel to it. Jenkins could have at least made amends and been allowed to produce the film, causing DC and Marvel fans to finally unite as J.J Abrams united Mission: Impossible, Star Trek and Star Wars fans by directing Mission : Impossible III, the first two Star Trek reboot films and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Avengers: Age of Ultron
In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Hulk abandoned the Avengers in one of the Quinjets. But things would have been different had he been jettisoned into outer space just as in the comics. But Marvel overruled that as they feared people would want a Planet Hulk film. Joss Whedon filmed a sub-plot where Thor searches for the Norm Stones. But Marvel told him to either cut the farm scene or the Nord cave as the movie was becoming too long. If the Marvel Creative Commitee never formed, this would have been a reality.
Ike Perlmutter has been largely responsible for Marvel Studios reorganised under Disney for allowing the MCC take control of their films and ruining plots they planned for them. If Kevin Feige never reported to him, the landscape at the Marvel Cinematic Universe would have been quite different.