Invest Your Tax Return in Some SuperHero Stuff
Its about time for the tax refunds to start rolling in. How will you spend your new found wealth? I'm investing in a Scrooge McDuck esque swimming pool vault filled with gold coins...and maybe some new shirts and stuff from
My dad always told me that few things in life were certain: death and taxes, oh yeah, and IRON MAN! He definitely mentioned Iron Man somewhere in that speech. Luckily for us tax season is over and hopefully your refund has arrived because we're here to talk to you about the proper way to invest it! Why not some new Iron Man 3 stuff to wear to the midnight premier on May 3rd?
Keep a little more of that refund in your pocket when you use one of our $10-off or $5-off coupons. Use code taxes10 for orders $60+ or taxes5 for orders $35+: Shop Now
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