New Stuff Sale at
Take up to 20% Off of 200+ new shirts, hats, undies, iPhone cases, keychains, accessories and more this week at! We've got tons of new stuff featured Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Hydra, Batman Beyond, Joker, Superman and more!
New Stuff Sale |
New Stuff Sale: This week, save up to 20% on 200+ new shirts, hats, undies, iPhone cases, accessories and more: Shop Now
Cap Trivia Contest: Win a $50 SHS Gift Card by answering some Captain America trivia questions! Check back every day for a new question: Play Now!
SuperHero News & Gossip |
Captain America: The Winter Soldier has landed in theaters worldwide and took in over $100 millionat the US Box office this weekend. Fans (and SuperHeroStuff employees) are saying this is the best MCU to date!
Agents of SHIELD is breaking new ground with their current arc tying directly into the Captain America: The Winter Solider movie. The exciting move from Marvel gives anxious fans more info on the relationship between SHIELD and HYDRA. Samuel L. Jackson, Cobie Smudlers and Patton Oswalt are set to guest star in the coming weeks.
Return of the Chewbacca: Peter Mayhew is set to return to the roll of Chewbacca in JJ Abrams' Star Wars Episode 7.
Game of Thrones began its 4th season this Sunday with a blast. HBO immediately renewed the show for a 5th and 6th season.
TMNT Trailer: The first trailer for Michael Bay's TMNT hit the web this week. Fan reactions are mixed and the comic's creators didn't have many nice things to say...
Guardians of the Firefly: Nathon Fillion hinted this week that he may make an appearance in James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy this summer...possibly as Peter Quill's father?!?!
Spider-Man vs the Critics: Early reviews are coming in for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and the critics are giving it the thumbs up.
Fan-Casting Daredevil: Michael C. Hall (Dexter) has expressed public interest in playing the role of Matt Murdoch/Daredevil in the upcoming Netflix series. Fans have been campaigning for Hall to take on the role for years. |