I call this the Adventure of Aquaman and his Free DVD Giveaway! Are you a fan of Batman Brave and the Bold? What is your favorite episode? Personally, I think they do just about the best incarnation of Aquaman that I have seen. If Aquaman was more like that in the comics, he would be a more enjoyable character to read about. Outrageous!
We recently got in a whole line of Batman Brave and the Bold t-shirts in Men's, Women's and Youth sizes. It's perfect timing since the second half of Batman Brave and the Bold Season 1 is being released on DVD in just a few weeks so we thought we would do a giveaway around the event. All you have to do to enter is click over to our site and enter your email. On March 1st we will draw 5 random entries who will Batman Brave and the Bold on DVD and 10 random entries to win a free t-shirt of their choice. Just head over to the Brave and the Bold DVD Giveaway page to enter.