Da-da-da-da-DUM-da-da-da-da-DUM. Not sure if you guys can tell, but that was suppose to be the intro to the Star Wars theme song. Doesn’t really translate well into text, and if I would’ve put the notes down it would’ve looked like an alphabet salad. On the bright side though it provides a somewhat effective introduction to our most recent barrage of Halloween costume ideas! We aren’t letting up in till everybody has an idea for Old Hallow’s Eve. We have been focusing on Superhero things like DC and Marvel, but we haven’t forgotten about our good friends from the Sci-Fi department. They kind of go hand-in-hand, don’t they? Sometimes the lines even blur like the Green Lantern or Marvel’s Captain Marvel. However, we aren’t blurring the lines with this article; we’re doing the straight up behemoths of Sci-Fi, Star Wars and Star Trek! They are the 500 pound gorilla in the room, and now we shall get to it!
Considering that I introduced this bloody thing with the Star Wars song, might as well continue the trend and just jump right into our Star Wars costume shirts. We had just recently received a whole slew of these, and now we want to share with the class! We most definitely brought enough for everybody. These shirts follow the same vein as the good ol ‘Tuxedo T-Shirt’. You know what I’m talking about. The cheeky guy who shows up to a wedding wearing one? Yeah, that one. Glad we could get on the same page! Our first T-shirt from the Star Wars department is Darth Vader! Yes, the Lord of the Sith, the balancer of the Force has his own mock costume t-shirt. If you can pull off a good James Earl Jones impression you should be quite all-right. We also have a Boba Fett costume shirt, which is good for making disparaging remarks about Jedi and getting owned off the side of Jabba’s sand cruiser. I kid, I kid! I like playing around with you Fett fans, mainly because your devotion to him is scary, but I do love the dedication. If you don’t particularly care about universe-class bounty hunters, you could always go as a rank-and-file stormtrooper. Those guys catch so much flak that you’ll look good just by breaking the mold. That is pretty easy though when everybody is cloned. Not much deviation, you know? Like that book, the Giver! Kind of an obscure reference, but I watch a lot of Family Guy.
You know who shot first? You did. You did in this crazy Han Solo costume shirt. You know he gets Princess Leia at the end? Yeah, he had to have been doing something right. Han Solo didn’t even hook up with Sean Connery at the point and went and met Jesus in the Temple of Doom. Wait...never mind. At least Han didn’t have to deal with those pesky Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Those guys are like Spartans with spaceships; flying around the galaxy exclaiming, ‘Give them nothing, and take from them everything!’ Thank you Darth Reven and Malak for putting them down with the Mass Shadow Generator. If you wanted to find this Mandalorian symbol shirt anywhere else you’d have to go to Malachor V.
Star Trek, baby! They opened up the floodgate for everybody else. There would have been no Star Wars without Trek; we do owe that series a great deal of thanks, do we not? If it wasn’t for Star Trek we would be stuck watching World War 2 movies and Westerns. Gimme a laser or spaceship any day of the week! So, what do we have in store for you guys? Just the total core of Star Trek’s Federation! Hell, you could get all 3 of these shirts and have an entire crew! Our command/ yellow shirt are for you Kirk-ites out there. You know you want to sit in the captain’s chair. You’d probably look good in it too, but I would practice your posture and formal attitude. They don’t take any slackers in the Federation, you hear? Tired of people always demanding things of you that you aren’t qualified to do? Well, there is only one costume shirt that can solve that…or is it the thing that causes it? I think this has become one those chicken-or-the-egg statements. Either way, if you fancy yourself a medical officer of Starfleet pick up this science/ blue t-shirt! Then there are always the poor red-shirts. We know who they are. Most of the time they are the random dude that gets brought with on the away-team for some ‘fresh air’ and then never comes back. I think the red color is there is signify the martyr quality of this position in Starfleet. If I was a red-shirt, aka security/ engineering, I would make sure I had a weapon on me at all times. And armor. And backup.
To finish up this sprawling block of text, we are going to suggest a few ‘lazy’ costume ideas. They aren’t really lazy because they do require at least a minimum of effort; we just like tossing that term around. LAZY! It just kind of rolls off the tongue. With any of the Star Trek shirts you could manage to be Data, Gordy, Picard, or Kirk! Those are just a few, but you could really do them all if you were willing to put in the time to accessorize. Data would be easy; you just need some face pain. Gordy would be slightly harder, with you required to make or get some kind of visor. Picard a bald cap, and Kirk…well Kirk you could try talking like Shatner or walk around with a green-woman around your arm. People will get the jist of that costume real quick! What about Star Wars, SuperHeroStuff.Com? Oh, I was getting to that, love! These require a bit of creativity, but I’m sure you guys can find it in yourselves. Most of them just require you to make some kind of head gear like for the stormtrooper, Vader, or Boba Fett. You can add some extra stuff too but hats always make the man! Mandalore…that requires a bit of Star Wars history, safe bet would just be carry a weapon! We hope you have enjoyed our little selection and we trust you guys have some ideas!