THOR: THE DARK WORLD HeroClix Starter Set Released.
Thor: The Dark World" is the latest stand-alone expansion for the Marvel HeroClix miniatures tabletop game. Combining elements of strategy, collectibility, and unique gameplay. hit the jump to check it out!
Marvel HeroClix brings all of your favorite Marvel Super-Heroes and Villains to life! "Thor: The Dark World" focuses on the pivotal characters from the latest Marvel movie blockbuster including fan-favorites like Loki, Sif, the Warriors Three, Odin and of course Thor! However, Malekith and the forces of Alfheim are not to be outdone by the heroes of Asgard, and fans will find the Dark Elves are ready to fight it out in the HeroClix arena as well! Marvel HeroClix: "Thor: The Dark World" is available now at your friendly local comic book and core hobby game stores.
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