An open letter to the Community: Grow Up!

An open letter to the Community: Grow Up!

I at first intended to make two separate articles documenting the backlash of the sentinel designs and Zack Snyder being controlled by Warner Brothers. I found that I am a very lazy person and have opted to kill two birds with one stone. If I haven't insulted you with my title, read on.

Editorial Opinion
By AquamanEatsSeafood - Aug 02, 2013 05:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

I assume if you are reading this right now you want either some justification for me calling (most of) you children, or so that you can troll me in some way shape or form. As I said before there are two things that prompted this article: The sentinel backlash and the backlash the Zack Snyder was working with studio execs. So without any further ado,

DISCLAIMER: The following is going to be VERY informal and unstructured.

The Sentinels

Yes, you guys really hated this thing, and I must admit I did too. I realized something though, there was a clear difference between the way I hate something and you hate something. When I hate something I usually take a second to stop myself and question why it is I hate something. You, the community, either hate everything or love everything, and somehow there is no room for any objective judgement. Granted, this does not apply to everyone, there are some of you out there that I know do not deserve to be called children, but I am just saying that when you guys/girls lose your shit, there is sure to be ten pages of comments of you guys/girls losing your shit with little to no objectivity. What do I mean by this?

The damning thing says sentinel 2 on its leg. It could just be an early version of the final product. I saw a couple commenters point this out, and I shit you not, I did not have to scroll too far down to find another comment in reply that said, "they are ripping off Iron Man now!"

Use your [frick]in brain, do you think there is only one version of the iPhone, hell no, there are like five other variants, this is how technology progresses.

Secondly, you haven't seen the damn thing fight yet. Yeah, I get it, you don't like the design of the thing, but you can't judge it yet based on the design alone. This is just a classic case of Joker syndrome waiting to happen I can already tell. The community is going to bitch, and then when you see the movie you are going to be swept off your feet or some shit. You haven't even stopped to consider all the possibilities. It could move and act like a [frick]ing ninja, utilizing speed and agility over the hulking slowness that it is usually known for. Wouldn't that be awesome? It would be doing backflips and kung fu shit while the x-men and/or brotherhood can't keep up.

Snyder and Warner Brothers

I admit that I am very nervous about what follows, but who isn't. Every time something shit comes out no one ever thinks to blame the director, and instead they just blame it all on the studio. Sometimes this is justified and sometimes it isn't, but who knows really. No one ever thinks to asks the question: what if the good parts of the movie were the studios idea? This is just plain ignorance people. To add to that, the studios are only going to make what they think will sell, and the studios know that fanboys out there will not tolerate any shit (batman and robin, superman 4, superman returns: case in point). What if the studio is fighting for you, not against you? What if the studio is the one saying, "guy, Superman has to beat batman, there is no possible way a human, no matter how intellectual, could beat a guy with [frick]ing laser vision."

Secondly, weren't you all hating Snyder to begin with? Shouldn't you like that the studio is stepping in? No, because nothing good has ever come from the studio stepping in. Reality check people, it was the studio who told Chris Nolan that the joker had to be in the sequel, and we had to get the bat pod. Both of them Nolan made the best out of. What about something that isn't Nolan? How about, every Marvel studios film ever to come out? Yes, in reality, those movies are all heavily controlled by the studio. While I don't think that Marvel puts out the best movies in the world, they certainly do make films that people like.

Thirdly, weren't you all hating Snyder to begin with? He was the man who made Sucker Punch, and suddenly you think that he is the only man capable of directing the followup to MoS. Hell no! That is like saying Micheal Bay suddenly has the directorial vision to direct 2001: a space odyssey.

In the end though, these are only my thoughts. Post if you think they are worth shit, or if you like them below. I like all forms of feedback so don't shy away.
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ManofSteel23 - 8/2/2013, 6:06 AM
someone had time to kill
Starkasm - 8/2/2013, 6:07 AM
This isnt news.
r3negade - 8/2/2013, 6:23 AM
@MexicanSuperman I'm sure you have problems with movies also.
LEVITIKUZ - 8/2/2013, 6:25 AM
You know in computers and gaming consoles, there is a fan on there so the motherboard doesn't overheat.

So yea it makes sense for a Sential to have it especially a fan that big. Later designs and more future ones will have smaller fans probably.

Secondly I have nor even can hate Snyder. He's a talented director. When he has a good script in his hands, he can make a good movie. Hell Man of Steel was a C list script but the way the movie looked it went up to a B.

Sure Sucker Punch was bad but its visually entertaining.

Snyder and del Toro are the 2 directors I have 100% faith in when it comes to CBMs.
MrReese - 8/2/2013, 6:34 AM
I'm fine with both.I only bitch after I see the movie & make up my mind on it.If the movie sucked imo I'll say it sucked.
MrReese - 8/2/2013, 6:35 AM
+ reading some of these comments is hilarious. XD
GetsugaTensho22 - 8/2/2013, 6:35 AM
I'm going to give you some very simple advice.
People on CBM don't matter. They simply don't.
It's just a website, at the end of the day. Just a couple of people who are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
From the allegedly thousands of visitors to the site, only a handful troll and clamor and make noise. They make the most noise, but it's just a small group of people who really don't matter.
So chillax :)
r3negade - 8/2/2013, 6:38 AM
@MrCritic115. You're name is MrCritic and you are telling us not to critique stuff?
comicle199 - 8/2/2013, 6:39 AM
no you idiots it isnt news, its a news flash and some of you need it!
I totally agree with him on the sentinal any moron could see the sentinal 2 logo on its leg showing that there are going to be different models hence 50 years of progress, and yet instead of thinking and putting productive comments everyone started to bitch about it and how the movie was gonna be crap now, and you wonder why movies dont get sequels and make what there expected to it only takes a few people to see loads of shit comments before everyones saying this movies gonna be rubbish.

I do agree also with the snyder comments in part I do agree with warner bros stepping in, but I also dont agree with everyone destroying the mans reputation, I for one thought the movie was incredible and hell it did better than marvels first movie. everyone goes on about zods neck getting snapped or to much action and not enough storyline, well for one the I thought the story and characters were great and as for zod if you dont want to see directors make shocking changes dont watch, ther going to put a spin on things it qoupd be boring if they made it panel for panel to the comic you may as well just get jim lee to direct.

so yeah you do need the newsflash because like its been said before studios and directors do look and they do take fans opinions into consideration so what things do they take from your mindless slander of films, if all you want to do is post how shit the move was with obe line comments then do us all a favour and piss off
r3negade - 8/2/2013, 6:59 AM
Well, @MrCritic115, I'm still going to get outraged at things until they fix some of this. The Mandarin is not an idiot, and he shouldn't be some guy infected with Extremis, Superman AND Batman should not kill, Deadpool is not some crazy mouth sewn shut zombie thing with laser vision, etc.
tvor03 - 8/2/2013, 7:33 AM
I applaud this article. I really don't understand this place. It's a site devoted to comic book movies, and yet the majority of commenters here shit on every movie that gets made. The site really needs to change its name to

Seriously, reading the comments on this site has really made me think about the genius of the writers of The Simpsons. Comic Book Guy was created well before the Internet took off, and a whole decade before the superhero movie craze, and yet everyone on this site acts exactly like him. "Worst. Movie. Ever." He is the perfect example of the comic book nerd and 90% of the people on this site.
HWNSuperman - 8/2/2013, 8:03 AM
I'm going to say that I have to agree with "MrCritic115"... I am guilty of judging a movie by certain aspects but a lot of times I wait to give my final judgment of the film once I have seen it. I think the Sentinel looks AWESOME... NO, it doesn't look like the ones in the comics or the 90's X-Men animated show but it still looks pretty badass. If I remember right even in the comics there have been a few iterations of the Sentinel and this could be, as MrCritic115 says in his article, that this is just another prototype of the final product.

As far as Snyder and "Man Of Steel" is concerned... When I found out that Zach Snyder was going to be directing the film there were two thoughts that came to mind.
1. This movie will have some stunning visual effects
2. The rest of the movie (i.e. script, character building, plot etc.) is going to suffer

I was rather impressed with the visuals of the film and in fact that was not the only thing I was impressed with. I thought Cavill played the role very well, but I was not happy with the whole finishing off Zod at the end of the movie. I also loved Diane Lane and Kevin Costner as Ma and Pa Kent.

Now, I also feel that I was DEAD ON with my second thought. I absolutely hated the script and I though that the character development was terrible. In my opinion you never truly had the opportunity to care for the lead role. It felt as though the little back story and chances we were given to care about Superman was only to fill in the void between one action scene to the next. I absolutely hated the fact that the fight occurred throughout Metropolis without a care for human life and then when he makes the decision to finally give a rip about saving the people in the city he chooses to do so by killing Zod. I was not sold on Michael Shannon playing Zod either... When I watched the movie I could not believe that this was the General that struck fear into the hearts of the Kryptonian race. I could not take Southern Zod with a lisp seriously. Terrence Stamp was not as "ruthless" but he was much more menacing and believable as the most feared Kryptonian. I am hoping and praying that they redeem themselves with the sequel (Batman/Superman) but I am not going to keep my hopes up. Thanks for reading...
Lhornbk - 8/2/2013, 8:03 AM
I agree with this 100%. I guess I missed the whining about the Sentinels, but I had seen some of it about Snyder & studio execs (and I've seen a lot of it about Snyder supposedly ruining Superman by having him kill Zod.) I could add to the list the whining about Flash getting a TV show instead of a movie, whining about Pym not being in the new Avengers movie and not creating Ultron, whining about either Batman possibly beating Superman or Superman beating Batman (depending on whether it's a fan who thinks Batman winning doesn't make sense or if it's a rabid Batman fan who thinks he should win cause "he's Batman.", LOL) There's all the whining about the Mandarin twist, despite that movie being in the top 5 all time now at the box office (so clearly the general public liked the movie, even if fanboys didn't.) You could easily make a list that's much longer than this about all the whining that fanboys like to do.

Unfortunately, your pleas will fall on deaf ears. @anthonyEstark pretty much proves that by saying he's just gonna keep on getting outraged until they fix some of this. Translation: fanboys won't be happy until they get comic book movies that follow the comics exactly. Of course, those movies probably won't do very well with the general public & the studios will end up losing money or at best breaking even but hey, the fanboys will be happy. Eventually the studios would stop making comic book movies, and those of us who enjoyed them anyway and didn't expect them to, or didn't even want them to, follow the source material will be deprived of great entertainment, all because of the selfishness of fanboys who demanded that the films follow comics exactly. (And no, movies following the comics exactly would not do well. Some things just don't translate well to the screen, and a lot of people, while being fans of various heroes, are not fans of comics.) Fortunately, the studios are smart enough to please the largest group of people, and so will ignore most of this fanboy whining.
BlackPhillip - 8/2/2013, 8:46 AM
MrCritic115 whining about whiners.
ForeverPowerful - 8/2/2013, 9:53 AM
This isn't going to change anything. I appreciate the effort though.

I hate the majority of the people on here. They will blindly ride the bandwagon of love or hate so they wont be left behind. I agree that there's no grey when it comes to reception, its either one extreme or the other.

The trolling is what really baffles me. The DC vs Marvel war gives me a laugh anytime I see someone on here actually wishing for one company to fail because they want to see their preference succeed. If anyone honestly wants to see that, they are a complete [frick]tard who deserves to be stringed up by their dick. If Marvel vs DC was a sporting event, like two teams then I would understand. But they aren't [frick]ing teams.

I couldn't believe it when I saw some people actually declaring some type of victor for Comic Con this year. The stupidity of some people, Comic Con is not a competition, its a place for [frick]ing announcements and fan appreciation.

Most of you fans don't deserve the end product of countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears that the directors, writers, producers, etc put into it.

I've never been to a website before that had a large percentage of assholes on it until I came here.

NovaCorpsFan - 8/2/2013, 10:09 AM
@ForeverPowerful, maybe this site's not for you...
AshleyWilliams - 8/2/2013, 11:27 AM
He's right.

This site whines. A LOT.
GetsugaTensho22 - 8/2/2013, 6:25 PM
LOL you're right. People do have a desire to share their opinion. But you're getting angry and upset over insignificant opinions. There's no point in saying "stop whining!" because this whining you're talking about doesn't really matter anyway. Just laugh it off.
marvel72 - 8/3/2013, 11:21 AM
i love a good flame war.
MisterMagurlypse - 8/3/2013, 6:01 PM
This sh*t ain't gonna stop. Everyone just needs to keep the troll food bag tied and let the CBM heads control the a$$holes. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's hurting but, just like the real world not everybody plays by the rules. Some people just type before thinking. Don't take it to heart.
Alannon - 8/4/2013, 4:34 PM
Good article. This was the reason I left the superherohype site years ago and is also why I seldom read the comments on this site anymore. The comments used to be more meaningful, but now it's too much of a chore weeding through the wasted posts to find the good ones. I've recently gotten more involved in some Google+ communities and they seem to be above the pointless remarks so far.
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