COSPLAY: Lady Jaded As Harley Quinn, Black Suit Spider-Man & Mileena (Mortal Kombat)
Hit the jump to see the beautiful Australian cosplayer, Lady Jaded, dressed as Spider-Man (black costume), Mileena from Mortal Kombat video game, and The Joker's girlfriend Harley Quinn.
DC Comics - Harley Quinn
Cosplayer: Lady Jaded * Photographer: Gary Parris
Photographer: Shadow-World Photography
Mortal Kombat - Mileena
Cosplayer: Lady Jaded
Marvel - Black Suit Spider-Man
Cosplayer: Lady Jaded * Photographer:
The first appearance of the black costume from ASM #252 illustrated by Ron Frenz and Brett Breeding. Also includes the brief origin from Secret Wars #8 that came seven months after the initial appearance in ASM #252. Art from Secret Wars is by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. Music is mostly from the score to Planet Terror by Robert Rodriguez with one track from the score to Sketch Artist by Mark Isham. - thugie1