This is my first article, and merely a wish of courtesy, it is not my intent to bash anyone, or start any trouble!
As an avid reader of this sites content, and general superhero fan, I frequent articles to get plenty of details on my favorite heroes. This site doubles as a great intel forum for awesome shows like "The Walking Dead" as well. I have never had a profile, and was going to get around to making one, but today's events motivated me to create one.
As of January I have been deployed, serving for the Air Force, and I cannot keep up with one of my favorite shows, the aforementioned "Walking Dead." I am a huge fan of the show and have seen season 2 part 1. I have been patiently waiting to come home and finish out the season. Today (13 March) I typed in the site address as I always do everyday to get the scoop on movies like "The Avengers," and "The Dark Knight Rises," as most of you probably like to do as well. has always been good at giving lead-ins and for spoiler alerts. Today was not the case though. The first thing I see on the homepage of the site, is Zombie Shane. Now, First I thought that the image and line was just fan fiction, though I knew subconsciously that this wasn't the case. As excited as I am to see the rest of the season, it is very dissappointing that such massive spoilers are thrown around on the homepage literally days after the airing of the show.
I love this site, and didn't necessarily come here to complain, in fact, I hope to be a great contributor someday because I love hearing what other people think! Please just be courteous of other people who may not have yet seen a series finale!
Thank you!