So... According to so many people on CBM, I have poor taste and low standards when it comes to the movies I enjoy.
My most recent article, which revisted GR:SoV, talked about how, after my second viewing, I enjoyed the movie that most of you hate. And I actually do mean MOST of you. There are literally only a few of us here on CBM that liked the movie.
So how does us liking this movie automatically place our standards and tastes in movies in the low range??? When it comes to movies that each individual person likes, who are any of you to judge whether or not this person has good taste. I promise that no one here is King S*hit when it comes to having perfect taste/standards.
This isn't about defending GR:SoV or any other cbm that we've all seen. This is about how sometimes, people just need to shut the hell up and stop bitching about every gorramn thing. One person thinks that Nolan's TDK film is the best cbm ever made. Another person would say that Sam Raimi's SM2 is the best cbm ever made. And when person one and person two realize that the other doesn't agree with him/her, it starts an all-out war on who's favorite cbm is actually the best cbm released.
Person 1: You don't agree with me, so your opinion is shit and so are you.
Person 2: Your movie is garbage, just like your mom.
Granted... I do love some very good and well-written debates, but this kind of shit does get old.
!!!News Flash!!!
Just because you like/worship one movie or director, doesn't mean every goddamn other person in the world has to.
Get over yourself and stop being such a bitch. No one will ever respect your opinion if you do nothing but blatently disrespect them and their opinions. That's when your opinions really do become shit.
I liked GR:SoV. Was it great? No! Was it the worst cbm ever? F*ck no!
It was a campy-ass, B-movie that was enjoyable and fun to experience.
The Dark Knight is an amazing movie. It's a gritty, real world take on Batman. The story is solid. The acting is fantastic. And the overall movie brought you into the world of Gotham, causing you to feel what every character felt throughout the movie. Is it perfect? No! No movie ever has been, or ever will be. TDK was a great drama film, with bits of action and suspense thrown in. But in the end, it didn't feel like a comic book come to life.
Spider-Man 2 is, imo, a movie that actually made you believe that characters jumped right off the pages. The action was top-notch, the acting, for the most part, was great, and the story had real emotion. Doctor Octopus was done so well, and acted so perfectly my Alfred Molina, that I'd say that his portrayal rivals that of Heath Ledgers Joker. I couldn't pick one over the other. Is the movie perfect? No! But it did bring you that comic book feel that you hope for in a cbm.
Nolanite! Marvelite! etc, etc... Who gives a f*ck???
The way I see it... The DC fanboys and girls are pissy because they haven't seen their beloved characters on screen, the way that Marvel fanboys and girls have. WB/DC only have Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. So yea! They have plenty of reasons to be in bad moods. They're getting screwed over by the company that they support. So they see so many Marvel movies being released, and -BAM- Automatic envy.
But here's the thing...
The Marvel fanboys and girls seem to gloat on the fact that so many of their beloved characters have made it to the big screen. They like to throw it in the faces of the DC fanboys and girls, when in all actuality, they should shut the hell up. Seeing as how most of the Marvel character's movies that have been released, were mediocre at best. With the exception of a few.
Spider-Man 2
X-Men 2
X-Men: FC
Blade 1 and 2
Iron Man
Incredible Hulk
Captain America
Those movies, imo, are the only REALLY great movies that have been released, with Marvel characters in them. Sure... The Avengers is very close to opening, and I'm sure as hell excited for it, but what do all you Marvel fanboys and girls really have to brag about. The DC fans may not be getting the movies they want, but aside from Catwoman, Green Lantern, Jonah Hex and Superman Returns, their favorite heroes and villains aren't being raped, destroyed or redesigned for the rest of the world to see. And don't forget... They also have Watchmen. Which is my absolute favorite cbm.
Do you guys get it yet??? No one has the right to talk shit about anyone else. You can belittle and argue all you want... But in the end, you just come off as an ass, and people begin to care less about you.
So stop insulting, and start appreciating. Let's all respect each other and get along, damn it!
In closing, I would like to say that I didn't write this article actually believing that I would get through to anyone. Because at the end of the day... Haters Gonna Hate! I merely aim to try and express myself, while at the same time, see how many people get pissed because this article is so goddamn long. Whether you wasted your time reading this and are about to tear me a new asshole, or if you read this and actually like it, comment below with whatever the hell you want to say.
There are no trolls, annoying wankers, etc etc... This is my fansite for mouthing off. Talk your shit. It's why I made the damn thing, anyways. So that would make this article pretty pointless. Cheers!, haters. =)