Hello Here is a question Have you noticed that every society creates its own Hero's and Villains? It seems the Human race has the need to create beings who exemplify not only the best in us but worst as well. In Ancient societies Gods And Goddesses were created along with human Hero's. A look at Literature through out the ages will reveal many of these. From Hercules to Bat Man. I have thought about this and here are some opinions. Please feel free to comment and point out any errors I may have made.
1- Human Beings have the need to transcend their baser natures. Hero's allow us to have examples of how to live. Villains on the other hand are examples of the worst in our nature. Each are Mirrors.
2- Hero's Like Tarzan, Bat Man and Green Arrow among others. Show us that any one can with self discipline and faith. Can achieve the Extraordinary. That humans are capable of any thing if they believe in them selves.
3- Characters Like Super Man, Wonder Woman, Spider Man and Black Panther among others. Have in Many ways become our Societies Gods And Goddesses. They are to us what the various Pantheons created by ancient societies were to them. They are our ideal and give us hope.
Well there are a few opinions. Please respond. feed back is always good.