Hello remaining Krang supporters!
Things have been very difficult this last week here at the Technodrome. First, last week we reported that four states Montana, Arizona, Missouri and North Carolina were firmly Krang states according to the Real Clear Politics MAp showing them in Krang's trademark Pink color. We have since come to find out that those are actuyally states that are leaning toward voting for Governor Romney. The campaign has since written a very strongly worded letter (a death threat stuffed with anthrax) to the people over at RCP about this, but they have yet to respond. Needless to say, this did not please Krang when he found out about it, and he pledged to destroy Montana, Arizona, Missouri and North Carolina upon his first day in office (Which means residents in those states still have time to cast your ballot for Krang and then move before Krang assumes the presidency on January 20th).

The other setback this week was the discovery that it is way past the deadline in any state for Krang to appear on the ballot as a candidate. So, on election day, please write in Krang on the ballot for president. That's spelled K-R-A-N-G not K-R-A-A-N-G as some have been spelling it recently. We can still make the Krang Revolution happen, but it's all up to you!

Finally, we here at Krang 2012 have a great way to promote the Krang 2012 write-in campaign: Krang pencils! These pieces of Krang memorabilia are a compact 3.2 inches long, the perfect size to carry in your pocket on election day. They are made of fine mahogany or some other wood and have "Krang 2012" meticulously hand-written on each one. There is a limited supply of these pencils, as the people at the miniature golf course have banned Bebop and Rocksteady from coming back. So act now and one of these limited edition Krang 2012 pencils can be yours for only $139.95. Be within the first ten orders and receive free shipping! All proceeds will go to the Krang 2012 Presidential Campaign.
Well, that's all for this week. Keep getting the word out there, Krang needs our help now more than ever.
From the desk of
Krang 2012 Campaign Manager