reports that the film has officially been taken over by 20th Century Fox, in the aftermath of MGM's bankruptcy (the previous owner of the rights of the Stooge film).
And boy, oh boy, does 20th Century Fox seem more than interested in getting the film off of the ground! With an official start date of March 16th already set, and directors Bobby and Peter Farrelly helming the project, with Bradley Thomas and Charles B. Wessler producing, the film could almost be ready now, with the exception of the cast. Long discussed actors Jim Carrey and Sean Penn are officially out of the film, and it is unclear whether or not Benicio Del Toro will play Moe.

About the film, the article reads: "The picture takes place when the trio are dumped out as newborns at the door of an orphanage, and they are talking with Richard Jenkins to play the head nun who is terrorized by the precocious Stooges. The comedy follows them to adulthood and is very much in the spirit of the original shorts, in which the blue collar bumblers got the best of the wealthy society matrons that tried to exploit them. Oh, yeah, there will be the non-stop physical comedy that is the trademark of the Stooges franchise."
Farrelly Brothers also revealing: "The script is ready to go, and we are opening up these roles to the world right now. We'll make it with the best possible people. Our feeling is that no star is too big to audition and no matter who it is, we're going to have to see him in the role. This is not The Flinstones. You've got to be Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard, and that could be a major movie star or an unknown.
There will be non-stop slapping, more in the tone of Dumb and Dumber than anything else we've done," Farrelly said. "Our goal is 85 minutes of laughs in a film that will be very respectful of who the Stooges were. It's by far the riskiest project we've ever done, without question, but it is also the one closest to our hearts."
The Directors mention that the film will be broken up into Three 27-minute segments, and are eyeing a PG rating.
For more of from the article, click the "source" link below.