I thought for this to be a very cool looking poster, and after viewing it I became more interested in the film.
I never really cared for this film, but after seeing this and the teaser poster, I knew I was definitely seeing this.
This looked really good, and intensifying to me. I thought it would be very worth it to buy this,and it is my current wallpaper.
During this time, this would of made any fan of Batman have a joygasm, and I think its one of the greatest teaser poster's out there.
Before we knew that this film would fail, we actually would of thought for this to be a great film, with amazing action, that we would look forward to with open arms. But we were wrong.
I remember seeing this poster for the first time. I completely hated the first Hulk, but after seeing a glimpse at how this Hulk would look, and finding out Abomination would be the villain, I knew this film would be epic.
First seeing this, I knew that this film would be my favorite of the year. Seeing War Machine and the new suit, made me count every second towards the film.
X-Men fans all united after just seeing this teaser poster. The tagline is something you wouldn't forget.
After a very sucessful first film, anybody would of took joy in this. Especially after finding out who the villain was.
I would be surprised if #1 went to any other poster. This poster, like Batman would of made any fan of the hero Superman have nothing on his head but this film. It would of left a permanent mark in all comic book geeks heads. This definitely deserves the title of the greatest Comic Book Movie poster ever.