If the actor is pulling this stunt, this charade, just to try to weasel out of a couple future copyright lawsuits, or this was his master plan all along that is yet to be determined. What we do know, is that Shia's antics have culminated into this bizarre #IAMSORRY art show, which debuted several days ago at an art gallery located at the corner of Beverly and Fuller in Los Angeles. There, the general public can go and visit the troubled actor. He wears a tuxedo, and a paper bag rests upon his head. He only communicates with his bloodshot-eyes. Eyes that have been milking tears at an unnatural rate. Real or chemically-induced? That's yet to be determined as well. And today, Screen Junkies decided to visit Shia at his art show. The video below features that confrontation. Skip to the two-minute mark to see all the creepy-goodness.
When Screen Junkies heard that Shia LaBeouf was letting people off the street come talk to him for his #IAMSORRY project, we couldn't wait to go and give him a piece of our mind!