STAR TREK: DISCOVERY's Michelle Yeoh Joins AVATAR 2 And Its Sequels; Character Name Also Revealed

STAR TREK: DISCOVERY's Michelle Yeoh Joins AVATAR 2 And Its Sequels; Character Name Also Revealed STAR TREK: DISCOVERY's Michelle Yeoh Joins AVATAR 2 And Its Sequels; Character Name Also Revealed

As one of the largest film productions of all time, James Cameron's Avatar series has unveiled an integral part of its cast. Michelle Yeoh (Crazy Rich Asians) has joined the franchise as Dr. Karina Mogue.

By Dragonsfoe - Apr 15, 2019 03:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Avatar
Source: Twitter
With its December 18, 2020 release date looming, Avatar 2 is expected to make a huge splash at the box office. While the motion capture portion of the film's production has already been finished, the human-centric segment of principal photography has only just begun.

Announcing the news through Twitter, Fox/Disney has revealed that sci-fi favorite Michelle Yeoh is the latest addition to the Avatar family. The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon star will play a scientist named Dr. Karina Mogue, but no further details were revealed. 

Yeoh's addition is no doubt an exciting one. With recent turns in Crazy Rich Asians as well as Star Trek: Discovery, it will be interesting to see how her character pans out during the remainder of the franchise.
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Vanillain - 4/15/2019, 3:24 PM
Give me Philippa Georgiou spinoff please.
Vandalore - 4/15/2019, 4:21 PM
@Vanillain - no disrespect to your opinion, but I honestly dont know how she keeps getting work. She is not a very good actress. I dont even find her charming or likeable.
mastakilla39 - 4/15/2019, 5:40 PM
@PTM - Michelle Yeoh is a great actress. Do you have any examples of a terrible film or role? She was amazing in crouching tiger, hidden dragon and Crazy Rich Asians. She hasn't been getting a lot of challenging roles as hollywood and china doesn't offer women of her age good roles. I have not seen Star Trek but I see everywhere that she is the highlight.

Sad if you never saw her films from the 80s and 90s or just don't like'em. She is 1 of the few actresses that can act and do action films.
MexCowboyNation - 4/15/2019, 3:27 PM
More human characters? They were the worst part of the first one. The only good one was...

Vandalore - 4/15/2019, 4:22 PM
@MexCowboyNation - he was a walking talking stereotype. But Stephen Lang is perfect with those roles.
Brave - 4/15/2019, 3:54 PM
I know it's the cool thing to say that nobody will care about Avatar 2...

But I truly belive the return of Avatar will not only be a phenomenon in the US, it will OBLITERATE overseas. The foreign numbers Avatar 2 will put on the board will be the likes of which we haven't seen (and it probably will be as unoriginal as the first lol).
Vandalore - 4/15/2019, 5:03 PM
@Brave - disregards to what's cools, my honest opinion of the first is I think the cgi was impressive but nothing mindblowing to anyone who's seen cut scenes from video games made in Japan, but the story was utter garbage and the film as a whole is vastly overrated. As of now I have absolutely zero interest in any of the sequels, and it will depend on the trailers showing off a compelling story which will decide whether or not I give Avatar 2 a chance at the cinema. That has nothing to do with what's cool or hip, just how I reacted to the first and how it left me feeling about sequels.
Tasmaniac - 4/15/2019, 5:59 PM
@PTM - Dances With Wolves In Space 2.....
mastakilla39 - 4/15/2019, 6:05 PM
@PTM - Avatar's cgi is way superior to any video game cut scene. It made so much money because it offered a "theatrical experience" that had to be seen in theaters to fully appreciate. It is the best 3d film. The story isn't groudbreaking but it offers a unique experience and accessibility that people of all ages can enjoy similar to the 1st Jurassic Park.

Its theatrical experience is similar to a roller coaster ride, you can't really get that experience unless you are at the right place & time. Not a lot of films can offer a "must see experience". IMO even the most popular superhero films can still be seen at home and it won't make a difference in the "experience", but not seeing Avatar in theaters makes a huge difference.
Vandalore - 4/15/2019, 11:52 PM
@mastakilla39 - I saw both the theatrical version and the extended version in theaters. My older brother was really into Avatar. I just never understood the hype. It didnt feel like a must see cinematic experience, it felt like a 3 hour cut scene with a paper thin plot and completely forgetable characters who were walking stereotypes or base model archetypes with nothing unique or inspiring about them. It was cool to look at but it had zero heart. It was a James Cameron vanity project which focused too heavily upon it graphical achievements breaking new ground than producing a compelling and original story worthy of stimulating ones mind and emotions. Instead I was looking at pretty colors and kinda cool alien creatures and plant life and stuff... its fun to look at, but that's all I've ever gotten from it personally. Maybe I'm just broken lol
EvilAngel - 4/15/2019, 4:23 PM
I had no interest in Avatar...until now. Michelle (Supercop) Yeoh will always be in my top 5 fave actresses!
Vandalore - 4/15/2019, 5:11 PM
@EvilAngel - Supercop with Jean Claude Van Dam? I dont remember her in that but it's been like 20 years since I watched Supercop. Oh wait, I'm thinking of Timecop. Wtf is Supercop? Is it worth a watch? I haven't seen Yeoh in anything I liked her in and dont understand how she keeps getting work, her acting is not very high caliber. But perhaps her best work is just the ones I haven't seen yet. If shes in your top 5, you must have a few recommendations of her films that highlight why shes near the top of your faves.
EvilAngel - 4/15/2019, 5:26 PM
@PTM - Haha! Yeah, that's Timecop With Van Dam... Super cop is with Jackie Chan, and definitely worth a view if you can fin it! They also made a sequel Supercop 2 with just Michelle and no Jackie, but it just wasn't as good a film, no fault of hers. I don't know how many of you out there have seen it, but this being a comicbook movie sight I should mention that She stared in a superhero film called Silver Hawk that I own on DVD. It's been a while since I viewed it and I don't remember it being that good, but I sure love Michelle, and respect the heck out of her doing all her own stunts and fighting like she did in her younger days!
MasterMix - 4/15/2019, 4:25 PM
With no big Marvel or Star Wars movies to compete with, Avatar 2 could make a lot of money. If anyone still cares after a full decade.
Vandalore - 4/15/2019, 5:14 PM
@MasterMix - I didnt care the moment the credits rolled in the theater after the first one.
FusionWarrior - 4/15/2019, 4:29 PM
Well at least its progress on the future!
dracula - 4/15/2019, 4:34 PM
Avatar was such an overrated movie, the most "special" thing about it was the special effects. It's been 10 years with no material in between. This isnt going to bomb, but there is no way its going to pull in 2 million again. I'll stick to the real Avatar
pintoman - 4/15/2019, 4:35 PM
Boy, she's saying yes to everything these days.
Lem1 - 4/15/2019, 5:35 PM
The same way JJ Abrams said last week how aware he was of the people's criticisms of The Force Awakens' being too derivative of A New Hope and they've strived to keep Episode IX more unique while retaining the necessary DNA (unlike RiAn JoHnSoN's unabashed discarding of any criticism whatsoever), I do believe a clever director like James Cameron has likewise heard such criticisms of Avatar. Now that he got his passion project from the 1990s made etc, you can be he's been taking the follow-ups in to new and mind-blowing territory.
Knightrider - 4/16/2019, 12:00 AM
I never got into Avatar, it didn’t really have much rewatch value for it.... I am interested Where sequels could go, but at the same time if they didn’t make another I wouldn’t mind.
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