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BLADE RUNNER 2099 Officially Adds Hunter Schafer In Co-Lead Role

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SpideyPuffsMJ - 9/12/2019, 12:38 PM
This looks kinda bad.
JohnnyAssCheeks - 9/12/2019, 12:38 PM
@SpideyPuffsMJ - Looks like ass.

CGI Will Smith, I mean, not the movie. The movie might be good.
JohnnyAssCheeks - 9/12/2019, 12:38 PM
Looks like ass.

CGI Will Smith, I mean, not the movie. The movie might be good.
SpideyPuffsMJ - 9/12/2019, 12:42 PM
@JohnnyAssCheeks - Maybe. Feels like a movie from the early 2000's
GhostDog - 9/12/2019, 12:40 PM
Clearly a script/concept that was first developed in the 90s and has been shelved and shuffled around for the past 20 something years
SpideyPuffsMJ - 9/12/2019, 12:42 PM
@BlackBeltJones - Right? Something about it feels so dated
NinnesMBC - 9/12/2019, 12:42 PM
I think I liked more the previous posters, just like the first trailer they showed that was more character focused on how Will Smith's character dealt with the revelation that he was cloned. I hope they don't abandon it from the actual plot of the movie.

KWilly - 9/12/2019, 12:48 PM
Fresh Prince vs Old King
Kevwebsz - 9/12/2019, 12:53 PM
Just watch Looper.
GhostDog - 9/12/2019, 12:57 PM
@Kevwebsz - LMAO!!!

This should be the tagline of the movie
tylerzero - 9/12/2019, 1:32 PM
@Kevwebsz - In the middle of it right now.
tmp3 - 9/12/2019, 1:19 PM
Uncanny Willey
HeavyMetal4Life - 9/12/2019, 1:41 PM
Haven't seen anything from this movie that looks good or appealing, that first trailer wasn't that good.
Se4M4NSt4ine - 9/12/2019, 4:26 PM
This film would’ve been funny as hell with Mikey Rourke
Se4M4NSt4ine - 9/12/2019, 4:27 PM
@Se4M4NSt4ine - Mickey*
A2ron - 9/12/2019, 5:10 PM
I don't see this doing as well as his other stuff.I reckon most will forget about this after it leaves theaters.
Typhoon20 - 9/12/2019, 6:13 PM
This movie gonna suuuuuuuck. Just like most of Wills movies.
Pathogen - 9/12/2019, 6:49 PM
Eh... I'm over Will Smith. The 90's called...
carltonb95 - 9/13/2019, 4:33 AM
I’m actually really looking forward to seeing this. Mainly because I enjoy seeing Will Smith in action films and I think the technology of the whole thing is really interesting. Also, I’m curious to see how Ang Lee handles this material considering it’s such an old story and concept, can he elevate it and bring it to life the way he has with his other films? Hopefully. I just hope everything comes together nicely and look forward to seeing Will Smith act as two versions of himself and to see how the rest of cast does. This movie seems like it could do really well overseas. I mean, it’s expected to do $65M in China opening weekend, which is pretty impressive
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