SPOILERS: The Surprising Reason Obi-Wan Hasn't Had His Own STAR WARS Spinoff Revealed?

SPOILERS: The Surprising Reason Obi-Wan Hasn't Had His Own STAR WARS Spinoff Revealed?

The reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi movie hasn't happened (yet) has seemingly been revealed, and it may have major ramifications for the current trilogy which kicked off with The Force Awakens...

By JoshWilding - Nov 28, 2016 12:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: Rebel Force Radio (via Star Wars News)
The demand for movies revolving around Han Solo and Boba Fett pales in comparison to how much Star Wars fans want to see Ewan McGregor star in his own Obi-Wan Kenobi spinoff. Why it hasn't already been announced is baffling, but it sounds like there may be a very good reason for that. However, before you go any further, be warned that possible spoilers for the current trilogy do follow!

During a recent podcast appearance, Entertainment Weekly reporter Anthony Breznican was asked about a solo outing for Obi-Wan, and his response was very interesting indeed. "I have heard rumors that the one reason they haven’t moved sooner on Obi-Wan is that they’re not done with Obi-Wan quite yet in the Saga films. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see an Obi-Wan thing happen beyond Episode IX." He doesn't elaborate on that beyond some speculation, but it's food for thought!

While Obi-Wan obviously won't be resurrected in the new trilogy, some sort of big reveal in regards to the hero would obviously make for a much more interesting movie if it were to then be elaborated on in an Anthology release. Does this kinda, sorta confirm theories he's related to Rey or Finn are correct? 

We'll have to wait and see, but for now, be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section. 
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DarthGrizzly - 11/28/2016, 12:58 PM
Oh wow, cool, yeah, just gimme the [frick]ing trilogy k
imnotadoor - 11/28/2016, 1:00 PM
omg u spoiled it for me smh
Menks123 - 11/28/2016, 1:00 PM
I always have been for Rey being a decedent of Obi-Wan, no concrete evidence other than the British accent lol. I don't like these prequel movies, so maybe he comes back as a force ghost, and have Ewan obviously reprise the role. Even if it's the younger self, I guess they'd have to explain that and it not being Alec Guinness.

On topic of Star Wars, but unrelated to this topic....anyone else feel that they shouldn't have Trevorrow directing Ep 9? I feel like it's a big mistake and just not a fan of any of his work really. JW was no where near as good as the original and it really, to me, was carried by Pratt more than anything.
MUTO123 - 11/28/2016, 1:03 PM
@Menks123 - They can put McGregor in old-age makeup to get him a little closer to Guinness. I liked Jurassic World, but I get how it doesn't work for a lot of people.
Menks123 - 11/28/2016, 1:08 PM
@TheNewGuy123 - I mean I liked it, it's dinosaurs going crazy with 2 great leads. But I just felt like it made all this money for being average and barely being better than Lost World and JP 3. I don't know, just feel like he hit lightning in a bottle with it.

JP 1 was one of the best blockbuster movies of all time imo, it was scary, charming, funny, and holds up so well today. I hope i'm wrong and Trevorrow does well and makes me eat my words, but i'm a little weary of him capping off such a big trilogy after JJ and Johnson.
MUTO123 - 11/28/2016, 1:11 PM
@Menks123 - He's got another movie coming next year, so I'll wait and see how that goes before making a final judgment on him.
Darkknight2149 - 11/28/2016, 1:00 PM
Not done indeed. I wonder if we'll see Qui Gonn Jinn.

Fogs - 11/28/2016, 1:00 PM
Force Ghost, tops.

Probably a voice bit like in TFA.
DarkArrow19 - 11/28/2016, 1:01 PM
We haven't gotten a Kenobi film cause we already had his spinoffs. Aka the prequels
naxes - 11/28/2016, 1:02 PM
Darkknight2149 - 11/28/2016, 1:03 PM
I imagine we'll see him as a force ghost.

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