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Kathleen Kennedy Says "A Lot Of Women Who Step Into STAR WARS Struggle" Due To "Male Dominated" Fanbase

STAR WARS: Carrie Fisher's Friend Believes Studio Pressure To Lose Weight For Sequels Contributed To Her Death
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STAR WARS: Carrie Fisher's Friend Believes Studio Pressure To Lose Weight For Sequels Contributed To Her Death

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Saga - 5/22/2019, 1:51 AM
Rise of the Senate
NoAssemblyReqd - 5/22/2019, 2:15 AM
It is truly impressive that they kept Palpatine a secret until the trailer reveal. I watched that live online and pretty much yelled “Holy shit!” loud enough for my dead ancestors to hear it.
emeraldtaurus - 5/22/2019, 2:26 AM
Palpatine coming back will take some clever story telling to be convincing and they'd wanna make sure Reys parents reveal is something special (and that it makes sense) ....this really is a make or break movie for Disney. If this one bombs like SOLO then I just can't see this "Game of Thrones- writer/director- Star Wars 2022" movie getting off the ground.
Vandalore - 5/22/2019, 2:43 AM
@emeraldtaurus - it not going to bomb. Good, bad or middle of the road, regardless of its reception its gonna make tons of money. The Last Jedi did damage to the fandom, absolutely no doubt about that, but this isnt a Solo type situation where literally nobody wanted that movie so nobody showed up. Everyone wanted to see the Skywalker story continue and be it good or bad, just like Game of Thrones finale season being the absolute worst in quality but the highest ratings in the shows history, people are gonna show up to see the conclusion of the Skywalker saga regardless of quality. Its gonna make a profit, its gonna put buts in seats.
Kyos - 5/22/2019, 5:34 AM
@PTM - people are gonna show up to see the conclusion of the Skywalker saga regardless of quality

That already happened, though. It was called TLJ.
Vandalore - 5/22/2019, 4:38 PM
@Kyos -

Ryguy88 - 5/22/2019, 5:00 AM
Sounds like when they starting this new trilogy they didnt actually have a good idea to launch off of. They may have well just made random one-off star wars movies instead of trying to loosely tie this story into a trilogy.
Kyos - 5/22/2019, 5:27 AM
It really has to make more than TLJ at the worldwide BO, and I'm somewhat optimistic it can do that.
Wobblybob - 5/22/2019, 5:33 AM
There is no new information in this post! Just stuff we have heard before followed by a complete duplicate of an earlier post - this seems to be happening more and more on CBM!
Pathogen - 5/22/2019, 6:26 AM
@Wobblybob - You should probably think twice about clicking anything written by Josh WIlding, just a pro tip. I actually don't come to the site as much these days because its littered with his garbage stories. I click articles showing his name very rarely, as they usually have content I've seen elsewhere a week before, or its just a lame article about blah.

But there are other guys I'll click on and read, so there is that.
Wobblybob - 5/22/2019, 8:02 PM
@Pathogen - thanks for the tip! Much appreciated! I get fed up with “headlines” which are nothing of the sort!👍🏻
DeathSeal - 5/22/2019, 5:48 AM
How can we be surprised by Rey's power? She is already able to take on a fully trained Sith a room of full of highly trained guards, she is a Solo level pilot and can lift rocks like a boss. She is a force of nature with no flaws there is literally nothing she can't do. It wouldn't surprise me if she puts the Death Star Back into orbit and resurrects the Emperor just to kill him.
FranValle - 5/22/2019, 5:54 AM
I bet everything I have that the Emperor is being used to deviate attention (he will appear in the movie as holograms or flashbacks) from the real evil that is Snoke.
Palpatine was dead and even the visual dictionary from VIII says that theres no more Sith since all the lineage was undone thanks to vader but even the prophecie was fullfilled it never meant the end of the darkness (in the same paragraph they refer Snoke as the heart of darkness).

You will see.
EZBeast - 5/22/2019, 6:22 AM
Star Wars rise of the sky walker brain storming session:

“We have no villain for this movie what should we do!?!?”

*takes sip of beer*

“We could make Kylo the big bad?”

*takes sip of beer*

“Nah we gotta keep him antiheroish”

*Slams beer*

“[frick] it...bring back palpetine”

*opens another beer*

“Oh and let’s slip those knights of ren guys in there...we can come up with some bullshit story for them”
MexCowboyNation - 5/22/2019, 9:15 AM
I hope Darth Sidious is a force ghost.
Liverpool4life - 5/22/2019, 2:05 PM
Palpatine was one of the highlights of the prequels.
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