Avatar North America Weekend Profits Are In

Avatar North America Weekend Profits Are In

Avatar, $73 million, first weekend.

By ThisFan - Dec 20, 2009 09:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi
Source: time

A Fox executive quoted by Reuters "noted that an enormous snow storm along the East Coast crippled business for all movies."

Avatar took in only half of what New Moon, the second episode in The Twilight Saga, did a month ago in its first weekend. Indeed, New Moon earned the same as Avatar's entire weekend take in its first Fri. night.

Titanic set records that may never be broken, including being the No. 1 box-office attraction for 15 consecutive weeks, from Dec. 1997 to the end of March 1998 — the weekend after it won a record-tying 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. The sinking-ship drama finally racked up $600 million stateside, and twice as much abroad, for a $1.8 billion total theatrical take. That made it the all-time top-grossing movie.

What did everyone think of Avatar? I won't be seeing it till Christmas Day but I heard it was good.

My main question is will anything ever beat Titanic's theater record?

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Betty - 12/20/2009, 9:46 PM
I think a good Bratz movie directed by Cameron might do it.
InSpace - 12/20/2009, 9:46 PM
I'm gonna see it on Tuesday.

But Dudes this Snow Storm is CRAZY.
13ulletpr00f17 - 12/20/2009, 10:14 PM
yea i heard that the snow storm kinda lowered the profits for the movie since no one could get out to go see it
Minotauro - 12/20/2009, 10:16 PM
I wouldn't judge it's performance compared to New Moon.. Every single lady practically went an seen it 3 times just for the sake to shoot up the $$... Probably each one had 10 orgasms to follow that! :P
Instantclassic - 12/20/2009, 10:22 PM
Kool, i knew about this dis morning...but thanks for posting it! Very Awesome
ThisFan - 12/20/2009, 11:42 PM
the storm did cost them a lot of money so my guess it it would be almost double if not for the storm
MarkCassidy - 12/21/2009, 5:50 AM
Once again, proof that money does not equal quality. Who cares how much or little it makes, its a good movie.
blacksword7 - 12/21/2009, 5:52 AM
not double, no way. It may have cost them quite a bit, but I live here in Maine and we didn't get any snow. I also work in a small theater. It was pretty busy Saturday night, but where I live, The Blind Side is still getting the most business. I think with word of mouth, we can expect to see an increase in ticket sales in the coming weeks, especially for the 3D format. Although, the theater I work at doesn't have the projectors whick may also contribute to our lack of business.
Shaman - 12/21/2009, 6:27 AM
A great film with stellar acting, plot and effects will beat Titanic. TDK almost did. Avatar NEVER will and the snow storm might have delayed it's box office numbers but we'll see in the next few weeks since there is still time to go see it. I still predict only 300 million. Right now, the vibe is very different from TDK where everyone saw it repeatedly in it's first weekend. People were commenting on how amazing it was and how they already had their tickets to see it again the next day. But for Avatar, everyone's saying "yeah, you guys should all go see it, it's awesome... but i've seen it".
StrangerX - 12/21/2009, 7:06 AM
I think Avatar was a great movie. I would like to see it do better.

Check out my new article up in the editorials to see the movie I think will take the top box office slot next weekend.
NoobMike - 12/21/2009, 7:20 AM
Exactly Shaman, and I think it's DVD sales will not help since most people want the exact experience they got at the movies and it will be impossible to recreate at home. A lot of people have already stated that they won't buy the DVD so they don't damage the experience they got at the movies. This would probably not happen if the story was incredible and not some rehashed mash up. However this is a good movie, but like I said it will probably be forgotten by this time next year. It will rake in every single technical and VFX award, come award season... and maybe a best director just for the sheer level of insane detail the movie has.

But regarding sci-fi movies of 2009 both Star Trek and District 9 are much more rounded movies even if their effects don't live up to Avatar's
superdog - 12/21/2009, 7:22 AM
the snow storm hurt a bit, but not as much as fox wants you to believe. also remember that the imax and 3d formats charge more money. so when you look at amount of tickets sold its not real good. it didnt even beat I am legend for best christmas openeing and barely beat return of the king as second. and it only did that cause of the increased ticket prices. for a $500 million dollar movie, not so good. the international grosses are what might save this movie. but ROR is right, it doesnt matter to us what it makes, only the studios. the best movies usually make shit, and the shit movies usually make alot. go figure.
Imran - 12/21/2009, 8:44 AM
Awesome film. The movie takes you on an epic journey and I seriously felt like living on Pandora and being a Na'vi,

I can understand it's DVD sales being crap but I can't wait for it to come out on Blu-Ray, what a way to show off your tech gear when your mates come over!

Most importantly, it's hard to compare it to other recent movies because most BIG films these days are either adaptations or remakes. In that sense, it is a definite win.

Hope it does really well, hope Sam Worthington is not Captain America! Great actor but Cap has to be American. :-P
Imran - 12/21/2009, 8:45 AM
When I say BIG, I mean the ones that raked in loads of cash like Twilight and The Dark Knight.. :-P
Timerider84 - 12/21/2009, 8:53 AM
I bet Cameron will never release a winter movie again, summer movies only from now on, lol. I think it's hilarious that it only made that much in it's first weekend. If it fails horribly and doesn't make it's money back, all Cameron has to do is tell the public he'll make the next Terminator movie and that will destroy Titanic's record and ANY record out there. We all want a great Terminator movie Mr. Cameron, now go make it.
superdog - 12/21/2009, 9:00 AM
Shaman - 12/21/2009, 9:01 AM
Superdog- Yeah, that snowstorm is total bullshit. I live in Canada and snowstorms just make it inconvenient to go to theaters but not impossible. NY didn't close every business just because it had a snowstorm. Go ask anyone that stood in line for a week's time to get into star wars if a snowstorm would have prevented them from seeing the movie. They would have asked you if you were baked out of your freakin' skull!!!

And it's very true that shit movies make money while better ones make less but sometimes, shit movies don't make that much while great ones do. TDK and Catwoman are great examples LOL.
mgalusick - 12/21/2009, 9:08 AM
Is the 3D a must? No but it made the movie so epic. I highly recommend seeing it in 3D. I normally hate the 3D thing when it comes to movies but Avatar didn't overdo and it was so well done it looked real. Like it was actually in the theatre with us.

I can't explain it. It was amazing!
superdog - 12/21/2009, 9:09 AM
shaman@ good point. and your right i lived in kansas for several years and a snow storm didnt stop us from doing shit. unless there was no power of course, but other than that if we wanted to go out we went out.
Shaman - 12/21/2009, 9:21 AM
I think people should really stop giving in to over-hype, even after the movie's out. It's pathetic to come up with excuses. Guys, it's a good movie, go see it once.
TheNameIsBetty - 12/21/2009, 9:41 AM
WOW you guys are so harsh! Where's your appreciation for anything?
Do you know how hard it is to come up with a workable plot that lasts 3 hours worth of epic movie?

If you didn't like it, don't bash it,
just say you didn't like it. Just because your turbo-nerds thought it sucked doesn't mean the whole world did. There's a lot of people who are going to buy it
Runefyst - 12/21/2009, 9:57 AM
I'm still looking forward to it. I havn't had a chance yet, because the town I'm in has no Cinema. I'll be going over the Christmas break. :)
Set2Fallfirst - 12/21/2009, 10:34 AM
@Shaman Basically It was a Fing GREAT movie. The 3d was fantastic and I felt like I was really there. Zoe saldana did an AMAZING AMAZING JOB...im in love with her I always have been but her performance MADE IT for me :]. Is it the greatest movie ever NO. Would I see it again...in Imax 3d only I would. Do i think its the greatest thing since toast again no, but a story told by a good storyteller. Yea we've all heard it before but the way it was told is what made it great I loved the movie it not in my top five maybe my top ten but it was so great. O also zoe saldana
superdog - 12/21/2009, 10:35 AM
its the turbo-nerds that r sucking camerons slong. not the ones commenting on the movies money potential and shady plot. thats what people do on a commenting post.......they comment.
Shaman - 12/21/2009, 10:45 AM
Fartman- We state our opinions, not everyone else's. They're not saying the whole world hated it, they're saying they liked it even. Where's the "harshness"??? Does it have to be black or white??? Do we HAVE to absolutely suck Cameron's cock or otherwise want to murder him? Can't they just say it was average and so was he??? A plot needs to be written and not "taken from", that would have been a start. And if the movie is 3 hours long but it's too difficult to stretch the plot that long, you simply don't make the damn movie 3 hours long. It's also only LOGICAL to realise that more than half of this film's appeal is for the effects that apparently look better in 3D which is impossible to recreate as nicely at home. So since the numbers proove that people aren't standing in line to see it twice, it's even more logical to think that people would wait for it to be a bargin than pay full price for the DVD. We're not bashing a damn thing and all i've heard of this film from anyone on here is "go see it". If they were bashing it, they'd say "don't go waste your money" like they did with GI Blow. I know i'll be buying the DVD, for 5$ at Wal Mart, and i haven't even seen it yet. It's not like i'm saying i would never buy that piece of trash. There is a world of difference.

superdog- Great minds ;)

Set2Fallfirst- Why not go see it again but without Imax 3D? Was it that bad??? If a movie's good, then it's good. It shouldn't need Imax or 3D.
thwhtGuardian - 12/21/2009, 11:04 AM
yeah, my first thought after walking out of the theater was how is this going to do on dvd. I just don't seeing it having the same appeal on the small screen as it did on the big screen.
Shaman - 12/21/2009, 11:16 AM
That's the thing, when you watch it at home, all you have left is the substandard plot. I don't know about you guys but when i watch a movie at home, i like it to be good, not just good looking. I only go at theaters a few times out of the year and i never rent. I'm a big buyer and if all i have to look at is a boring story and cool color, i'm not gonna go out of my way to pay full price for it. But that's just me.

300, now THAT blew me away on a 13inch bubble screen!!! It didn't need Imax or 3D to do the job.
TheNameIsBetty - 12/21/2009, 11:26 AM
You know good dang well that there is gonna be a expensive edition, which will be available at Wal-Mart too. And there's gonna be a one-disc edition thats around $15. So it's not gonna be in the bargain bin.

Even Spider-Man 3 isn't in the bargain bin

Maybe you just overthink things a little. Were you watching the movie, or dissecting it to find what you wanted? Maybe you dont watch enough movies.

thwhtGuardian - 12/21/2009, 11:31 AM
I go to the movies once a week fartman, and this movie, although visually stunning had a one note plot. Don't get me wrong, it was good and it engrossed me for the whole 3 hours(I never once looked at my watch) but it wasn't its story that kept me interested it was the world that Cameron created. And that world just seems to big to translate well to dvd, no matter how great your tv is and how expensive the dvd is I don't think the environment will have the same affect as it did in Imax 3d.
thwhtGuardian - 12/21/2009, 11:54 AM
What does my picture have to do with my opinion?

And I don't think we should burn him at the stake, it was a fun movie, but the plot was predictable. Ask yourself was there ever a doubt in your mind that Sully would lose? Right from the start it was obvious that the natives would win. And while that's not a terrible thing, it certainly stops it from being the greatest movie of the year.
Shaman - 12/21/2009, 12:11 PM
Fartman & Keven- Who the [frick] ever talked of burning Cameron at the stake(other than for his comment on CBMs)??? Who the [frick] said that Avatar sucked??? NO ONE!!! Who said that Avatar would hit the bargin bins the moment it's out on DVD??? Who??? NO ONE!!! I said "I" would buy it WHEN it gets there. Lay off the Kool-Aid guys, it's seriously clouding your judgement and perception. I buy MOST of my movies from the bargin bins and only pay full price for special editions for great films such as TDK, Ironman and 300!!! It doesn't mean that it makes them automatically suck if i only buy them for bargain prices. I simply DON'T buy movies that suck IMO. So if i had any doubt that this movie was atrocious enough to never want to see it, i wouldn't even bother paying 5$ for it.

Spider-Man 3 will be hitting the bins very soon and i'll be there to pick it up when it does. That's what i did for Spider-Man 2. And i still consider it a good movie.
TheNameIsBetty - 12/21/2009, 3:05 PM
Sigh....Okay so you guys have a point. But knowing Sully would win made the movie fun for me, because it was a great ending. And I almost doubted for a while.

The thing is though, I just don't think that the predictability and the use of so many effects made it bad in any way.

But you have to admit, all the critique begins to water down how good the movie actually was. I don't mean to stir the sh[i]t, but I think it'll do fine on DVD, but youre right, it probably won't cover how much the movie costed. In the long run I think we will remember how awesome the movie was
Ryguy88 - 12/21/2009, 3:10 PM
The movie performed just fine. Check out it's foreign rake in, $159.7 million in it's first weekend! That's the 6th best foreign opening of all time! This movie isn't going to die down too quickly either as it is getting strong reviews and, next to a few people on this site, strong word-of-mouth. Oh, and the official domestic opening is now set at $77 million.
Ryguy88 - 12/21/2009, 3:21 PM
Shaman, you predict only $300 million?? Thats alot of effing money!! $300 mil is what it is currently on pace for, if it's legs stay strong $350 maybe even close to $400 is not out of range.
SHO1138 - 12/21/2009, 3:22 PM
Just saw a 1:15 showing on a Monday and had to sit up front. There was a line for the next showing. It will pick up momentum in the next few days.

For those who keep saying the snow is just a scapegoat for a less than stellar opening; I say blah! My whole city was closed Friday and Saturday nothing was open.
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