Bill Murray Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts - He Just Hasn't Read the Ghostbusters 3 Script Yet

Bill Murray Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts - He Just Hasn't Read the Ghostbusters 3 Script Yet

Bill Murray was a phone-in guest at The Howard Stern Show yesterday, and he addressed a number of issues that he's never really talked about before -- including the fact that he hasn't yet gotten around to reaing the Ghostbusters 3 script that had been sent to him last year.

By EdGross - Feb 23, 2011 02:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi

What follows is a Ghostbusters 3-centric excerpt from that interview:

STERN: Is it true that there is a “Ghostbusters 3” and you’re the problem? You will not sign off on this? Do you know about this?

MURRAY: Yeah, I guess I’m the problem. Before I was an asset and now I’m the problem. There’s a script somewhere over there. Over there there’s a script and I haven’t read it yet.

STERN: Why haven’t you read it? Because you think it’s a bullshit idea? In other words, Ghostbusters had its time and you did a remarkable job with that, and you’ve moved on?

MURRAY: There’s a little bit of that. You know, I only made one sequel, “Ghostbusters II,” and it didn’t end up the way it was presented. About five years after we did the first one, the clever agents got us all together in a room, and we really are funny together. I mean they are funny people - Harold and Danny and myself, and it was Ivan and maybe one or two other people. And we were just blindingly funny for about an hour or so. And the agents, there was just foam coming off of them. And so they had this pitch and Danny and Harold had already concocted some sort of story idea, and it was a story, it was a good story. I think I had even already read one or two that Danny rolled out before that, but this one was a good one. I said, "OK, we can do that one." It was just kind of fun to have all of us together. I mean Moranis, Rick Moranis and Annie Potts. These people, they’re just sterling people to begin with.

STERN: So how do you go back and really make another? Does Ivan want to make that film?

MURRAY: Yeah, Ivan wants to make it and I owe him and he’s puzzled that I haven’t gotten to this one.

STERN: How long has it been sitting on your desk, this script for Ghostbusters?

MURRAY: Well, it may not be on the desk; it’s over there somewhere. How long? I don’t know.

STERN: So you’re never going to read it.

STERN SIDEKICK ROBIN QUIVERS: So you have no interest.

MURRAY: Well, I’ll get to it. I gotta get to it. I feel badly. I got a message. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but it’s not the foremost thing in my mind right now, so I don’t think about it. You know what, the studio gets excited about it every 10 years or so or it seems like, and they read it. Because what they’d really like to do is recreate the franchise, you know? I remember once upon a time it was going to be, “And the new Ghostbusters will be Chris Rock, Chris Farley and Chris Crane or Kris Kringle.” Or someone. They had it together.

STERN: Is that a threat to you? In other words, do they try to threaten you by saying, “We’re going to put together a new Ghostbusters, and therefore you guys will have to go do it?”

MURRAY: It’s not a threat. It’s sort of businesslike. They’d like to keep it going. I mean, it’s still an amazing … there’s still kids today that watch this movie. They still sell a lot of toys and everything.

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MGS - 2/23/2011, 2:43 AM
Everybody isn't getting any younger Bill. Read the damn script already!
lokisilvertongue - 2/23/2011, 2:44 AM
i think this was posted yesterday man
RexDartEskimoSpy - 2/23/2011, 2:51 AM
He's so modest.
acvno86 - 2/23/2011, 2:52 AM

DetectiveCinema - 2/23/2011, 3:13 AM
C'mon! Ghostbusters 3 would be awesome! Please get it going!

If you get the chance, Check out my James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever fancast ^^^

The14thAvenger - 2/23/2011, 3:19 AM
DukeAcureds - 2/23/2011, 3:29 AM
I think this script will be a lot better than Ghostbusters II. Danny Ackroyd's been working on it for a decade or two. It will be good. I enjoy GBII, but it is just a curtain call. GBIII needs to be twice as good as the first one, now, to make up for the second one.
lokisilvertongue - 2/23/2011, 3:49 AM

link to the already posted article ed jst in case u missed it
DimitriFromParis - 2/23/2011, 4:21 AM
Ghostbuster without Murray?.... It can-t be real... If he's not doing the jump, this movie will sucks , Im sure of that.
ablee337 - 2/23/2011, 4:40 AM
Chris Farley would have been an awesome new team member of the Ghost Busters. Miss that dude. Makes me laugh when I think of the Chippendale skit with Patrick Swayze.
rolanddeschain - 2/23/2011, 5:22 AM
Besides being the voice of Garfield, and playing comically horrible golf, what exactly has Bill Murray been doing to be too busy to even do his good friend Dan Ackroyd the favor of reading a GBIII script that took 10 years to finalize? Dont get that one...smh

New Ghostbusters: Jack Black, Dave Chappelle, Adam Sandler, and Michael Cera FTW!!!!!! just kidding, lol
Mysterion - 2/23/2011, 6:00 AM
Seriously, Murray is just being a douche now...he has the script for a while now, his old friends are waiting on him to read it and he keeps says "I will eventually read itsometime in the near future".
Be happy they want to continue the story and not rebooting it.
Bigbywolf - 2/23/2011, 6:23 AM
I like Murray but he's a bloody snob. If Garfield 2 and Charlie's Angels are good enough for him to make, then surely reading the Ghostbusters 3 script isn't so 'lowbrow' for him.
comicb00kguy - 2/23/2011, 6:37 AM
I think Murray owes his long-time friends the courtesy of at least reading the script. If he doesn't want to do another Ghostbusters, that's his right. If everyone else wants to do the film, they should at least have an answer from Murray so they can proceed with or without him. It makes Murray look selfish, imo.
DudeGuy - 2/23/2011, 6:55 AM
I wont see it if Murray isnt in it. But the thing that I dont think Murray understands is that the paranormal is more popular than it ever has been now. If Ghostbusters 3 gets made its going to go through the roof financially. Also it would probably just go through the roof for being Ghostbusters anyway
Boogie138 - 2/23/2011, 6:58 AM
at least he is honest about his feelings toward the property now. truth is if he really wanted nothing at all to do with gb3 he would publicly walk. he was vocally opposed for years and has slowly begun to come around to the idea.

bill, like it or not ghostbusters is a LARGE part of your legacy and to some, like myself, the entire franchise means alot. the video game shows that bill's interest in heading in the right direction.

good, bad or simply fun, whatever form gb3 takes WE WANT YOU IN IT BILL
F' haters
dancingmonkey08 - 2/23/2011, 7:35 AM
Goddamit read that script

Ghostbuster 3 should feature the old Ghostbusters centre stage with them as the main characters. They could be training new Ghostbusters who go on to star in a new trilogy where they take centre stage

Make this new movie a fitting end to the original Ghostbusters and then hand it over to the new ones
Knightstalker - 2/23/2011, 7:38 AM
Screw Bill Murray. if he wants to be a little piss pot and hold up production, then let him go, lock the door, and go on without him. They can start the movie with the other guys at Venkman's funeral.
thedon786 - 2/23/2011, 8:23 AM
LAZY [foo foo]
Joe6Pack74 - 2/23/2011, 10:33 AM
I bet he has read it and it is good. Bill is just an attention whore. Its how he gets his jollies.
Ven0m - 2/23/2011, 11:00 AM
Bill Murray needs to hurry the [frick] up and read the damn script. SO that he can give the green light or bury this franchise till after he dies. I really hope IF it gets made its better than the first 2 or just dont make it at all. DONT RUIN MY GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!!
Luther - 2/23/2011, 11:27 AM
yeeaa..if he doesn't hurry up. You KNOW the studio will just go ahead and reboot the damn thing. But they want to continue it, I agree...I love Murray, one of my all time fav actors, but he IS being a douche right now
cbostont102 - 2/23/2011, 11:57 AM
I can't believe I'm saying this but I would actually be ok with a new cast for GB3...Just having Bill Murray in there like he was in Zombieland would be good enough for me.

I think it's twist of fate that Bill is holding up production when his role in the movie was originally written for John Belushi. Belushi and Aykroyd were a great team in Blues Brothers and 1941 and it would've been so cool to see them together in GB.
Vital - 2/23/2011, 3:20 PM
Bill is pissing me off. What a dick. Fans want it, the cast want it, the studios want it. He knows he's the problem and he doesn't even give a shit. "It's over there somewhere". What an asshole. His friends worked hard on the script and he doesn't even have the manners to read it? What a douche. I hope Dan, Harold, or Ivan read this interview. He wouldn't be my friend anymore. Billy Murray is a funny guy, but he is also a complete [frick]hole. If I see people defending him AFTER what he just said, I'm going to smack you across the face for such stupidity lol. It's clear as day he doesn't give a shit. There is no reading in between the lines anymore. He doesn't care. [frick] him. Take his ass to court and get his part of the rights from him if he's going to be the problem. He's outnumbered. He is purposely stalling the whole thing. That's lawsuit worthy, if his friends and the studio wanted to play the 'well we can be bigger dicks' game, then so be it lol.

Do not defend Bill you tards.
Ven0m - 2/23/2011, 4:39 PM
@ Vital I will defend Bill just a little bit. I honestly for one a true fan of Ghostbusters would love nothing more than a 3rd film... However I do not want a shit film thrown together. Bill has stated before he doesnt want another GB2... Like I stated before it better be done right or dont do it at all!
DudeGuy - 2/23/2011, 5:22 PM
ablee337 - 2/23/2011, 5:41 PM
"Screw Bill Murray. if he wants to be a little piss pot and hold up production, then let him go, lock the door, and go on without him. They can start the movie with the other guys at Venkman's funeral.
Knightstalker - 2/23/2011, 7:38 AM"

I agree with Knightstalker, but they should have a cg ghost version of Murray as the new slimer and add a new group of ghost busters under the training of the remaining original team members. Maybe cast Sam Rockwell, Will Ferrel or whom ever. I say screw Bill Murray if he won't read the script.
Ven0m - 2/23/2011, 6:51 PM
I was under the assumption Bill Murray was part owner of the franchise rights and it took all three to actually green light the film and that is why its not been made yet? Am I wrong?
Vital - 2/23/2011, 7:22 PM
I love both movies. The 2nd movie in a lot of ways, has better parts. The river of slime. So awesome. Creepy awesome.

I'm being harsh about Bill. He's great to watch, but I don't like his attitude. I'm probably one of thee biggest Ghostbusters fans of all time. I have probably watched those movies more than any other movie in my life. I had the pjs, the toys, the proton pack, watched the cartoons of The Real Ghostbusters (I can remember my favorite episodes). I watched the weird Filmation's Ghostbusters cartoon movies where they had a gorilla member of the group lol. I have t-shirts, a belt buckle, etc. I'm a Ghostbusters freak. It's my favorite franchise. I have been waiting forever for a 3rd movie.
Vital - 2/23/2011, 8:16 PM
No you are right Venom. I think he's one of four actually. Dan, Harold, Ivan Reitman, and of course Bill Murray.
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