Sam Neill portrayed Dr. Alan Grant in two of the three Jurassic Park films. After fourteen long years, Universal Pictures finally decided to revive the franchise with Colin Trevorrow's Jurassic World! After the release of that film, fans debated which was better, Jurassic Park which starred Sam Neill, or Jurassic World which starred Chris Pratt. Even though that debate could go on for a pretty long time, Sam Neill in a recent interview with Uproxx, spoke on the Jurassic Park III follow up, and revealed that he really enjoyed the new film.
"I was very curious to see it and I’m happy to see it, and I thought they did a really good job. And the actors were real good." Sam Neill said. After acknowledging the "respectful" Jurassic Park references in Jurassic World, Neill then said that it was pretty messed up how the innocent character Zara (played by Katie McGrath) died at the hands of the Mosasaurus. "Boy, what did the English girl do wrong? She got eaten by like three dinosaurs at once. Was she on the phone too much? She did something really wrong." He then called back to Jurassic Park and said it was pretty obvious that Samuel Jackson's character was going to die. "And you could see poor old Sam Jackson was going to get it, because he’s a smoker. Smokers always die. And the lawyer."
Lastly, he spoke on Bryce Dallas Howard's Claire and revealed his thoughts on the "controversial" high heels scene. "I’m fine with high heels. I like people being eaten. And if you’re going to be eaten, you may as well do it spectacularly." He then added, "He’s a great leading man, by the way," referring to Chris Pratt (who played Owen in the film). "Yeah. Terrific. He’s got the bike-riding skills."
What do you think? Would you like to see Sam Neill's character team up with Owen in one of the Jurassic World sequels? Share your thoughts in the comment section, and be sure to hit the link below to check out Neill's FULL interview with Uproxx.