New Extended Avatar Clip

New Extended Avatar Clip

No blue cartoons in this one, here we see Grace(Sigourney Weaver) and Parker(Giovanni Ribisi) fling exposition at each other and reveal why the Na'vi can speak English.

By MarkCassidy - Dec 03, 2009 07:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi

What is it with evil corporate types and putting mats in movies? Anyway, there you go. The Na'vi know English because the humans made them a school...and because James Cameron doesn't think his target audience can read subtitles.

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weapon925 - 12/3/2009, 8:05 PM
looking better.
aroyalspider - 12/3/2009, 8:12 PM
I'm still not the least bit interested in this movie. I mean c'mon seriously, who doesn't already know exactly how this story goes? Marine comes to make aliens trust him, falls in love, sides with aliens, saves their world. THE END.
NerdRage - 12/3/2009, 8:31 PM
Ah yes...Future Space Blue Alien Pocohantas movie
aroyalspider - 12/3/2009, 8:35 PM
There's really nothing original or compelling about this movie at all to me....
skidz - 12/3/2009, 8:45 PM
THERE HASN'T BEEN AN ORIGINAL STORY IN A COUPLE THOUSAND YEARS! Do your research, none of the books, movies or plays you've seen in this lifetime are truly original. I absolutely love film, but even I know that! The only thing that matters anymore is character development, direction and the PACING of modern storytelling. In the case of sciencefiction it's about escapism and 'suspension of disbelief' which is usually from the other stuff. If you can sell that to an audience, you've got entertaining story at least. Come up with more unique reasons not to see this movie. I bet the only thing this movie will be remembered for is the special effects, but like most sci-fi, I'm still curious.
aroyalspider - 12/3/2009, 8:51 PM
Uhh... blue aliens piss me off? Damn overactive Smurfs with ADD, its in 3-D? Idk, maybe this story seems a little over done to me. And I'm only saying that I ain't interested, I'm not telling anyone not to go see it. It may be good, Idk, but its not appealing to me.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 8:52 PM
Do you hate him as a writer or director?
aroyalspider - 12/3/2009, 8:58 PM
He's not bad, I'm just not interested in THIS film, simple as that. Oh, and I absolutely abhorred Titanic.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 9:02 PM
Multipurposeponi: Cameron's almost strictly scifi (with the exception of Titanic) The only time Michael Bay even tried to be visually original was Transformers. He usually just does Humans shooting each other. Kurtzman and Orci screwed up the sequel. Saving Earth with magic dust, who let them keep that, even I was embarrassed
skidz - 12/3/2009, 9:04 PM
The guys I work with refer to them as mutated Smurfs.
thwhtGuardian - 12/3/2009, 9:05 PM
This clip is actually pretty interesting. I like that kind of rapid exposition. I feel like this could ell a decent story, whether or not cameron is revolutionizing cinema s yet to be seen, but this looks like it could be an interesting scifi movie.
MarkCassidy - 12/3/2009, 9:09 PM
Terminator is one of the greatest movies ever made imo..T2 is also great but inferior. The Abyss is over rated but still pretty good...Aliens is class. So its safe to say I like him as a director, Im just not sure about Avatar..but Im still gonna go see it.

Wesley, man their are lots of completely original movies out there. Check out movies like Inland Empire, Southland Tales(its shit..but its original!) Antichrist(and pretty much anything else by lars Von Trier)..there are still writers and directors that are trying to come up with unique stories and tones for their movies. Granted with SCi Fi its a bit more difficult..but even something like Danny Boyle's Sunshine, while not being completely original in its story, still managed to have a different feel to a lot of Sci Fi movies.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 9:13 PM
In the case of a Director who 'writes' the screenplay (which is often a bad idea), Cameron probably should have come up with a better explanation for them speaking English, kept the movie dialogue in subtitles and just said that the Main Character could understand them in English when inside the Avatar or just do what Peter Jackson did with District Nine and gloss over the explanation entirely (THAT bothered me).
aroyalspider - 12/3/2009, 9:14 PM
wow... Ror, thank you for mentioning Sunshine. I love that movie. Here's a movie that i thought was somewhat original, the Nines, check that shit out.
NERO - 12/3/2009, 9:14 PM
Oh, another Corporations: BAD! Mining: BAD! Military: BAD! American settlement of the west: BAD! Jesus, this thing is played out as hell. It’s a cliché.

Man, James after all these years and all that hype THIS is what you're feeding us?

I'm going to throw a prediction out there like I did with GI Joe... It will make its budget back, but not much else and will in no way revolutionize film CGI or the way film is made. In fact I sense a turning of the page on the wholly digital film and over use of CGI a lot of new more relevant directors are already beginning to move back the other way. I think the rep of Lucas and now even Cameron if this thing doesn't go HUGE will knee cap the whole "why have actors when we can CGI a character" thing.

Yep, I’m making the same call I did on Joe: Given what I’ve seen so far I have no interest in seeing it. That could change, but I’m not going to plunk down my hard earned cash just to see a story I've seen a thousand times before just to see the cool CGI… No story no money, sorry. All visuals no story is half a movie, so I’ll save all my money thank you. If the reviews come back and enough people say that there is a new twist or a better perspective on the same old script; anything new beyond the visual, I’ll change my opinion and give it a chance. But as of right now given what I’ve seen so far… sorry James, I’m in no way convinced.

Now let calling me a prejudgemental hater BEGIN!!!

(The opinions expressed in the above post in no way reflect the opinion of management, it is a wholly editorial statement of personal feelings by an asshole with a weird name and a who we bet is quite funny looking. These statements are in no way intended to challenge or dismiss your own personal views about the awesomeness or lameassitude of the film "AVATAR". Go see it if you want, like it if you want. Carry on.)
skidz - 12/3/2009, 9:16 PM
If he had the English language thing in his mind all along, that's pretty lazy.
MarkCassidy - 12/3/2009, 9:18 PM
Oh yeah Spider, add that to the movie, and proof that Ryan Reynolds has some chops outside of smarmy dickhead comedies.
aroyalspider - 12/3/2009, 9:21 PM
Lol, he really can act. And check the budget on that movie, inexpensive, and a great story... hmmm thats strange.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 9:21 PM
To everyone writing: All I'm saying is pay attention who your blaming in movies (writer, director, screenwriter, actor, etc.) and what your blaming them for.
InTylerWeTrust - 12/3/2009, 9:24 PM
I maintain my view of the film:

Low expectations so far, hoping I'm wrong, going to see it in theaters to find out for sure.

The plot seems (seems, not is) very straightforward to me. Like aroyalspider said, this is what will happen in my mind:

Dude gets put into Avatar (if they don't explain how he's still in a wheelchair when they can transfer consciousnesses into other bodies, I'll be pissed), told to learn all about the aliens and find a way to let the humans mine the sh*t out of their land, change of heart as he falls in love with one of them, sides with aliens, gets a bunch of other human friends to join him, they fight the humans, somehow, miraculously, they win and the humans are defeated, and he becomes one of the tribe.

If that's not how the movie goes, I'll be (pleasantly) surprised.

Ror: Sunshine! That movie is the awesomeness. Man, Danny Boyle kicks ass.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 9:26 PM
Rorshach01: You could be right, but try this...would those movies have worked with a different writer, director or cast? Look what happened Xmen 3 when they changed directors: the idea was a good, dramatic series of ideas, but it got blown up into an overrated action movie by Brett Ratner. This is all assuming you liked the first two.
shibazz - 12/3/2009, 9:28 PM
Being that i am Native American i am very pleased with this story. This is a story that is not contrived but literally gets all of its plot lines directly from history and imperialism . The story of the Rape of a loand and the Death of a people. It is wrong.... its just too bad there were no real "Great" white people who fought as hard for the Natives of America as i hope their equivalent will in this movie. I am excited to see this for all the socio-political reasons that i really adore comics for to begin with. Geronimo was a Bad-Ass i hope there is a character like him in this movie. And i personally love the blue skinned and tall alien race ... they are Gorgeous! and pretty damned sexy too ;)
thwhtGuardian - 12/3/2009, 9:29 PM
wesley from what I've read it wasn't Kurtzman and Orci who screwed up transformers two, they've said that most of their ideas were thrown out by bay and krugar, which is why they left the film and aren't doing a third.

Shibazz while I get how your heritage makes you connect with those themes, I think personally they are cliche for most people. Still Cameron does good scifi so I'll see it.
aroyalspider - 12/3/2009, 9:37 PM
Another thing I would like to point out about this movie, in my opinion, the CGI looks horrible next to the live action, very realistic looking. Idk, it just doesn't seem to fit I guess.
MarkCassidy - 12/3/2009, 9:37 PM
Well, Im sure if one or all of those elements were changed the movie would have turned out differently, but if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass a hoppin:) X3 was let down by its script first and foremost I thought. Ratner actually did ok with what he had to work with. There was hardly any character development, it was all just bland interaction and action..maybe that was down to him..I really don't know whow much input or stroke he had over the direction the story went..but since he's usually the go to guy for wham bang, proccessed movie Im thinking not much!
jman1977 - 12/3/2009, 9:39 PM
@ Multi and Ror: That Cameron guy he is a slick little devil, especially in that vid, thanks for the nod multi, Jimbo there reminds of a white Tyrone Bigams. I think it is true that Cameron has done some awesome work in Hollywood. Obviously. But you know what they say, Your only as good as your last film, or fight, or pitch, or to us guys, article we've written or review we have posted. I think Avatar will be a solid flick but what worries me about it is that so much attention has been spent on the special effects of this movie and not so much the story. We all know the turn out when that kinda situation is at hand. On the other side of the coin the spec effects are suppose to be revolutionary, no doubt folks this is the Wizard of Oz of our time, just replace color TV with 3D in your face action segments and then it should be painless to go see at the theater.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 9:40 PM
thwhtGuardin: I haven't heard anything like that until now (I just heard he was a prick on set), you could be right. Most of part 2 works for me, but the ending, like I said...MAGIC DUST?! I thought Kruger was brought in to bring some originality to the sequel.
thwhtGuardian - 12/3/2009, 9:44 PM
nah, he brought the potty humor. I'll try and find the article I read it in, it was a few months back here on cbm...and I think the interview that it was based on was pulled from empire.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 9:46 PM
Rorshach: I'm not talking about the story itself. The ideas were just fine, but the visual feels like run of the mill action flick to me. How would those ideas been presented if Singer had stayed. How would Superman Returns have felt if they'd gone with someone other than Singer to Direct? The cast for that one is perfect but visually it seems...cynical.
MarkCassidy - 12/3/2009, 9:55 PM
Well, I reckon Singer would have first thrown the script in the garbage to be honest. I think he would have kept the general plot points which were fine as you say, but would have completely revamped the dialog and added scenes, probably toned down the action for better or worse. The movie would have ran longer than 90 minutes too thats for sure. SR? Well, i actually liked it as it was! I know im in a minority but..there you are. I wanted more action of course and I wish Supes had an enemy he could belt around, but I think that would have all happened if Singer had of made a sequel, Im sure he just thought he was beginning a new franchise.
InFamouslyCool - 12/3/2009, 9:59 PM
...i really don't get the hype. this movie looks shitty. just seems so uninteresting.
MarkCassidy - 12/3/2009, 10:02 PM
Yeah Guardian I read the same thing..K and O wanted to tone down the dog humping/stoned mother/Devastator balls but Bay and that other tool that is going to be solo scripting the 3rd one wanted to keep adding to it. So expect even more retardation in the next one.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 10:03 PM
Yeah, how do you get away with a 90 minute movie when the last one was 2hours! Who's idea was it to explain Nightcrawler's sudden disappearance in a VIDEOGAME? I like videogames, but that move was bad!
thwhtGuardian - 12/3/2009, 10:03 PM
oh wes I found the article, it was a piece by ror actually,
and it was slashfilm not empire.

I too liked Superman returns, I mean i have my complaints(like the fact that the movie glosses over why he left in the first place) but I enjoyed it on the whole. I felt like that if given the chance Singer would have created a much better sequel, the first one felt like exposistion to a greater story arch, which we will unfortunately never see.

Who knows maybe in 20 years singer will do a comic detailing where he would have liked to have gone like donner did.
skidz - 12/3/2009, 10:12 PM
But if Singer honored Christopher Reeve so much, why wouldn't he have pushed for a tone more like those films? Yeah, there's only so much you can do in a case like that, but I just remember the classic films had an optimism to them that wasn't in Returns. (Glossing over Superman's absence wasn't a great move on Singers part)
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