14 things I want to see on season 4 of Star Wars the Clone Wars

14 things I want to see on season 4 of Star Wars the Clone Wars

I have been a Star Wars fan for a long time I like show it's ok. Season 4 is going to look good I want 14 things I want to see or happen during season 4. I hope you guys like my ideals and if you have any ideals just comment below.

By STARKILLER21 - May 27, 2011 11:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

I have liked Star Wars since I was a kid I have the whole saga and both seasons of Star Wars the Clone Wars. I enjoyed the 3rd season especially the later half of the show it was really good I liked the Force wielders episodes and Savage Oppress episdoes as well. Anyways I want to see something big or 2 to happen on the show I have 14 plans on what should happen. Hope you like them took a while to think of them.

1. Make the series darker not KOTOR era dark but 10% darker I say they're more interesting when the story is dark.

2. Bring Starkillers Daddy and Mommy because Starkiller is canon in the Star Wars universe. Also to explain what happened to Starkillers mother because she died after the Clone Wars but before Rise of the Empire.

3. Bring back Savage Oppress he was a bad-arse character he imimwas cool just fighting both Obi-Wan and Anakin while droids were coming towards them. Also I want to see him find Darth Maul also showing him as well I might be asking for too much.

4. Have a flashback episode of KOTOR era like Yoda telling padawons about how the Sith Empire nearly destroyed the Jedi Order and Republic. Explaining how Revan and Alek fell ( Darth Maleks originally before he became a Sith)showing the Sith Emperor no not Darth Sidious.

5. When Yoda narrates the story also revealling what happened to Revan I know they'll say what happened in the upcoming MMO also the book called "Revan". Because people are wondering what happened to Revan and the Exile.

6. Have some more Sith episodes the show barely had any lately and should explain how Count Dooku fell to the dark side. I heard how but will be good if we got to see it happen.

7. Let George Lucas appear as someone because he was suppose t have one back on season 2 but was too busy. It can be cool to see the creator of Star Wars to have a minor role on the Clone Wars.

8. Have Revan have a descendent on the show I know might sound crazy but it can be sweet. I know the canon Revan is a male and has black hair blue or green eyes I forget. I want the descendent to be named Rino pronounced Re-no or Ree-no because Rino Ramano voiced the male Revan on the KOTOR game and I know some shows do that name a charcter after the characters parent or realtives voice actor. I have a story about it after the 14 things.

9. I would like to see an episode where the separtist win a battle getting sick of the Clones and Jedi winning them. Another reason is because it can show how the fans will react to the outcome.

10. Show how Liam Neeson's character became a Jedi it'll be cool to see like Yoda telling Obi-Wan how they met Qui-Gon-Jin forgive me if I spell it wrong. Also make Liam Neeson narrating the episode.

11. Have more lightsaber battles and make someone lose a limb getting bored of someone getting a cheap cut or bruised limb.

12. Make Revans descendent the 1st Jedi to use the "Force Repulse" famous move by Starkiller. Think about it for a while also the developers of the Force Unleashed games saying that move is dangerous even for Starkiller.

13. Have a dark season finale and have Rex or Ashoka die because they are not on Revenge of the Sith I say Rex should die first then Ashoka despite being annoying character.

14. Show General Grevious' origin story showing how he became a cyborg. I don't know why but seems interesting.

For the Descendent episodes I want a 4 epsiode arc instead of 2-3 because 4 can cover it for me it needs to be 4.

Part 1- It'll start as usual narrator saying while the Sepratists are in hiding and planning there next attack. It'll go back to the Jedi Temple saying Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ke Adi Mundi and Po Kloon are watching padawons constructing their lightsabers ages of 15-18. Rino constructs his lightsaber the lightsaber ends up looking like Revans even the color crystal blue. The council ask him how come his lightsbaer looks like that claiming he had a dream of it and a jedi covered from head to toe told to him to you know what that means.

The council find out he's Revan's descendent and Obi-Wan thinks he can helpful to the Republic because Revan was powerful. Po tells them remember Revan betryaed the Republic and killed hundreds of Jedi friend or foe Yoda telling them that he redeemed himself for helping the Republic to find the Star Forge and defeating Darth Malek. Rino finds out feels ashamed thinking that everyone will treat him different because of what his ancestor did and flees but bumps into Anakin and talks to him for abit telling him he's going back to his quarters to rest(actually leaves). Darth Sidious tells Dooku that "Revan" has a descendent and make him into a Sith telling Dooku if Revan became a Sith so can him. The 1st episode ends with Dooku hiring Cad Bane to kidnap him which fades to black.

Part 2- Skips an hour later the Council think it's best to tell Rino he's Revan's descendent Mace finds out he's gone leaving a recording why he ran off claiming he didn't want the Jedi to treat him different and knows they'll treat different for being Revan's descendent because he was 1 of the greatest Jedi and greatest enemy to the Republic and will try to go kill Count Dooku for betraying and killing his master.

Eventually gets captured by Cad Bane wakes up later being inttergetted by Count Dooku saying I'm going to make you my apprentice and help us crush the Republic but tell me where are they going to attack next and refuse to talk he'll get tortured. Skips to the Temple Yoda telling the Council to find him telling Obi-Wan to go with Po Kloon and bring Anakin while Mace Windu and Ki Adi Mundi go together. Mace and Mundi go to Rino's home planet and ask if he's there but his mother tells them she knows her son is Revan's descendent and telling both that she too is Revan's descendent her late husband at the other hand is Darth Maleks descendent. What a twist

Part 3- Telling what happened and goes to Dooku's ship demanding him to tell where the Republic are going to strike next but keeps refusing to talk gets tortured yet again. He yells saying "I'm GOING TO KILL YOU when I get out Count Dooku" Dooku replies "Good luck my old apprentice" revealling Dooku was his Jedi Master and was Dooku's last apprentice Rino was just telling it like how Obi-Wan told Luke what happened to Anakin on New Hope. Mace contacts Obi-Wan and Po Kloon telling them "We just met his mother and he's not here and get this he's not only Revans descendent but also Darth Maleks" Obi-Wan and Po are surprised from it. Dooku tells Sidous "My master he will not speak what is thy bidding" Sidious replies " IF he won't turn to the dark side then we will force him and send a message to the Jedi Council and tell them you have him and Obi-Wan can only get him. In 1 condition give them a planet claiming he would ask for money but due to the fact he's Revan's descendent he's worth more then that Yoda contacts Obi-Wan saying him, Po Kloon, Anakin that a ship will come for them and Yoda tells them when Dooku threated them he gave away his position and tells them to attack his ship knowing his ship is small.

While Rino is in pain his eyes turn yellow like a Sith saying "Where is Count Dooku" in a Sith kind of voice but see's the force ghost of Revan voiced by Rino Ramano. Telling him "Don't give in to the dark side you're stronger then that" Rino replies "it's you the one in my dreams" Revan replies "Yes I am been watching you for quite a while Rino I'm proud of you but don't let your anger get the best of you" I know you are mad but don't fall to the dark side you won't accomplish nothing but death and fear. Before he finishes Malek appears but is Alek instead re-borned as a Jedi knowing what he did was wrong realizing it didn't make him stronger but made him something he swore to hate. Saying to Revan "My old friend Revan I'm sorry for trying to kill you" Revan "No Alek it's my fault if I didn't become a Sith Lord you wouldn't have been one as well" knowing it was not only Maleks fault but mostly his for turning on the Jedi Council. Telling Rino that don't let your past ruin your future and that don't give in saying rather "Die as a hero and be remembered as a Jedi or live as a Sith and bring fear throughout the galaxy". But episode ends with Obi-Waan and the others getting caprtured revealling it was a trap the wholetime.

Part 4- Count Dooku tells Obi-Wan that this was a trap the entire time and tells them that he tortured Rino and says "Rather he joins me or you all die". Rino is still in "Sith mode" being confronted by his ancestors fprce ghost's telling him to let it go and go save the others but Revan tells him " You know once you become a Sith they'll make you kill everyone you love they'll make you kill your mother" which made him more mad but calms down and goes back to normal. Dooku orders the droids to escort Rino to the main entrace showing him Obi-Wan, Anakin, Po Kloon, Rex and a few clones telling him "Join me Rino become my Sith apprentice or they die" 2 clones get shot and die during the decision. Meanwhile Yoda tells Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi that Commander Cody is waiting for them and orders them to go find Obi-Wan and the others in Dooku's ship if it's too late destroy Dooku's ship but bring Dooku alive. Mundi askes Mace how come Rino hates Dooku Mace replies "Remember Dooku was his master and when Dooku betrayed the Republic Rino tried to stop him but lost and Dooku left him a mark to remember him" back on the 3rd episdoe near the end you can see a big lightining scar on his chest to shoulder showing he was maybe tortured by Dooku.

Obi-Wan tells Rino even with we die don't give in to Dooku, Po tells him "Remember what he did to you boy that scar on you" (Rino looks at his scar at the meantime showing flashbacks of getting it)"That scar shows how much you meant to him a true Jedi Master knows to NEVER to do that to his/her Aprrentice". Dooku's lightsaber was pointing towards Po's face telling Po "I always hated your heroic speeches for that you die next" before he can strike Rino gives in saying "I will do your bidding just let them go they aren't involved in this". Dooku replies "Yes they are as we speak Master Windu and Master Mundi are on there way to rescue you and them, I want you to kill Windu and Mundi if not I'll kill them, Obi-Wan and the others then YOU".

Before Dooku finished his orders Po Kloon force grabbed Dooku's lightsaber sadly fails to kill Dooku and gets the "Force Lightining". While Po is yelling in pain Rino grabs his lightsaber from Dooku Force Pushes him away gives Obi-Wan, Anakin and Po's lightsabers back and says "thank you" to Po for what he said but Dooku orders all of his droids to strike them down saying "LEAVE NONE ALIVE". Mace contacts Po telling them they're 5 minutes away to save them. 5 minutes later right when Rino, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Po Kloon and Rex get in Dooku arrives telling them " 1 of you 4 must stay behind in order to go".

Po decides to stay and fight Dooku they all say farwell to Po. Rino says "Thank you Po for saying that earlier and I'm sorry" Po replies "For what" Rino force pushes him into the ship locking and destroying the door yeling at them to go. Sadly Obi-Wan tells them if we all stay we'll all die and before they left. They hear Rino telling to Dooku " I have a new trick to show you but you'll see it soon enough" shows them fighting. But due to the ship door being destroyed it'll take a few minutes to leave Rino wondering why they aren't leaving yelling to them to go but Dooku almost gets him but Dooku tells him "They got 2 minutes to leave or you and them will die". After seeing the droids coming he force pushes the ship but before they leave Dooku's ship Rino tell Dooku that this new trick will leave nothing left knowing it can kill him. They continue fighting Rino distracts the droid so the others can escape so he jumps into where all the droids are at and does the "Force Repulse" yelling "FOR THE REPUBLIC AND FOR THE JEDI".

The Repulse destroys almost a third of Dooku's ship and all of the droids in there but dies from it and shows Dooku lost his right hand remember Dooku's hand was smoking on Revenge of the Sith when Anakin cut it off. He tells Darth Sidiuos that he's dead and Sidious replies "Pity he could've been useful to us and for the Sepratists". Goes to the Jedi Temple Obi-Wan, Po Kloon, Ki Adi Mundi and Mace Windu tell the rest of the Council ( 2 of the Jedi sitting down is Rahm Kota and Starkillers father)that Rino is now dead and 1 with the force and that he gave his life to save them and reveals Po has his lightsaber showing Rino switched Po his lightsaber before he was thrown into the ship knowing he was not coming back. Yoda says one of his famous speeches and said "He must have knew his time has come"

Also I want Revan's descendent to be voiced by Jared Padalecki because I think he is a good actor love SUPERNATURAL and can't wait for season 7. I think he has the voice for him if they ever do that but highly doubt it.

THE END hope you guys like my ideals and remember comment below if you have any other ideals of what should happen on season 4 and I admit my story is kind of lame. If you guys like it I like to say thanks.
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GrandWrex - 5/28/2011, 1:54 AM
those ideas are pretty good

but i hope if they kill Rex he takes down an entire separatist fleet with him, OH YAH!!! BOO YAAH!!!

STARKILLER21 - 5/28/2011, 2:02 AM
@ TheWorldisYours I know it's not news I missed up 1st article in a while I was gone for a couple hours. Came back to finish it I did but copied it incase I had to re-sign in and do it all over again which it did. But forgot to move it to Fan-Fic section.

@ GrandWrex yeah if Rex dies he should go out with a BANG!!!
AC1 - 5/28/2011, 4:13 AM
Hey CG21 great ideas, I don't really know much about the extended Star Wars universe but Ive seen a few episodes of The Clone Wars and thought they were pretty good.

Just an 'FYI', this is still in News, so you should probably move this to either Editorials or Fan Fic soonish. As for the story arc you wrote, you need to separate those into paragraphs, it makes it easier for everyone to read. Still, nice stuff though, keep it up!
BIGBMH - 5/28/2011, 7:10 AM
nice ideas! it seems like your season would involve a lot of flashbck, which I'm cool with, but when it comesto doing knight of the old repbulic and stuff, i think they could possibly have the clone wars team do full length movies. Qui-gon and Dooku origins wold be quite cool though. They could also flash back to Anakin's training between episodes 1 and 2. I've always wished I could see something from that era.
One of the problems with Clone wars as a series is that they're covering a small amount of time, and judging by how Ashoka has aged, a decent amountof it has alrady passed. ot everyting is in chronological order, butthey do have to keep moving forward. You could do much longer series if you chose to do Od Republic, Anakin's training, or after episode 6. Who know? Mybe we'll get one of those after this is done.

TheButcher12300 - 5/28/2011, 9:44 AM
What about Cad Bane? But anyway Season 5 will be the last of the series. But good story man :)
STARKILLER21 - 5/28/2011, 5:37 PM
I forgot about Cad Bane well I'll put it this way after he brings Revan's descendent to Dooku. Count Dooku gives him a reward and leaves maybe be back later on .But needs to get killed off before the end of the show even though he's a bad-arse character.

@ Acira I edit the article all over again and it's on fan-fic. Thanks for liking my story. Even thought it's kinda cheap
MasterApoc81 - 1/5/2012, 2:29 PM
they should leave revan out of clone wars.....they should make a revan movie ...like 6 ....have kate beckinsale play bastalia shan ....not sure for revan ........the first three could be about the events of kotor 1 and 2.....the next 3 could be about his return to defeat the darkness he spoke of....and then taking bastla shan and leaving to start a family ....think with the way the galaxy used the force back then and how much more knowlege their was and the revan storyline is less emo than skywalker it could make for better movies having two main villains ..malak and the 1000yr emperor ......and having more fight scenes
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