Ferran Domenech Disscusses The Desgining Of GODZILLA
Hit the jump to check out what Ferran Domenech, the Animation Supervisor whose worked on countless films such as, Prometheus, Harry Potter, and Godzilla, had to say about how they designed Godzilla! Check it out!
Ferran Domenech (Animation Supervisor), sat down with the DIY Magazine and discussed the work him and his team had to put in to design the 'King of Monsters', Godzilla. Check !
"We have input in the motion design. We’ll take an abstract definition of how they should move. Will their movements be heavy or do they use a bit of a gorilla stride? We look at references and study the motion and speed of the creature. Design wise in terms of how the creature looks, sometimes we have a say in terms of the shapes that the face makes, the expressions etc we can have some input in that. For instance sometimes if we think, say the arms are too short and that will cause motion problems then we have input. On paper a design can look really cool but once we put the armature inside and start moving it around it has to show if there’s going to be issues when making certain poses. So our design input is more from a motion point of view."
Ferran certainly did a wonderful job with the final design of Godzilla. Even though it is a lot of work to be done, Ferran and his team do their job, and provide us with some great animations! Godzilla is out now on 3D Blu-ray and DVD, and Godzilla 2 is set to hit theaters some time in 2018. Sound off below with your thoughts!