George Lucas Discusses Star Wars Live Action TV Show & 3D Conversions

George Lucas Discusses Star Wars Live Action TV Show & 3D Conversions

In a video interview with G4, George Lucas detailed how the 3D conversions of the Star Wars films came about, and provides an update on the live action Star Wars TV series that is supposed to take place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

By EdGross - May 26, 2011 03:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
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STAR WARS: Cal Kestis Live-Action Debut Rumored; Will THE MANDALORIAN & GROGU Return After Upcoming Movie?

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ReverendHess - 5/26/2011, 3:19 AM
George, I want to trust you. It's just you've hurt me so many times! Please be he man I need you to be.
scarecrow007 - 5/26/2011, 3:21 AM
I hope that they add some new scenes to the 3-D version.
setsSister - 5/26/2011, 3:50 AM
How many other versions will there be of Star Wars? How many extra scenes? I'm a fan, but honestly . . . This is getting kind of Brett Favre-ish.

It's a classic! Now allow it to go to rest in classic-dom and stop trying to breathe life into what died years ago. I am sure there are other stories to tell. Allow the characters to progress and move on.
Hannibal_King - 5/26/2011, 3:59 AM
Stop this 3D crap, and this crap about a Star Wars TV series. Just make episodes 7-9, and concentrate on story.
Otherwise you're just frustrating a lot of SW fans George.
AC1 - 5/26/2011, 4:06 AM
@Hannibal they're way past the point where they can do 7-9, they should have done them before 1-3. 7-9 wouldve only worked if it showed Luke after ROTJ re-establishing the Jedi order, but Mark Hamill is nearly 60, Harrison Ford is nearly 70, so they're too old to reprise the roles in that context. They'd have to jump in like 30 years after eps 4-6 with an already rebuilt Jedi order, and it'd just be like a remake of eps 1-3 if they did it now.

@grif that's a good point, and it's already on track. The budget that TV shows have now could easily be used on effects that were used in the making of the original Star Wars films, in fact a TV budget nowadays could probably buy better effects, and... I forgot where I was going with this... ah well.

I still can't wait to get the blu-rays for my birthday, I've been putting off buying the films because I cant stand the Yoda puppet they used in Episode 1, and I think they're using the CGI one in the bluray version. Still can't beat the original Yoda puppet used in Episode 5 mind.
VictorHugo - 5/26/2011, 4:10 AM
I don´t even want more Indiana Jones movies, though I wanted to see them badly a while back.

Bring more creations. Maybe some WILLOW expanded universe or something.
BatEagle74 - 5/26/2011, 4:25 AM
Lucas is after the money, he doesn't give and eff about us fans at all.

As for 7 to 9, Harrison Ford being the a$$hole he is wouldn't have agreed to do them anyway.
loganoneil - 5/26/2011, 4:26 AM
Hannibal - Besides... Lucase SWORE a countless number of times he would NEVER do Chapters 7 through 9 because of the other media that have covered it. Prick-boy also SWORE he would NEVER let anyone ELSE do those Chapters either! As far as he's concerned, the 'Star Wars' story-arc is about ANAKIN Skywalker only.

VictorHugo - You're hoping for too much. The man hasn't had an original idea for a movie in over 20 YEARS! He's stuck pimping product and trying to squeeze every last dime out of merchandising!
BCat - 5/26/2011, 4:27 AM
@teabag - Oh hell yeah!! lol

I just want to see the day that Lucas forgets all this cashing in on old rope. If he truely wants to make money and cr@p loads of it - make a new Star Wars movie!

Do what needs to be done to get Hamil, Ford and Fisher back

Seriously, that movie would smash box office records even if it was crap purely down to the "what fan wouldnt go see it" factor.

EDIT: Hmm in the time it took me to post this it appears that reasons for another movie not being made have been given.

GUNSMITH - 5/26/2011, 4:33 AM
loganoneil - 5/26/2011, 4:35 AM
BCat - I TOTALLY agree (what fan WOULDN'T camp out in line to see a NEW 'Star Wars' film?!), but like I said before, Lucas will not do the series going forward (it's all about Anakin). There's also the points that ACira and BatEagle74 bring up - the original actors are too old to reprise their roles (the window of opportunity was missed by about 15 years), and Harrison Ford is a prick when it comes to 'Star Wars' (he wanted Han to die in 'Empire' and had to be practically BEGGED to come back for 'Return'!).
NeoBaggins - 5/26/2011, 4:44 AM
It was a good run, George. We miss you.


VictorHugo - 5/26/2011, 4:44 AM
Loganoneil: That´s really sad.

Because it´s Star WARS, and wars should end eventually.
The concept itself is exhausting already because in order to these characters exist, they need to be in state of war all the time.

Guess it all ended for me in that scene from the book
"Heirs of the Empire" with Leia crying "will this war never end?". :/

What we need is Star Peace and not Star Wars.
Spock - 5/26/2011, 4:46 AM
Just please don't start with stuff we've seen over & over again. I think its just an excuse. Hell Star Trek has had many series. So what is the problem LUCAS?

JackBauer quote "Exactly! If Star Trek, BSG, Stargate, Babylon 5, to name a few, can have successful tv shows what the hell is Lucas' problem? He acts like he's trying to do some ground breaking BS. Just give us an hour long show with space battles, action, etc. just like those other shows have. It's not rocket science."
Spock - 5/26/2011, 4:48 AM
Hell it doesn't need to be Avatar type of visual effects. Just get it done.
VictorHugo - 5/26/2011, 4:51 AM
The "Young Indiana Jones" TV show was amazing. Okay, they were in slow motion compared to the movies, but they had an amazing production.
StarkillerII - 5/26/2011, 4:54 AM
I guess my article was not worthy enough.
VictorHugo - 5/26/2011, 4:59 AM
StarkillerII: What article is that of which you speak? (Said in Odin´s voice)
PirateOpossum - 5/26/2011, 5:11 AM
This is a win. GL and ILM have always reinvented the machine when it comes to story telling. I can't wait to see SW3D (including Jar Jar)
LEEE777 - 5/26/2011, 5:20 AM
Stop talking about doing the STAR WARS TV show and DO IT!

Sick of all the talk, [frick]ing FOX strikes again!

Should have been making live-action STAR WARS instead of all the TREK crap! : P

P.S. Okay I liked ENTERPRISE and some of DS9! : D
CaptainPresley - 5/26/2011, 6:17 AM
I'd like to se a new CG series, once Clone Wars ends, based during Episodes 4-6. I bet they could get Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Anthony Daniels to do voice work. Maybe even James Earl Jones.
kirynthemighty - 5/26/2011, 6:18 AM
Tell George to contact the goddamn production studio from Battlestar Galactica. Done! That show looked awesome and had a mediocre budget. You come in with a Star Wars TV show with George Lucas then you have a large budget and you could easily make the show look phenomenal.
comicb00kguy - 5/26/2011, 6:37 AM
I think South Park has accurately portrayed Lucas for what he is: a greedy old bastard who is determined to milk Star Wars (and Indiana Jones, for that matter) for every dime he can get out of it. How many more dozens, if not hundreds, of deleted scenes or alternate takes does he have safely locked away in vaults somewhere, to be meted out a handful at a time with each new re-release of the original trilogy, because he knows that loyal fans will line up around the block at every store that sells DVD's in the country to buy them? I hate seeing fans of anything exploited like that.

Now a live-action TV show? That might be a nice way to build upon the story and deliver actual new material. The cost of effects has come down enough that this show could be affordable, and still look great. Now that is one new show I'd love to see.
A7 - 5/26/2011, 6:56 AM
Im 100% for a tv series and/or new movies in the star wars universe.

And I can see the point in releasing of upgrades like VHS to DVD, DVD to Bluray, Bluray to 3d if you got the cash to spen on that who am I to say how to blow your dough. - Lucas isnt the only one doing it hell they just released an upgrade of platoon on bluray. As far as releasing thm in theaters No one is forcing anyone to go, and as a matter of fact I think its great that I can take my 3 year old son who is a star wars fan to the movies to see them who until now has only seen them on TV/DVD.
BIGBMH - 5/26/2011, 6:57 AM
I'm not big on 3D (since I can't really see it) but I would imagine that they could do something really cool with that scene that has Luke flying down the trench to blow up the Death Star.

I've been waiting for this TV show fr quite some time, so I'm a little bit bummed to here it's probably still quite a while off from now. However, it's very cool to here that they might be on to something that'll reduce the cost of affect so that we'll see much more impressive stuff on TV and allowing big movie to do even more with the money they have (probably more in terms of scope than the quality of the effects themselves).

I like you attitude, A7. This could be a great opportunity to introduce a new generation of fans to these movies. I've got a few friends who have never seen them. There are people out there who really love 3D so this could be wat convinces them to give an old movie like Star Wars a chance.
Mileena16 - 5/26/2011, 7:07 AM
i have such confusing feelings about this!!!!
getupkid - 5/26/2011, 7:27 AM
Find a capable and relevant director (and casting director, for God's sake) to do Episodes 7,8, and 9, then fade off into the mist at your ranch, Georgie. I loved the original 3, I really liked Episode 3, but Episode 1 and 2 were so awful, I can't look at the franchise the same ever again.
JackBauer - 5/26/2011, 7:59 AM
@Spock - Thanks for re-posting my comment. He just needs to make a tv show, not a damn theatrical movie for tv. He's making it harder than it needs to be.

@StarkillerII - Your article was good. I don't see why it was replaced.

@LEEE - Wars and Trek both kick ass! DS9 was the best, especially the last 3-4 years with the war storyline.

@getupkid - Agreed. Whoever the casting director was for the prequels should never work again for letting whatshisname even audition for Mannequin Skywalker.
brokenexcitement - 5/26/2011, 8:01 AM
So, I am quickly becoming a firm believer that Star Wars needs to go the, and this makes me sick to my stomach as a fanboy, Star Trek route. It needs to have new life breathed into it. George! Please, for the love of the force, allow some other director with the passion and talent like JJ Abrams to take over for you. The best Star Wars movies were the ones you DIDN'T direct (The Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!

I want to see a new Star Wars MOVIE! This is like getting the same gift every year for Christmas just in a new box and with new wrapping :-(
TyrannicalOverlord - 5/26/2011, 8:14 AM
Lucas sold his soul. He is a golum and Star Wars is now the strungout junkie of the movie world whose time in the sun is long past. No more of my money will go to his efforts.

GUNSMITH - 5/26/2011, 8:51 AM
cosmicstranger - 5/26/2011, 8:58 AM
Enough is enough. Over saturation is what is killing Star Wars. Is there no way to save it except let it die off for a little while?
cosmicstranger - 5/26/2011, 8:59 AM
@teabag- You have the situation pegged.
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