I'm stunned. I shouldn't be but I am. George Lucas went there.
Oh no he didn't.
Yep. He sure did.
So the Disney company are "white slavers" because you, George, decided to sell your company to them. They didnt do a hostile takeover of Lucasfilms. They didn't have ISIS come and chop heads off and steal things. YOU SOLD EVERYTHING TO THEM ON YOUR OWN ACCORD. You did, George. Get over it. As an artist I totally understand the process of creating something you are so passionate about that when it comes time to let it go it hurts. I get that. Creating something from the ground up take a lot of passion and you have the benefit of knowing that creation came from you and you are so proud of it that you dont want anyone else to have any say so in the look, feel, touch of your creation because it is your baby. I understand you, George. I really do.
But white slavers?
C'mon, son. That is taking it somewhere in a direction that it's hard to take back. Granted George was being gracious by letting go of the franchise and it resulted in possibly the best Star Wars film since Empire Strikes Back in The Force Awakens. He knew that if he had done Episode 7 himself instead of JJ Abrams while HE might have been satisfied with the end result there is a HIGH probabilty that NOT A LOT OF FANS would be satisfied with the movie based on what he did with episodes 1-3. In life there is always a point where you have to let go of something in order to move on and not give in to being selfish, which is the very essence of Star Wars, life must go on. White slavers is such a heavy heavy term to throw out that it's kind of sad that he used it on Disney, the Snow White Company. Does he know something we don't? Do they employ sweatshop workers? Do their employees make below minimum wage? Clarify your statement, please, George, because you sound like a petulent kid thats mad his favorite toy got taken away from him and is whining because he cant get it back. Don't put a blemish on this wonderful experience we all are having right now with YOUR creations with this new movie. It's not time for that. No need for name calling just because Disney didnt want you involved with anything Star Wars. It's their toy now that YOU sold it to. Move on and stop being disrespectful of the "slavery" term because there is a loaded history with that term in America and it has to be used in it's correct context because I'm SURE no employee at Disney is feeling like a slave when they CHOSE to work for them.