STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All
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STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All

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JonAwesome - 5/25/2018, 4:17 AM
I loved the movie!
MarkCassidy - 5/25/2018, 4:19 AM
@JonAwesome - Me too. I want a sequel. I don't care of it's just Han and Chewie flying around in the Falcon for 2 hours.
MUTO123 - 5/25/2018, 4:18 AM
Sounds like the opening scene is this movie's equivalent of the casino scene in Last Jedi.
DarthGoodGuy - 5/25/2018, 6:22 AM
@MUTO123 - Not nearly that bad but definitely a little clunky
kylo0607 - 5/25/2018, 4:35 AM
Really liked the movie!

It was fun, well-paced and Alden and Glover nailed it - especially Glover.

And it had that Star Wars feel I love!

Bring on the sequel and Maul!
RedHood92 - 5/25/2018, 4:37 AM
Say what you will about the movie but i enjoyed it. the action was non stop and the Kessel Run scene was cool though. I kinda jumped in my seat when Maul was in the movie.
Oberlin4Prez - 5/25/2018, 4:52 AM
There was a huge gasp when Maul was revealed in my theatre, followed by applause.
blacksoufoda - 5/25/2018, 6:22 AM
@Oberlin4Prez - applause by what? Two people in the theater?
Gandressmex - 5/25/2018, 5:15 AM
Some SPOILERS..........

This year is the year of the cameos..With Red Skull, Juggernaut now Darth Maul anyone im missing?
bkmeijer2 - 5/25/2018, 5:22 AM
Haven’t seen the movie, but still clicked on this because I just didn’t care. Now that I’ve read this, it sounds awesome and regret clicking this. [frick]ing darth maul!
IronMandarin - 5/25/2018, 5:28 AM
When Lady Proxima came out of the water in the opening scene, my friend leant over to me and said "is that a centipenus?"

I laughed so hard that it killed any tension that scene might have had.
Kman - 5/25/2018, 5:40 AM
Some big Star Wars fans I know said they loved it... lots of EU and Clone Wars references that they enjoyed. This movie could end up surprising everybody.
TBobshandlebar - 5/25/2018, 5:45 AM
I liked the majority of the movie, but that guy was not Han Solo. His voice was pretty terrible. Glover as Lando worked though.
Timerider84 - 5/25/2018, 5:52 AM
Some people like it, some hate it. I loved the movie, it's a fun entertaining movie. Ron Howard and the Kasdans did a terrific job. Don't listen to the haters, go see it yourself. It's better than the prequels.
Kyos - 5/25/2018, 5:54 AM
Interesting. Really curious how this'll ultimately do at the worldwide BO.
SuperCat - 5/25/2018, 6:25 AM
Ha1frican - 5/25/2018, 7:11 AM
Just saw it last night, and here’s my take. Overall I really enjoyed it. I think it is PAINFULLY obvious what was shot by Lord and Miller and what was shot by Ron Howard. Maybe that’s just my head but I really felt like the first half of the movie didn’t work. All the “reveals” were extremely telegraphed or silly (the Chewbacca reveal, giving him the solo name, Beckett and the crew not being soldiers, Enfys being a girl) and I didn’t feel Alden had that Han Solo swagger... HOWEVER by the third act and especially end of the movie I felt it really came together in a way that made Alden feel like he had grown into the Han we know from the original trilogy or at least close enough that you can see how he got there. L3 was great, and Lando was exceptional. The Darth Maul reveal was cool and genuinely surprising (I thought it was Snoke at first and i dont know how that really works bc I think it contradicts Rebels but whatever) and Drieden was an interesting bad guy that I really believed would flay any of them at any given time despit knowing most of these guys survive. Also seeing Han win the falcon in Sabaac and putting to rest how to actually pronounce “Han” was a fun inclusion” overall I didn’t LOVE it but liked it quite a bit. It’s probably my least favorite of the Disney movies but it’s still very much Star Wars and as a full package very enjoyable and although they got us close enough to episode 4 to not have to do a sequel I wouldn’t actually enjoy one especially with the way things ended with Wi’ra
Doodlee - 5/25/2018, 7:59 AM
I never cared much about a Han Solo prequel, but the trailers hooked me and I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. I'd prefer a Leia prequel over a Boba Fett film, but based on this effort, I'll give it a look.
jumpingtheshark - 5/25/2018, 8:18 AM
What a miserable movie. A few good ideas. Lots of fanfare that fell flat because nostalgia doesn't work when the faces are unfamiliar (and bad actors at that). Even Donald Glover—who is great at almost everything he does—was terrible. His "Lando" felt more forced than smooth.
FeedTheHorse - 5/25/2018, 3:09 PM
I enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would. The Maul reveal was a surprize, had to explain to my son how he survived the fall in Ep. 1.
Did anybody else pick up in Qi-Ra being trained in Teras Kasi?

noahthegrand - 5/26/2018, 11:25 AM
Loved the movie. All the characters were great. Had some problems in the first act but really hits its stride moving on from that. Centipenus was a cool but strange design for a character.
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