In an effort to possibly one-up the viral campaign that launched through the film’s teaser trailer, the recent 30-second Super Bowl commercial for the Spielberg-produced, Abrams-directed Super 8 may have managed to sneak in a split-second shot of the alien creature that acts as a catalyst for the film. Find a screen grab of that, along with a couple of other possible Easter eggs from the TV spot.
As with the aforementioned viral campaign, all of these Easter eggs can be found within the flashing images that appear in the camera lens just before the title is revealed.
First up is a glimpse at what’s presumably the alien — or more specifically, the lower half of the alien’s jaw. Definitely getting a Jurassic Park vibe from this shot.

Next there’s a fuzzy shot of a billboard, which I have been told, features what appears to be a reference to LOST. Can anybody see anything about LOST on the billboard? I understand why there would be a LOST reference but I don't see anything that relates to LOST, I got a little dizzy after studying the picture too long.
If you find anything else in this pictures, please share.