SHAZAM! FURY OF THE GODS Director David F. Sandberg Responds To Henry Cavill Superman Rumor

SHAZAM! FURY OF THE GODS Director David F. Sandberg Responds To Henry Cavill Superman Rumor SHAZAM! FURY OF THE GODS Director David F. Sandberg Responds To Henry Cavill Superman Rumor

Last night, a rumor that Henry Cavill was set for an appearance as Superman in Shazam! Fury of the Gods did the rounds online, and director David F. Sandberg has now responded to the report...

By MarkCassidy - Feb 05, 2021 10:02 AM EST

Shazam! Fury of the Gods director David F. Sandberg has responded to last night's rumor that Henry Cavill is set to return as Superman for the upcoming DC Comics sequel, and while he does cast some doubt on the validity of report, he doesn't outright debunk it.

Sandberg begins by saying that he's "not going to comment on casting rumors" (before doing just that) because "you can't be sure about anything until it's happened."

This would seem to suggest that there has at least been some discussion about Cavill re-donning the cape for an appearance in the movie, but whether the wheels are actually in motion is another matter.

Sandberg goes on to confirm that Cavill was originally supposed to play the Man of Steel for that brief scene at the end of the first film until plans changed.

It was reported in June of last year that Cavill had made a new deal with Warner Bros. to return as Superman in the DCEU (though the actor downplayed it in subsequent interviews), with the plan for him to make a series of smaller appearances in other characters' movies.

So, a cameo in Shazam! 2 would make sense, but we're just going to have to see how things pan out.

Plot details are still under wraps, but we do know that the sequel will feature more of the Shazam Family, and is expected to introduce some "unexpected villains." Zachary Levi will return as the title character.

Shazam! Fury of The Gods is currently scheduled for release in 2023.

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1AboveAll - 2/5/2021, 10:18 AM
Surely not my very FIRST!
1AboveAll - 2/5/2021, 10:20 AM
@1AboveAll - Anyway, love Cavill as Superman so this would be great, also a proper chance to show a hopeful and light-hearted Superman as opposed to just seeing Cavill as Supermoan
aresww3 - 2/5/2021, 11:05 AM
@1AboveAll - I'm so much more excited to just see Shazam 2, i'd much rather black adam be in it. But I guess people love their movies connected these days.

Also I'd just prefer a new Superman movie project.
1AboveAll - 2/5/2021, 11:20 AM
@aresww3 - Yes absolutely, it boggles my mind that WB can have that IP and have literally minimal plans as far as i can see to utilise him, its such an open goal. An iconic Superman is what the world needs right now, we need to join him in the Sun
WruceBayne - 2/5/2021, 12:43 PM
@aresww3 - I don’t think Black Adam needs his own movie. I don’t care if The Rock is playing him.
You could’ve had him as the villain in Shazam.
Had him join the Suicide Squad under Enchantress spell as they went up against some misunderstandings with the Justice League.
Battabing - 2/5/2021, 3:29 PM
@WruceBayne -
DC is pushing several characters for future appearances in other media.
1. Black Adam-movie coming, now a lead in the JL comic.

2. JSA-appearing in Black Adam with potential spin-offs in film and HBO Max shows.

3. Queen Hippolyta-features in the Wonder Woman films and has an Amazons spin-off coming for HBO Max. Also a lead in the JL comic.

4. Yara Flor-breakout hit from Future State; has a new comic and CW show on the way.

5. Naomi-hit comic and has a new CW show on the way; also a lead in new JL comic.
Baf - 2/5/2021, 6:15 PM
@WruceBayne - I know you are referencing SS but isnt Black Adam in SS2?
WruceBayne - 2/5/2021, 6:16 PM
@Baf - I think that was just a rumor.
Baf - 2/5/2021, 6:47 PM
@WruceBayne - That's cool, thanks. I googled SS2 to find the release date and sure enough DJ is listed in the extended cast. I checked the IMBD cast and he is not listed. I heard the rumor too and thought I missed the confirmation.
GeneralZod - 2/5/2021, 10:20 AM
Wasted opportunity in Shazam! that should have happened. Hopefully they don't blow it a second time.
inkniron - 2/5/2021, 11:41 AM
@GeneralZod - I'm looking forward to the eventual book "Wasted Opportunity: A Complete Telling of What Went Wrong With the DCEU"
Blergh - 2/5/2021, 10:20 AM
God I love the man's responses! He's so honest it's almost disarming.
Also check out his youtube channel, he's giving some A+ tips there. Learned some stuff they don't even teach in filmschool
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 2/5/2021, 10:25 AM
Isn't Mister Mind supposed to be the main baddie of this movie? Why is it called "Fury of the Gods"?
GwenLantern - 2/5/2021, 11:08 AM
@THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Mister Mind recruiting Sivana, Nick Fury-style, suggests a play on the classic Monster Society of Evil storyline (in which Mr. Mind was first introduced).

Since they probably won't get a chance to make more than 3 or 4 movies (if they're even that lucky), it would be a great way to include a lot of random, wacky, classic Shazam baddies as members of that Society.

This would be one of those instances where you don't need to build up to it by introducing each villain in separate films. Shazam has a tone that perfectly accommodates a fully formed super-villain with little-to-no explanation. Like the Crocodile Men cameo or the first appearance of Mr. Mind himself.

"Fury of the Gods" however suggests we're gonna be getting into the Greek pantheon of gods and demi-gods that contribute to Shazam's powers (H for Hercules, A for Atlas, Z for Zeus, A for Achilles and M for Mercury or indeed Hermes).

This suggests that even Wonder Woman will have a role in the movie.
Carlo79 - 2/5/2021, 10:25 AM
He added also, in another tweet: "And comicbookmovie it's a bullshit site".
MarkCassidy - 2/5/2021, 10:30 AM
@Carlo79 - He has terrible grammar then.
Carlo79 - 2/5/2021, 11:10 AM
@RorMachine - Your real problem? Do you need to learn what is a fake news, meanwhile...
SimplyAz - 2/6/2021, 5:07 AM
@Carlo79 -

Awesome, you Legend
Kumkani - 2/5/2021, 10:25 AM
OT: RIP Christopher Plummer
CorndogBurglar - 2/5/2021, 10:27 AM
Hopefully Shazadam will appear.
CorndogBurglar - 2/5/2021, 10:42 AM
@Waddles - Haha. Whats so crazy is they could have easily just changed his official name to Teth Adam and everyone would have been okay with it. At least it doesn't sound completely ridiculous and its already mind of a nickname anyway.

Also, who was offended by the name Black Adam? He isn't even black. There's like no racial connections to be drawn to that.
MCUKnight11 - 2/5/2021, 10:27 AM
It would be so exciting to see the flame wars on here if Cavill gets cast as Captain Britain or Hyperion.
Blergh - 2/5/2021, 10:36 AM
@MCUKnight11 - Cavill for Namor lol
Reeds2Much - 2/5/2021, 10:33 AM
Last night

And every night since 2014.
Desrow - 2/5/2021, 10:48 AM

And the night before...

DannRamm113 - 2/5/2021, 10:33 AM
It seems like he's saying there may be a role planned, just doesn't want to comment until papers are signed...

Most of the time you get some who are sarcastically like "woah no one told me" or "yeah this is flat bs" so guess we'll see
RolandD - 2/5/2021, 10:43 AM
Man of Steel 2 or bust, although a brand new title would be even better. They can have him do all the cameos they want as far as I'm concerned, but he needs a new feature film with the right writer(s) and director.
GhostDog - 2/5/2021, 10:44 AM
Get the hopes down and manageable
GwenLantern - 2/5/2021, 11:20 AM
@BlackBeltJones -
LSHF - 2/5/2021, 11:44 AM
@GwenLantern - Is Darcy going to be in it? ; - )
WakandanQueen - 2/5/2021, 10:50 AM
For now I don't expect to see Cavill return as Clark
Ha1frican - 2/5/2021, 10:56 AM
He’s not saying they’re wrong just that that might not be the case the time the movie is done even if it’s real. I’m hopeful we see it but if Shazam just ends up being it’s own thing entirely that’s fine too
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