SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Nets Lowest Re-Release Box Office Yet As Spidey's First MCU Movie Returns To Theaters

SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Nets Lowest Re-Release Box Office Yet As Spidey's First MCU Movie Returns To Theaters

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blackandyellow - 4/20/2018, 7:32 AM
I recognized him in each picture.
Unites - 4/20/2018, 7:46 AM
@blackandyellow - :')
SuperCat - 4/20/2018, 7:53 AM
@blackandyellow - LOL!
RageDriver2401 - 4/20/2018, 8:56 AM
@blackandyellow - you sir, have won the comments section for today.
HeavyMetal4Life - 4/20/2018, 7:32 AM
Those light up suits are pretty interesting
BoredSorcerer - 4/20/2018, 7:38 AM
I really like the fifth one, although it kinda looks like TASM suit lol.
Nebula - 4/20/2018, 7:39 AM
The black and red ones are awesome. All the others are too busy and weird.
blitzburgh - 4/20/2018, 8:43 AM
@Nebula - thank you, please give me the red and black suits
TheSanitizer - 4/20/2018, 7:39 AM
All are nicely designed but you simply can’t beat the classic look.
Luminus - 4/21/2018, 12:04 AM
@TheSanitizer - Tod McFarlane's designs can't be beat, in my opinion.
Spidey91 - 4/20/2018, 7:41 AM
I call this variant Demonic Hug Spiderman
MrDandy - 4/20/2018, 9:30 AM
@Spidey91 - That's his costume from the actual film, but I'm guessing that's concept for the "instant kill" gag.
LEVITIKUZ - 4/20/2018, 7:41 AM
Make this blue & it’s perfect

blitzburgh - 4/20/2018, 8:44 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - no keep it red and black and actually put that on the screen we've seen red and blue and in how many movies, Batman changes his suit all the time why can't Spider-Man
DAGuess - 4/20/2018, 11:29 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - I'm actually digging this design. Wouldn't mind seeing it in a future film.
DEVWoulf - 4/20/2018, 3:16 PM
@LEVITIKUZ - No! We need the classic black and red on screen someday. :)
TheSanitizer - 4/20/2018, 7:42 AM

I think the 11th one down is the best out of this collection, because it still feels classic while at the same time sleek, updated and modern.
BassMan - 4/20/2018, 9:18 AM
@TheSanitizer - That was my favorite as well, the only thing I would change is the belt. Ever since The Amazing Spiderman came out, I've actually been a fan of the no belt with it sort of just ending in a V shape. The new suit sort of does that, as the only belt part are his spare cartridges.
Ronan3Accuser - 4/20/2018, 7:53 AM
PsychoticSpaceRaccoon - 4/20/2018, 7:55 AM
Why is nobody posting Legion episode previews with recaps of episodes this season?

This show is amazing, and this site seems to have forgotten about it.
tripttwe - 4/20/2018, 8:43 AM
@PsychoticSpaceRaccoon - agreed. Watching episode three right now.
Repian - 4/20/2018, 7:59 AM
I like this one designed and expected to see it in the MCU someday.
blitzburgh - 4/20/2018, 8:44 AM
@Repian - get rid of the web wings and I'll think about it
MrDandy - 4/20/2018, 9:31 AM
@Repian - Pretty cool design, especially how the did the arms, but the belt is too busy.
Nightwing1015 - 4/20/2018, 8:00 AM
Here's hoping that Spidey get a real live action suit in the MCU one day instead of CGI.
Ronan3Accuser - 4/20/2018, 8:00 AM
CLTMAN29 - 4/20/2018, 8:01 AM
Hi-res, non poor scans available on the artists twitter page. Ryan Meinerling I think his name is. Did some fine work on these.
Nebula - 4/20/2018, 8:01 AM

blitzburgh - 4/20/2018, 8:45 AM
@Nebula - there should never be any gold in Spider-Man suit whatsoever
Nebula - 4/20/2018, 8:52 AM
@blitzburgh - Iron Spider..
blitzburgh - 4/20/2018, 8:56 AM
@Nebula - I personally hate the iron spider suit but that's just me and you never answered me about buying me that Deadpool watch LOL
CuddlyCereal - 4/20/2018, 12:19 PM
@Nebula - Looks like 2099.
Invasion96 - 4/20/2018, 8:02 AM
I feel like Spider-Man Civil War concept art and Homecoming concept art gets posted every 6 months
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