MADAME WEB Star Emma Roberts Reflects On Playing Peter Parker's Mom; Shares Hopes To Play Other Characters

MADAME WEB Star Emma Roberts Reflects On Playing Peter Parker's Mom; Shares Hopes To Play Other Characters

Emma Roberts (American Horror Story) played Mary Parker in Madame Web and has now reflected on her key role in the critically panned movie while sharing her hopes to star in another superhero project.

By JoshWilding - Jun 25, 2024 04:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Madame Web

Madame Web was another critical and commercial Marvel disaster for Sony Pictures, a shame seeing as the studio assembled an impressive cast for "Cassie" Webb's origin story. 

Among them was American Horror Story standout Emma Roberts; for some reason, she barely factored into the Madame Web's marketing campaign abd was largely a non-factor in the movie despite playing Mary Parker, the mother of Peter Parker. 

She gave birth to the future Spider-Man before the credits rolled - without ever naming him - though it's still not clear whether that was supposed to have any significance to the Spider-Verse's future or meant as a random Easter Egg (you may recall that, once upon a time, there were rumours of the birth having Multiversal consequences).

"I loved getting to just pop in and play Peter Parker's mom, and I loved the director of that movie. I had so much fun," Roberts told in a recent interview. "I think that playing comic book characters is so fun, I would love to get the chance to play one that maybe gets a little more action."

"I would also love to get to play a witch again," she added. "I've seen some witch comic book characters that I would be into."

As noted, Roberts didn't get a huge amount to do as Mary Parker but is still proud to have portrayed such an important character in the wider Spider-Man mythos. "I birthed Peter Parker. Excuse me, what is more heroic than that?" she joked.

"I just got to wear a nine-month pregnant belly. Again, that is heroic. You don't even know what that's like. And then I had to do it on American Horror Story for another six months of my life wearing a belly. I should have three kids by now, and I only have one with the amount of times I've had to be pregnant."

Shortly before being released, Madame Web was billed as a "standalone" movie, likely because Sony was aware it had a bad movie on its hands. However, had it been a success, there's likely a chance Mary and the young Peter would have been a big part of future stories. 

Those flashforwards suggested the idea was to set possible sequels in the present day, with the three Spider-Women suited up and Madame Web serving as their mentor. From there, a team-up with Spider-Man was surely inevitable (blissfully, we'll never know). 

Madame Web is now streaming on Netflix. 

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WhateverItTakes - 6/25/2024, 5:04 AM
User Comment Image
Toecutter - 6/25/2024, 5:15 AM
@WhateverItTakes - What is this from? Why do I keep seeing this everywhere? And before you ask, yes, I live in a cave.
WhateverItTakes - 6/25/2024, 5:38 AM
@Toecutter - basically she said spitting on a guys junk keeps them keen and internet made her famous
Toecutter - 6/25/2024, 6:45 AM
@WhateverItTakes - Thanks for the explanation.

User Comment Image
SonOfAGif - 6/25/2024, 10:54 AM
@Toecutter - She also went on to admit to hooking up with 4 guys back to back and the Internet wants to "protect this woman at all costs". A truly strange viral moment.
Brondern - 6/25/2024, 5:57 AM
Piss off I don't wanna remember Madame Web no one cares Josh
harryba11zack - 6/25/2024, 7:12 AM
@Brondern - to be fair, at least the movie was brave enough to finally give us the true origin of where spiderman's spider came from
User Comment Image
kg8817 - 6/25/2024, 9:06 AM
@harryba11zack - That’s….thats really from Madame Web?

Holy shit Sony needs to burn.
BritishMonkey - 6/25/2024, 7:08 AM
I didn't even know she was in it, let alone Parker's alleged mum.
Brondern - 6/25/2024, 7:32 AM
I haven't seen this movie so I have no idea wtf that is
BlackStar25 - 6/25/2024, 9:42 AM
Emma Roberts is better than this. She should fire her agent.
Shivermetimbers - 6/25/2024, 10:43 AM
@BlackStar25 - She really should. I was just thinking how she should be a much bigger star than she is.
BlackStar25 - 6/25/2024, 12:59 PM
@Shivermetimbers - Yes! Was shocked to see Emma Roberts and Adam Scott in this.

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