We should truly come up with a name for this little Spider-Man 4 crisis, though I could care less about Sony & SM4, because it isn't in the right hands, and the right hands is with Marvel Studios. ANYWAY According to Variety:
Sony said it wasn't abandoning the date, a highly-coveted frame since it is the first weekend of summer. Studio said it is still hoping to complete the film in time. But Paramount has decided to not wait and see what Sony does before grabbing that date themselves. They suggest that if Sony decides to keep that date then Thor will move again, although it's doubtful they can get May 20 back again.
MarvelFreshman: I do indeed think they will make the deadline, but the movie will just be another horrible SPidey film. Anyhow with all these different articles on spidey, there should be a famous name to give the so called crisis. Any suggestions?