Hey everyone Kinghulk back once again but for once with an editorial that doesn’t involve Thanos or infinity lol. I’m sure all of you have heard about Marvel now being able to use Spiderman in the MCU and I’m sure most of you are very happy and excited and some of you might be like me and have mixed feelings. Personally I’m happy that Spidey is back but at the same time I’m not happy that 1 Marvel has moved back their release dates for some phase 3 movies which now to me feels out of sync, 2 I don’t trust Sony and 3 I don’t want Spidey to steal Black Panthers thunder.

As I’m sure you all know Spidey was at the centre of Civil war in the comics caught between Tony and Steve and even revealed his identity to the world. The film however seemed to be going a slightly different direction with the source of conflict apparently being the US government wanting to control/monitor the heroes a role which was in some form filled by SHIELD prior to the winter soldier and until this week it seemed BP would be taking Spidey’s place caught between Tony and Steve. Now I was personally looking forward to the Russos take on civil war without Spidey and couldn’t wait to see Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther, but what does Spidey’s Return for Black Panther mean?
Personally I don’t want Spidey to take Black Panthers place in the Civil war film I want to see BP in all his glory with both Tony and Steve wanting him on their side. Im sure some of you are asking what about Spidey, well I think I have found a role for him to have in the film which wouldn’t over shadow BP but would still have a big impact on the film. Does the Name Dorrek VIII mean anything to you?
For those of you that don’t know Dorrek VIII is the Skrull name of Teddy Altman better known as Hulkling. In the comics Teddy played a pivotal role in Captain America's plan for the final confrontation with Iron Man's forces by impersonating Yellowjacket. So what I’m suggesting is that Spidey take Hulklings place in Civil war being the guy on Tony’s side that turn on him in the finale revealing he had been helping Steve the whole time. It would be an interesting twist that could have a huge impact on the outcome of the story without Spidey taking BP’s place in the story.
They could introduce Spidey in a scene where Tony tries to convince him to join his side and Spidey tells him about how he admired Tony and Steve for what they did in the battle of New York (maybe uncle ben was there when it happened and was saved by cap, sadly it would mean he survived an alien invasion but got killed by a mugger). Later on in the film Tony could give Spidey a new suit (the iron spider suit) which could have been designed by him and Hank Pym (based on what we know about ant man it sounds like he doesn’t like heroes). Later on the final confrontation could happen similarly to how it did with both players making their final moves and spies on both sides begin revealed with perhaps Black widow being on Tony’s side being revealed as a spy which tony knew then Spidey steps forward to say “I’m sorry tony”.

We can then have Spidey briefly battle Iron man in the Iron Spider suit only the eventually be taken out of the fight by Tony due to him making the suit. Perhaps Tony takes control of the suit while peter is in side of it so BP can fight the controlled Spidey while Cap and tony have their epic final battle.