Viola Davis Confirms Talks To Play 'Amanda Waller' In SUICIDE SQUAD
It seems David Ayer's Suicide Squad adaptation is near landing yet another Oscar-nominee with ABC's How To Get Away with Murder star Viola Davis, who now confirms playing "The Wall". Check it out!

It was rumored last month that Viola Davis had entered talks to nab the role of Amanda Waller in the highly-anticipated Suicide Squad movie, but The Help actress has now confirmed her inclusion. Speaking with Nerd Report at the press junket for Blackhat, Davis admitted that she's yet to do any research via DC Comics. "Not yet," she said. "I have not started reading them yet. I’ve read up about her but I’m working out my schedule for Suicide Squad." She continued, "I’m fascinated by her. I’m fascinated by her in this world of superhero-ness because she is not a woman that you would expect. I think that she is a massive contradiction. She’s this big powerful black woman, hard, ready to pick up a gun and shoot anyone at will. I’m fascinated in exploring her psychology, just put it that way. And I’m excited to pick up a gun." Anyhow, Viola Davis was previously in contention with Octavia Spencer and Oprah Winfrey for the Amanda Waller role, but she now joins Will Smith (Deadshot), Tom Hardy (Rick Flag), Jared Leto (the Joker), Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn), Jai Courtney (Boomerang), with Cara Delevingne (Enchantress), and Jessie Eisenberg (Lex Luther). Directed by David Ayer, Suicide Squad starts shooting in April and hits theaters August 5, 2016!