Christopher Meloni as Colonel Hardy Spotted on the Set of MAN OF STEEL!

Christopher Meloni as Colonel Hardy Spotted on the Set of MAN OF STEEL!

Though the image doesn't reveal anything much, but the actor has been spotted on the set of the upcoming reboot movie The Man of Steel, sporting the military attire for his role of 'Colonel Hardy'. Check it out after the jump!

By Jolt17 - Aug 27, 2011 08:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman
Source: Cosmic Book News

In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time. Clark Kent/Kal-El is a young twentysomething journalist who feels alienated by powers beyond anyone's imagination. Transported to Earth years ago from Krypton, an advanced alien planet, Clark struggles with the ultimate question - Why am I here? Shaped by the values of his adoptive parents Martha and Jonathan Kent, Clark soon discovers that having super abilities means making very difficult decisions. But when the world needs stability the most, it comes under attack. Will his abilities be used to maintain peace or ultimately used to divide and conquer? Clark must become the hero known as "Superman," not only to shine as the world's last beacon of hope but to protect the ones he loves.

Okay, it's actually a shot of the actor from the back, but still thanks to Cosmic Book News for this image (courtesy of Amy Collins and shared via Superman: Man of Steel 2013 Facebook Page) of Christopher Meloni, apparently ready for the role of Colonel Hardy on the Plano set of Man of Steel below:

What do you think of this? Sound off your opinions on the usual spot below!

Directed by Zack Snyder and stars Henry Cavill, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, and Russel Crowe, Man Of Steel is set to fly into theaters on June 14, 2013.



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LP4 - 8/27/2011, 9:16 PM
Awesome! Finally some footage with Meloni!
P862010 - 8/27/2011, 9:16 PM
can spot that Elliot stabler hair any day of the week
TorturedXGenius - 8/27/2011, 10:01 PM
"can spot that Elliot stabler hair any day of the week"

QFT lol
TayDee - 8/27/2011, 10:06 PM
should've stayed with SVU :/
JULEZ13 - 8/27/2011, 10:43 PM
Ooookay. At least its something I guess. Hopefully we'll get more shots of him soon.
SigmaCenturion - 8/27/2011, 11:03 PM
damn i was hoping for him as lex. he would have been cool as lex.
mattboesch8907 - 8/27/2011, 11:38 PM
who is Colonel Hardy?
LP4 - 8/28/2011, 2:18 AM
@mattboes- He was created just for this movie.

@SigmaCenturion- Yep...WOULD have been cool to see that...

jazzman - 8/28/2011, 6:10 AM

so what this mean we aint having Lex in this movie. or the military might get weapons from Lexcorp but we wont see Lex but they mention him by name.
FrankGarret - 8/28/2011, 9:43 AM
My dick did not wiggle.
Superman8 - 8/28/2011, 2:15 PM
i have no problem w lex not being the main villain in this movie. with it being an origin story, you need to give lex time to grow a hatred for superman. he can't just take one look at him and say yeah i wanna kill that guy. he needs time to see how great superman is too become jealous of him and want what he has.

as long as they mention lexcorp in this movie, and they hint at him at the end like they did the joker in batman begins, ill be a happy camper.
LP4 - 8/28/2011, 11:01 PM
@jazzman- I think the military getting weapons from LexCorp seems like the best way to reference Lex in the film. I agree with ya there buddy. ;D

But seeing as how it seems like Nolan and Snyder are only listening to the "[frick] LEX LUTHOR, NO MORE LEX LUTHOR" crowd, I don't even think we'll be getting a reference to the guy.

People really hate Lex. But what's pathetic is the fact that none of the films ever gave us a cold/chilling and truly evil Lex Luthor. He's always been hammed-up and a big JOKE.

Pretty pathetic WB can't even make a film with a bald guy and make it successful. Warner Bros are the most idiotic [frick]ing company I've ever seen.
LP4 - 8/28/2011, 11:06 PM
I'd prefer it if Paramount made a movie for good o'l Supes. They are good at taking a dying franchise and rebooting the [frick] out of it and making it actually GOOD and DECENT aka- STAR TREK. Don't get me wrong, I watched all the shows and loved them all- First Contact is still my fav Trek film. But my point being- Paramount KNOW how to reboot. With all the rumors for "Man of Steel" having Zod, Faora and really reminds me of SupermanII- Zod, Ursa and Non. Is this really their idea of a "reboot" ?

WB can "reboot" Superman all they want...but until they start giving DC more creative control over the films, i don't see them turning any profits on any DC main-lineups on film unless it's Batman.
jazzman - 8/29/2011, 3:19 AM

DC aint any better also remember Geoff Johns was involved in the development of Green Lantern

i so agree with u on Lex. i hate the silly joke Lex done by Donner. he basically killed Lex to be honest.
afan - 8/29/2011, 5:29 AM
Im sorry but this is so dumb. there goes hollywood wrecking comic book movies again.


Just like when they wrecked X-Men. [frick] HOLLYWOOD.

X-men in the black leather was the gayest thing i have seen. seriously they thought wolverine in his yellow suit and mask was not realistic but spiderman looks cool in his red [frick]en suit.

the same with superman when singer tried to make the S symbol smaller.

[frick] Hollywood.

how come no one talks about Wolverine not ever wearing his famous mask in any of the x-men movies???? explain that to me.

how come Gambit is not in the team. how come rogue was a emo when she was a sexy confident southern belle in the comics.

[frick] Singer [frick] Hollywood.

Atleast Marvel Studios are trying to stay loyal to the comics.

Seriously i dont care if Nolan made a good batman reboot. Superman not in the proper costume sounds dumb.

And any fan that says different is not a fan.

mbomb22 - 8/29/2011, 9:01 AM
I think that its smart not having Lex in this, especially since it seems like most of the movie is centering around Smallville. I do think he should at least have a small part, at the end, setting things up for a potential sequel like at the end of Green Lantern with Sinestro
Superman8 - 8/29/2011, 9:02 AM
i might agree with all your points except the last one. deciding to accept change when we know there is nothing we can do about it, does not mean we are not still true fans. i was totally for a more classic look w the red trunks, but just because ive decided to enjoy this suit and film for what it will be and accept it instead of immediately bashing it after seeing a few blury set photos, that does not mean i am not a fan.

that makes me a mature fan. not a fan who gets on a superman article and rants about xmen and spiderman.
Superman8 - 8/29/2011, 9:02 AM
^^ @ afan
dancingmonkey08 - 8/29/2011, 4:19 PM

Superman's pants looking [frick]ing rediculous, any non comic book fans I know always laugh at his pants and wont take him seriously. These movies are for everyone not just the comic book nerds. And you are ranting because they removed one part of the suit, grow the [frick] up

Wolverine didnt need a [frick]ing mask in the movie, because superheroes only need masks when they are trying to hide their identities. Wolverine didnt need to hide his identity in the movie....I dont even know why he needs it in the comics half the time

ok I sorta agree with you on the X-Men costumes. Personally I didnt mind the leather suits but I did prefer the First Class ones. That is how you do a uniform without making it look stupid

and you are an annoying prick for saying that anyone who doesnt agree with you is not a fan, stfu before you embarass yourself

seriously, some of the people on here piss me off sometimes
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