I personally think Nolan "Godfathering" a nice gesture I guess, but it's not really enough. How do we really know Nolan isn't just as bad as Singer in terms of having a knowledge and reverence for the Reeve movies, and not having one clue about the character and his rouges gallery from the comics and the classic awesome 90s Animated series by Paul dini and Bruce Timm?!?
And, seeing as how Geoff Johns was an aprentice of Richard Donner, is a comic fanboy Gold and everything he writes is pure greatness, then I say bring him aboard!
These are the people to go to get Superman in the completely RIGHT DIRECTION with ther combined knowledge and respect for the Superman Mythos, and Ability to Put Anyone of Superman's Rouge gallery onscreen I dont see how this movie could Go wrong in anyway possible!
Please, Warner Bros. and DIANE NELSON, get them on SUPES FILM!
I welcome your opinions!