MAN OF STEEL Broke Vadakin's Heart (Not a Review, a Rant!)

MAN OF STEEL Broke Vadakin's Heart (Not a Review, a Rant!)

Despite the fact it's been out for several weeks, the debate over Man of Steel continues. Vadakin - author of the popular "If I Was Making [DC Movies]" articles - has written a massive rant ("Not review," he says) of the film. What follows is an excerpt.

By EdGross - Jul 10, 2013 08:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Superman
Source: Voices From Krypton

by Vadakin. I hate Man of Steel. Hate it. I need to get that statement out of the way. I need you to know going in to this so-called review that I can't stand this movie. Man of Steel broke my heart and I want to rip its throat out. That's not what Superman would do of course but screw it, the guy in this movie isn't Superman, so it doesn't matter.

This isn't a review. This is a rant. If you liked Man of Steel and have heard the arguments before, you may as well leave now. Because I'm not capable of looking at this movie in isolation. I'm not capable of putting aside 75 years of Superman history to enjoy this movie. For me, this isn't a Superman movie. Others have been critical but have given the film a fair score because despite the issues, they felt it was a solid film. I won't even go that far. If you're still here, what you're about to read is basically a fanboy rant on why Man of Steel fails to live up to the big red S on the main character's chest. And yes there will be spoilers.

Vadakin 2

A lot has been made of the third act of the movie. That's where most complaints are directed, but the problems start long before that. They start right at the beginning of the movie, on Krypton. Now the Krypton sequence is, in my view, the most successful sequence of the movie. But it gets to the heart of what's wrong with this movie. The very first scene shows Kal-El being born. Nothing wrong there. But then we learn that Kal-El is the first natural birth in centuries. So what's wrong with that? Well this little change, and change is the operative word here, embodies an attitude by the filmmakers that goes through the whole film. Suddenly it's not enough for Kal-El to be the child of the one man who can save his life. Kal-El has to be special. He has to be a saviour on Krypton. In essence, a common Hollywood trope – the chosen one. He isn't just the last son of Krypton, he's now the key to preserving the Kryptonian people. Now some of you may be wondering why I have a problem with this. And the answer is, if Krypton hadn't blown up, if Kal-El had been raised on Krypton, he wouldn't have been anything special. He might have taken after his father and become a noted scientist, but there would have been nothing about him that separated him from everyone else. It's a small but important change because the rest of the movie depends on it. Kal-El should be ordinary. He should only become special when he comes to Earth.

But that's a change I can forgive. It's typical Hollywood, taking its cue from Joseph Campbell. The problem is, the changes don't stop there. Every little thing is tweaked to a point that it makes me wonder if Goyer and Snyder even like Superman. They seem to want to change everything about him. They don't want him to be idealistic, they don't want him to have a happy childhood. They don't want him to do the impossible. It's also telling that the approach to the film echoed Batman Begins, not just in the flashbacks, but in the need to explain everything. Superman's powers used to come from gravity. Then that was changed to the sun. Now it's both, plus the air he breathes apparently. Everything is over-explained. Why does Superman wear a cape? Because Kryptonians wear capes. Where does the suit come from? It's environmental space armor. What is the Fortress of Solitude? An ancient colony ship that for some reason contains a genesis chamber even though artificial population control wasn't introduced until the Kryptonians started abandoning the colonies. Oops. Plot hole. David Goyer admitted to sidestepping the glasses response, what issue? A point was made about having Lois figure out Clark's identity. After all, what kind of journalist would she be if she didn't? She'd be a moron, right? But wouldn't that make the whole world morons? Why isn't it enough to accept that glasses just work in that world? Not that it matters since Lois appears incapable of keeping his secret. By the time we get to the disaster porn and killer Superman in the third act, I didn't recognise the person in the red cape. That wasn't Superman.

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It's like the filmmakers are ashamed. For all of Snyder's talk about respecting the mythos and about Superman being the “king daddy” of superheroes, he and Goyer seem ashamed to be working on a Superman movie. They approached this film with the point of view that Superman is broken and needs to be fixed. It needs to be darker and grittier. Superman needs to be miserable and full of angst and guilt. Have these guys not read a comic? In their pig-headed attempt to make a Superman movie that had never been seen before, they forgot to make a Superman movie. They even came out and said that the reason Superman kills Zod is to give him his aversion to killing. Once again they tried to over explain it. I mean, how ridiculous is that? He doesn't kill because he tried it once and didn't like it? How about letting Superman do the impossible and find another way? How about letting Superman live up to the ideals he's supposed to represent? How about letting Clark Kent simply grow up as a good person who decides not to kill because he believes there are other ways to solve our problems? But I'll get back to this.

If you're ashamed of Superman being an idealist. If you can't stand that the Kents taught Clark to be a human being, giving him all of our best qualities and none of our worst, if even the name of the character causes you to roll your eyes, this is the movie for you. The name “Superman” is treated as a joke. Twice. That says everything you need to know about the approach for this film. Snyder and Goyer weren't content to make a Superman movie. They didn't want to make a Superman movie. And they didn't make a Superman movie. If they can't accept a character that's been around for 75 years then they shouldn't have been making the movie.

So now we come to the first big “screw you” of the movie – Jonathan Kent. This is the worst Jonathan Kent I've seen in a Superman adaptation. Now, Costner is alright. He does what he can with the material. But man, the character he plays is a dick. When young Clark saves a bus full of school children, is Jonathan proud of his son's heroism? Heck no. He suggests it was better to let the kids die. He goes on and on about how the world will fear Clark and that he has to wait until the world is ready. Newsflash, Mr. Kent. The world can never be ready for the appearance of Superman. Once again, Snyder and Goyer completely missed the point.

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You see, the Kents are a huge part of the Superman mythos. They are proxies for the human race and it is through them that Kal-El learns about humanity and what it means to be human. They have this child who can do extraordinary things and what they do is they give Clark his humanity. They not only teach him to be human, they teach him to be the best human being he can be because they know that he could destroy the world or he could save it. They are the reason Superman not only cares for humanity, but believes in humanity. But in this film, that's not the case. In this film, Clark is taught to be afraid of human beings. He's taught to fear what would happen if they find out about him. He's bullied in school, his dad gives him a lecture and suggests that he shouldn't use his powers for good.

Now some of you will make the argument that what Jonathan was doing was teaching Clark to look at the bigger picture. That because Clark will someday change the world, he has to wait for the right time, even if that means putting his own desire to help people aside. Well that's just bull. Instead of admonishing Clark, Jonathan should be praising him for saving those kids. Instead of making Clark afraid of himself, he should be teaching Clark that it's OK to be yourself. The message of this movie is weird.

But let's come at this from another perspective. What if Clark wasn't super-powered? What if he was gay? What if a father told his gay son that he has to hide who he is because the world will reject him? I wonder how that would go down with the audience. The movie makes a point of giving Clark a miserable childhood. It turns him into Bruce Banner, an outsider with no real connection to the human race because he's been warned by his father to stay far away from us. And then Jonathan gets swept away by a tornado, with Clark allowing his own father to die.

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I've seen this movie twice and I've come to the conclusion that Clark Kent becomes Superman in spite of the Kents, not because of them. It's made clear in the film that Clark just can't stop himself from saving people, despite Jonathan's warnings to the contrary. He's 33 when he becomes Superman (again with the Christ metaphors? Yeesh), which meant he's spent at least a decade wandering around, looking for UFO's and secretly helping people. It makes me think that if he hadn't overheard those two soldiers talking in the bar, he would have never become Superman. Because once again it falls to Jor-El to tell Clark Kent what his destiny is. We've seen this in Superman The Movie, in Smallville and now in Man of Steel. Of course it would have been nice, having been told he's going to be a beacon of hope and inspire the world, if he had actually become that. Oh well, maybe in the sequel. You know, for all the talk of Snyder making a movie as if there'd never been a Superman movie, he sure does follow a lot of the same story beats.

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comiccow6 - 7/10/2013, 8:47 AM
How do I feel about this?

CharlieKelly - 7/10/2013, 8:49 AM
Get this shit off main
KnobGoblin - 7/10/2013, 8:50 AM
LEVITIKUZ - 7/10/2013, 8:50 AM
Personally I love Man of Steel but I feel more of the love I have for it is because its a Superman movie for my time. The only other Superman movie I have is Superman Returns and while I did like it I felt it could have been better.

Man of Steel looks great but my problem is that it seems they just took the Batman Begins script and replaced scenes with Superman. I mean Lois reminding me a lot of Rachael, Clark reminded me of Bruce, and Zod reminded me of Ra's.

While Man of Steel is my favorite Superman movie, story wise its not better than the2 Donner films.

Still love the film.
KnobGoblin - 7/10/2013, 8:51 AM
Hellsboy - 7/10/2013, 8:51 AM
Of course Clark is lost why dafuq wouldn't he be he doesn't know his destiny because he knows absolutely nothing about himself until jor el
Not the best movie but it was good plain simple ha wonderful elements what does this guy want a sequel to superman returns?
And read earth one he had to be a nobody because he's afraid having a life would expose him self and get him noticed
Mrsinister - 7/10/2013, 8:53 AM
Get over it
PenguinMonk - 7/10/2013, 8:53 AM
Although I respect this man's opinion, I disagree with almost everything he said.
I personally enjoyed the film and I thought Costner was one of the high points on the movie.
skoewe - 7/10/2013, 8:54 AM
Maybe you should watch brokeback mountain and wank off your frustrations. (man of steel rocks)
HavocPrime - 7/10/2013, 8:55 AM
Agreed get this shit off main, thought this was supposed to be a journalism site and not a place for rants.
Hellsboy - 7/10/2013, 8:55 AM
Like this guy would know what to do with a kid who's god like what a bitch
SageMode - 7/10/2013, 8:56 AM
ALegendaryPanda - 7/10/2013, 8:57 AM
TheManFromMars - 7/10/2013, 8:58 AM
ekrolo2 - 7/10/2013, 8:58 AM

Agree 100%
tylerox9 - 7/10/2013, 8:59 AM
well. though I forgive more of the changes than this guy does. he brings up good points.
ScarletJack - 7/10/2013, 8:59 AM
Ya know what, what worked 75 years ago doesn't work today. In fact what worked 40 years ago doesn't work today, take Superman Returns (please). A clear love note to Donner's fantastic Superman 1 and 2, yet it came off boring and Superman was portrayed as a flat stalker. Returns failed to resonate with audiences and failed at the BO. MOS on the other hand succeeded at the BO. Is this the superman that you grew up on, probably not, because in that 75 years of canon the character has evolved to keep relevant with popular culture. So keep whining that this isn't superman. I still think the essence of Supes is still there. I love that they explained everything. And if the glasses fooled Lois, I would've walked out of the theatre and kicked several Ewoks in digust. Just saying...sorry for my RANT.
Transforminator - 7/10/2013, 8:59 AM
Your first argument is false. He would be special on Krypton. Unless you think an illegal child who is free to choose whatever path in his life is anything but special.
ElDarkside - 7/10/2013, 8:59 AM
Ok so I agree with his assessment of the third act being fatally flawed, but I actually liked the first 2/3rds of it even though it was quite joyless throughout.

And I actually thought Costner and his scenes were some of the best parts of the movie.

That said (and I've mentioned this in other threads), when Snyder tried to make jokes, if you could call them jokes, they just fell flat because the tone was so dark and dreary and I felt like Snyder didn't want to have 'fun' superman and he wanted something closer to a tragic batman story disguised as superman...
TheNameIsBetty - 7/10/2013, 9:01 AM
@comiccow6 - LMFAO

Well, I liked it. I thought it was awesome. I'll just leave this here.

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LMFA0 - 7/10/2013, 9:01 AM
And you put this on main? Wow. You really want people to not come to your site anymore do you? I mean, this is a website that is based off of comic book movies and science fiction movies and you allow a rant from a random fanboy to be featured on main basically ripping a movie to shreds. This article fully represents this website now to anyone new that comes and visits.

Keep editorials in the editorials section. I come here for news, not this.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 7/10/2013, 9:01 AM
ALegendaryPanda - 7/10/2013, 9:02 AM

tylerox9 - 7/10/2013, 9:03 AM
lol gusto disagrees with vadakin. so Vad must be in the right.

and look at this. MoS fans whining and angsting over their movie because people don't like their movie.
ALegendaryPanda - 7/10/2013, 9:03 AM
AND OF COURSE SAGE IS HERE TO JERK OFF! HAHAHAHAHA what a [frick]ing pathetic douchebag.
SageMode - 7/10/2013, 9:05 AM
Look at the butthurt fumigating this thread. LMAO.

This rant is awesome and spot-on. *claps*
tylerox9 - 7/10/2013, 9:05 AM
Theres another big franchise with a big fandom, but hated by critics. Twilight. MoS = Twilight.
AlternateNo4 - 7/10/2013, 9:05 AM
i mean, he can feel this way if he wants; he's not alone. but i really HATE how many of these so-called experts say shit like "don't they ever read a comic book" when they bash the "plot changes".

news flash... most of these things they hate were in a comic story somewhere along the line. when they bitch about them, it just makes it obvious that THEY are the ones getting their concept of superman from old sources (probably donner, but not only) instead of the last 10 years of comics.

the only thing i thought was a little too much was the codec-in-his-cells thing. just a step too far for me, but hardly a deal-breaker.
Ocelot - 7/10/2013, 9:07 AM
The guy brought up some good points, however Man of Steel has allowed Superman to evolve and move foward and away from that "box" that's been holding the character back for years, people can finally take the character seriously.

I also find the claim that movie was to "dark" and "depressing" over the top and exaggerated, as it wasn't, tone was similar to the first Iron Man film.

wolverinesfury - 7/10/2013, 9:08 AM
ELofKrypton - 7/10/2013, 9:09 AM
Haters hate. & misery loves company. Keep hating & being miserable. What a shame.
ekrolo2 - 7/10/2013, 9:10 AM
Why is it so [frick]ing hard to understand that comic book characters are built around the idea of new writers coming on to their series and doing new and interesting takes on these characters? I mean for [frick]s sake theres a story where Superman is raised in the Soviet Union and its heralded as one of his best stories, so why the [frick] is it so hard to accept a new take on Superman, no scratch that on any character?!

This really just pisses me off with people who read comic books, since their inception there have constantly been different versions to each character. Thats what keeps them interesting and relevant, if not for this they would have died out decades ago due to becoming stale and predictable.

Why the [frick] is it so hard for people to understand this simple little fact?
AustinFan4Life - 7/10/2013, 9:10 AM
I dislike Man of Steel for mainly the third act, especially how it's implied that a danger is being brought to the human race, just for SuperMan existing on earth & it's implified even more with the choas & destruction(and even up to 100,000 dead because of it) in that finaly act. Not exactly the beacon of hope, that Supes is supposed to be.

However, after reading this article.....I can't help but agree more on the other things that I didn't neccessarily pick up on, when I viewed the film.
xcrementus - 7/10/2013, 9:12 AM
hey man, really good points you brought up.

I went into Man of Steel wanting to be inspired, but i was just bummed out instead. For all its grittiness and dreariness, it lacked a lot of heart. and if anybody should have loads of heart, it should be Superman.

Though after Sucker Punch, i really shouldn't have been surprised how this all turned out.
gmoney0505 - 7/10/2013, 9:13 AM
Except for Lois is not shaping Supes to be better than a common criminal and having a predefined idea of what Clark has before knowing who he really is. Zod did not train Supes nor was trying to get him to be a leader of his organization to destroy Metropolis to build it back again because it is beyond saving.

Only thing they have in common is the flashbacks and that's it.
ALegendaryPanda - 7/10/2013, 9:13 AM
This website is turning into a [frick]ing joke. Every week there's a new article from some random dickwad claiming "Man of Steel broke my heart WAAAAAAA!!" This is front page news right here folks! Then we got no life loser fags like Sagemode sucking the authors dick saying stuff like "SPOT ON COMPLETELY ACCURATE DC SUX MARVEL FTW LOLOLOLOLOL!"

It's just a complete [frick]ing joke.
Akercocke - 7/10/2013, 9:16 AM
Another stupid guy who thinks he's smart crying and ranting because MOS wasn't just about a goodie goodie super being flying around smiling and being perfect knowing exactly what to do. That doesn't exist not even in a fantasy world. Remember Megamind's Metro man? it was a parody of how ridiculous a perfect superhero is, and even he had issues. And you'll always find plot holes in superhero films because when these superheroes were created they were flawed from the start. Writers these days have actually done an incredible job at making things more believable and more logical, but it's stupid to think superhero movies can have perfect plots. It's IMPOSSIBLE. This was the Superman I wanted to see just like Willem Dafoe was the Jesus Christ I wanted to see. They're not perfect, they don't always know exactly what to do, they are scared sometimes, and they may actually be sinners, and that, to me is what makes them more relatable. The world is not perfect. Deal with it.
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