MAN OF STEEL 2: How To Continue The Momentum.

MAN OF STEEL 2: How To Continue The Momentum.

With talk of a Man of Steel sequel being in development, speculation has begun on villains and story. After the jump, you will find my detailed list of how film makers could make the sequel better than the first.

Editorial Opinion
By lanternstorm - Jun 21, 2013 10:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

With the success of Man of Steel, it's already been confirmed there will be a sequel and a possible Justice League movie. The film itself set pretty high standards where a superhero film is concerned. So how exactly could Warner Brothers continue building on their momentum?

1. Come up with a better soundtrack for the sequel. A movie needs a main title, that main title should get your adrenaline going, it should build on your anticipation. A main title needs to be recognizable and match the epicness of the film. Since the Last Son of Krypton first debuted on television and theater screens across America and the world, there's been an powerful main title and each one while not the same share many similar characteristics. The main title should begin soft and slow, very similar to your classical instrumentals and build up accordingly. The climax of the main title should be powerful, it should say THIS IS THE FILM YOU'VE BEEN WAITING YOUR ENTIRE LIFE FOR.

2. DO NOT USE HANDHELD CAMERAS! A handheld camera should only be used during flash back scenes or media footage, But NOT throughout the entire movie! An epic movie should be filmed with a high speed, high def mounted camera.

3. Now that Superman's back story is established, it's time to get into the supporting characters a little more. We want to care about these characters who play such an important role in the Superman mythos. Give the supporting cast a little more screen time.

4. DO NOT BRING IN DOOMSDAY JUST YET! Doomsday is far too important a villain to bring in towards the beginning of a franchise. Doomsday should be built up too, lets all learn something from Green Lantern who started off with a heavy hitter like Parallax. The second film should introduce Lex Luthor. I'm not saying it should make him THE villain of the movie, but it should absolutely introduce the audience to him and make us struggle with loving him and hating him. We need Lex to play an integral role in the creation of Superman's greatest enemies. The villains of the sequel should really Challenge Superman. Personally, I'd like to see Parasite and Metallo. Having Metallo as a villain could lead up to bringing the Cyborg Superman, Hank Henshaw into the series. Bizarro could make a cameo as a failed LexCorp experiment to clone the Man of Steel which would also lead into bringing in both Henshaw and Superboy.

5. Slow down the action scenes a bit. As great as the action in Man of Steel was, it was extremely fast paced and difficult on the eyes. Slow the action down enough to be easily seen and followed by the audience.

6. Superman is an epic franchise, in order to do the character justice he needs more than just a sequel and a Justice League movie to develop fully. He needs at least a total of 4 or 5 solo films with no less than 2 Justice League films. Each film should be filmed back to back similar to Harry Potter and the first 2 Christopher Reeve films.

7. Save the epic battle between Lex Luthor and Superman for the final film of the franchise. This will give fans their Lex fix while also keeping him from becoming another Gene Hackman.

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kong - 6/22/2013, 3:27 AM
I like them except your 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

1. Have you heard the main title. It's literally how you described it. You probably only felt the need to do that since John Williams made such an iconic score, which honestly would not fit MOS at all.
2. Who honestly cares! Yes there were shaky parts, but those parts added to the tone of the movie.
7. Maybe the third movie but not the final film. Doomsday should be the villain in his final film.
kong - 6/22/2013, 3:28 AM
^meant 1st 2nd and 7th
EdgyOutsider - 6/22/2013, 5:30 AM
Here's how you continue the momentum: Get rid of Goyer and hire a new writer, Metallo as the muscle villain and Lex Luthor as the brains and for Christ sakes, give the supporting characters some personality and some screen time. I really enjoyed Man of Steel but, after watching It I just feel like I know who Kal-El and General Zod are. I don't know Lois Lane or any of the supporting characters. Also, more substance. It was a great action movie but, I don't feel there was any substance cause I couldn't get emotionally attached to the characters. More substance and character development is an absolute must. Doomsday for the third Superman movie. You can cover Superman's story in a trilogy. Just got to go about it the right way.
jp688 - 6/22/2013, 7:40 AM
I like some of your insights, especially about Doomsday & Luthor (Hackman's Luthor in the Reeve films was awful). However, do you remember that the Dark Knight trilogy didn't really have a main theme, just a "pulse" and some tones that swept up ominously? It was effective for those films, even though I consider Danny Elfman's Batman theme to be as iconic as John William's Superman theme (which I hated and still do. Sounds just like Star Wars or the Supes TV show theme. Music has to set the tone, and the theme of MOS wasn't "Ta-da-da- da, here's the big blue two dimensional boy scout !". I loved the music., and the tone of the film. That said, thanks for being supportive of building a franchise that'll probably improve with each film.
DCfan89 - 6/22/2013, 10:03 AM
......... no. no main theme, and doomsday shouldnt be in this franchise at all. i dont think i agree with any of these
lanternstorm - 6/22/2013, 10:12 AM
Most of you have mentioned about my unfavorable take on the soundtrack and main title... To me it's not memorable in the least... it needs to be exciting. In The Dark Knight Trilogy, the main title was memorable... it was your typical Batman theme but it did set the tone, it was memorable and it got your adrenaline going, the horns of that title are really what sets it up... The man of steel main title didn't have that... Yes I loved John William's theme, but if you look back at all of the tv shows and serials and movies that have been about Superman, they were all fairly similar. I wasn't impressed in the least by the soundtrack for MOS. Being a musician myself, I can pick out each individual instrument. The piano at the beginning is good but far too soft and slow, the tempo needs sped up just a bit and the volume needs increased by on the piano by 2 notches. The change ups in the main title are too strong and abrupt, it doesn't build on the anticipation. I would suggest extending the piano portion by roughly a minute. At the part in the current title where it breaks from the piano to the stronger instruments, I would suggest using violins/ clarinets and a mild bass line. The drums at the first change up are perfect but including a horn line into that portion aken to the Dark Knight theme would make the tone so much stronger. at the 1:17 mark of the score where the strings come in, is great but they need to fade in and build like a freight train rolling in from a distance. By adding a guitar line with flange effects to that portion it would cause the theme to resonate more. the 1:30 mark should blend with the 1:17 strings to give a clean build up rather than abrupt, again fade in and then bring it in powerfully with stronger horns. I would also you a softer slower version of this for the violins and flutes to do quietly over the opening piano. At the 2:30 mark begin to fade the track out with the opening piano playing over top fading in as the other's fading out and then fade out the opening piano.
lanternstorm - 6/22/2013, 10:12 AM
lanternstorm - 6/22/2013, 10:20 AM
As for #3. I enjoyed that they spent more time on Superman and Zod than the supporting cast, after all it's called "Man of Steel" we should build it on Superman not the supporting cast, but with Man of Steel exploring Superman's origins and putting more time into him than anyone else, I think the sequel would be the perfect time to begin exploring the likes of Perry White, Lois Lane and introduce Lex Luthor... Note: I said introduce, not make him the villain just yet... we need to understand why he wants to destroy Superman. We need to test him first. MOS showed a glimpse of what Superman is capable of, now it's time for Lex Luthor to try and understand that power, to test that power, bring out the best in Superman, while also trying to find a weakness.
lanternstorm - 6/22/2013, 10:47 AM

thenerdicon4 - 6/22/2013, 12:10 PM
hey lanternstorm, if you know so much about scoring a movie why dont you go do it instead of btching about a professional doing it. do i hear a touch of jealousy in your comment. All I am hearing is "waaah why didnt they choose me, i is so much better than a professional!"
Transforminator - 6/22/2013, 2:19 PM
I think Man of Steel did to Superman what Tim Burton's Batman '89 did to Batman. They turned the character a full 180 degrees similar to taking the Adam West Batman and completely reinventing him. I'm pumped to see which direction the sequel goes!
lanternstorm - 6/22/2013, 2:22 PM
Excuse me "fan of steel"... I never once complained about them not choosing me to score, for 1. I didn't throw my hat in the ring. 2. I only gave some tips, I never said the entire score was bad I simply gave my perspective of making it better. seriously dude, quit trolling. I'm guessing you're just a kid from your comment, so I'll take it easy on you. But make no mistake, the next time you troll on one of my posts, I will not be so kind.
DCfan89 - 6/22/2013, 3:10 PM
.... bleh
WHATSMYENAME - 6/22/2013, 10:46 PM
The sequel should be named "Superman" since this will probably be Clark's and everyone else fully accepting him as a superhero.
lucio7lopez - 6/23/2013, 1:25 AM
I'm agree with the point about reserved Lex Luthor for the 3. I love to see a Luthor for president and then falling ala Justice League animated, and then the legion of doom or something like that. The final arc must be the Justice League vs Darkseid ala Final Crisis!
CPBuff22 - 6/23/2013, 2:32 AM
1. Can Nolan
2. Can Snyder
3. Develope the Superman character
4. Develope supporting cast
5. Less scenes taken directly from Avitar & Independence Day
datNAMEtho - 6/23/2013, 1:49 PM
MOS was superawesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bearjew - 6/23/2013, 3:30 PM
I loved man of steel. I was supposed looking at Goyer's past films that they all sucked except for the dark knight. I say: keep Goyer. Have the second movie be a story about Clark Kent as he is now living in Metropolis, have Lex Luthor find and invade the Fortress of Solitude while Superman is away. Inside he will find a piece of Kryptonite that he will extract and he uncovers a tomb in the bottom of the fortress designed as a secret weapon. Lex's company extracts the sarcophagus and Lex accidentally awakens the man inside who appears as merely another Kryptonian. Clark discovers from Jor El that the man is in fact a genetically-engineered weapon who adapts to any weakness, he was designed as a way to easily overcome any foreign army. He tells Clark that as soon as a catalyst sets off his transformation he will become a weapon of mass destruction. Luthor exposes the kryptonian man to Kryptonite which initially weakens it but then causes him to transform into Doomsday. He takes off on a rampage of Metropolis. Superman goes to stop him, when their battle finally takes them back to LEXCORP Clark sacrifices himself by using the large amount of Kryptonite taken from the Fortress. He triggers an electromagnetic anomaly that supercharges the Kryptonite and reverts Doomsday back into his regular form of a man (while in a coma). Clark seemingly has died, his body vaporized. Clark wakes up six weeks later on the Kent Farm, in the corn field, sent across time and space by the electromagnetic anamoly. Movie ends with Clark arriving back in metropolis to find Lois. Doomsday is being kept in a cryo tank by the government.
GreenLantern519 - 6/23/2013, 9:29 PM
It is WAY too early to even introduce Doomsday, it's been ONE movie and you guys already want the Death of Superman storyline. Crazy!
exirae - 6/24/2013, 1:35 AM
I think goyer wrote a pretty tight script actually given how unwieldy things could've gotten, and in general, it didn't feel like it stumbled over all of the cliches of an origin story. Keep him on, but find someone else to polish up his dialogue.
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